
Origins III

A heavy assertion!

Aspasia- someone that the Great Mother stated that she had a unique connection to the Great Beyonder.

She stated that without a shadow of a doubt, The Great Beyonder was alive and well.

That he had Transcended what they commonly knew and understood to reach an entirely different dimension of existence!

Her palm was stretched out.

His own palm came forward as at this moment, waves began to pulse between them as their palms got closer and closer to each other.

|The Great Beyonder could be watching all of this right now, and we wouldn't be able to know. He could be watching our bodies out there, or even be capable of somehow seeing into this Nexus of Megalos Records that only you and I are in.|


This was a terrifying level of power.

If it was true.

Ozymandias looked at Aspasia closely as he spoke inquisitively.

|You speak with great confidence in this. What gives you such confidence?|