
The Three Immortals

Ancient Spell: [Teleport]



The three True Immortals, Garnn, Oskar, and Lamar stood in the open empty street of New York City. They looked at all the flaming blue blood and gory innocent violence spreading across the streets. They looked at the burning destruction in eh distance. The world a blue flame. The blood a red death. And they stood in the center of it all. The cloud of ash flaming overhead and turning into a whirlwind of hell. They looked down at their feet to see Damon laid out in chunks, his breath a frozen frost as he slowly chipped apart, healing, and freezing over and over again. They looked at the ice sword next to him, his frozen arm still grasping it.

"So Damon was defeated then?" questioned Lamar as he looked around at the crumbling buildings, at the world trade center as it still stood tall in the inferno.

"We should interrogate him. Ask him for the Ice Witch's location... But first... Who wants dibs on the Ice Witch?" asked Garnn.

Oskar stepped up, his naked body bloody and black, he gripped tight to his white hair, "I'll go for Olezka, you two go after the Mind Witch."

"Sounds like a good idea. But where is the Mind Witch? What happened here?" questioned Lamar as looked at all the death, the confused questions perpetuating in his mind. Like how did this happen, and who started it.

But before any of them could even start interrogating Damon for questions, he spoke up for them.

Damon spat up sparkling glittery ice dust and said, "Olezka... Olezka is... He's down the... Street... Kill him... For Aria..."

Oskar looked down at Damon. He looked at his frozen, half-destroyed face, his scuffed breath, and tired regeneration.

"Hmmm... Thanks..."



He crushed Damon's frozen face into hundreds of sparkling pieces and then turned back to the two other True Immortals.

"Now you two find the Mind Witch. I'll kill Olezka. But don't forget, once we kill them, we're going after Demophon."


"One hundred percent."

Oskar quickly started sprinting down the street, his naked body flailing in the moist wind as survivors screamed and cried. Hundreds of dead, hundreds murdered, jumped, crushed, burned alive. An infinite burning. Never-ending. The city. Thousands, millions. All dead... All as he ran down the street, his naked feet bruising, bleeding with every step, but he would heal back in an instant.

On the other end of the street, Olezka slowly stumbled forward, his bleeding feet squishing to the sound of his own blood. He reached the corner before Oskar stopped, his naked body contrasted by the burning blue around him.

Olezka turned around, "your... What are you doing here?"

"What do you think?"

Oskar cracked his knuckles. His white hair flowing against Olezka's white hair. His naked body opposite Olezka's bloody white suit. His blue eyes contrasted against Olezka's deep grey.

"I'm guessing you're the one who took out Damon?" questioned Oskar.

"And? What do you want? Do you want to kill me too? Did Demophon send you too? To take out her trash?"

Oskar smirked, "if you've lived as long as I have, and you've seen as much as I have, you would know exactly what I'm thinking right now. I don't have a choice. She's the only one in the world who can kill me. And I don't want to die."

"So you're trying to get on her good side, then."

"For now. But I'm not selfish. I have a husband, I have a family. I have a reason to live, unlike you."

Olezka shook his head in disagreence, "I also have a reason to live. Its to kill you."

Ice Spell: [Icecle Burst]

Oskar jumped back as three long icicles extended out from Olezka's fingertips.


They pierced right through Oskar's stomach, the three long cylindrical points connecting at the tips, the blood dripping out from the holes.

"This won't kill me," smirked Oskar, his body slightly suspended off the ground.

"You Immortals are too arrogant. Didn't Eiko teach you to be warry when fighting an Ice Witch?"

Olezka sacrificed all of his hair, and all of his skin, all of his unneeded organs.

Ice Spell: [Perfect Ice]

The icicles suddenly turned dark and chilling. A cold freeze flooded the long streets as Oskar desperately tried to break free from Olezka's icicles. But even after breaking free and trying to run away, he was too slow.


In an instant, Oskar froze over. His body blue and black, encased in a layer of permafrost. The entire street was a snowy white, contrasted by the fire burning across the crumbling buildings. Olezka fell back as the icicles finally broke from his fingertips, blood running from his scalp, from his muscled skin, his aching stomach, his missing organs. He shook in pain as Oskar stood, his body stuck in a large ice cap of perfect ice.

Olezka sat up, his back cracking with his squirting blood. He frowned a deep deep painful sadness.

"That's two True Immortals down... Now all I have to do is... Find... Aria... And... And..."

The painful sadness...

He passed out.


Meanwhile in Connecticut. Aria was searching through Damon's stash. She burrowed through boxes, opened up containers, and tossed out weapon after weapon. Everything looked ancient. It was either another feathered weapon made out of bone or another simple sacrificial dagger cursed in old runes and chants.

Every single weapon she pulled out was the same. A creepy copy of just another. But she would still try to use each one to destroy the Immortal Necronomicon. But each time the weapon would either shatter on impact or get stopped by the book's magically warded pages.

"This is bullshit! Damon was just collecting knockoffs.."

She made it through every single box and every single crate before getting to the very back of the storage locker, where she found the final weapon. A single long weapon covered in a black tarp. She walked up to it and quickly pondered on what it could be. Then without hesitation, she reached down and peeled off the tarp revealing a long spear. But not just any spear. A spear covered in glowing red blood.

"What is this?"

She reached down and tried to pick up the spear-


As her fingertips inched every too close to the weapons guarded wooden staff, she felt a sharp electric pain scourge across her body.

"What the fuck?!"

She fell back as her body twitched in compulsions. She then tried to pick the spear up again, but she was immediately hindered by its incessant electric impulses, making her drop it, over and over again.

"What is this thing?!"


At the same time, as Aria pondered the powers of this mysterious weapon in front of her, Damon's immortality struggled on the line between death and life. He would think about her, about Luna about everyone. Then he would think about Olezka. His hate for him. Then at the same time, Lamar and Garnn searched for the Mind Witch, they searched up and down the street before looking into the World Trade Center where they saw Bai waiting in the lobby. They entered.

But as all these Witches fought and talked and killed, there was something else coming. A new threat approaching. A threat not of just one Witch, or two Witches, or even a Witch Family. This didn't even have anything to do with the three Witch Families on their way to New York, or with the Witch Hunters. This was a threat on a whole other scale. A threat larger than anything Damon, Olezka, or Aria could ever handle. A threat so massive that not even Demophon could predict it.