
Infinite Immortal God

Chen Tian who was an ordinary human on earth in previous life traversed into body of 18 Chen tian in lower god realm where everyone can awaken dimension of god within body after reaching 18 years of age and continue to comprehend laws start from basic 5 elements. From birth chen tian has awakened Omnipotent God System. 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite Ressurrection. 2.Infinite Immortal Quota 3.Infinite Enhancement 4.Infinite Dimension Chat Group 5.Indestructible God's Domain

Fantasy3104 · Fantasi
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18 Chs

8. Ying Zheng sacrifices world and promotion to lower god

(system from now on don't increase size and area of Eternal Palace and Eternal Realm, instead increase it's strength, density and other needed things within daily consumed 10% divine power. Also make divine power flow from Eternal palace towards Eternal Realm and then outwards with concentration of 50% in palace, 25% in Eternal Realm and then spread remaining 25% with Eternal realm as centre)

Because his divine power itself is omnipotent energy born and purified from faith by system so it doesn't affect operation of any world with extraordinary energy or magic power, etc. soon all beasts in eternal realm began to cheer for feeling to abundant amount of divine power everywhere which was almost condensing into liquid while palace had already appeared rivers, lakes and fountains of divine power condensed into liquid. Although every creature consumes divine power in God's domain compared to how much it's created it is simply negligible.

Eternal God: "@Qin Emperor although you are pious enough but your progress compared to others is still slow due to being in ancient era. Your world has no world consciousness or indigeneous gods so for next month your world will experience 30 years of acceleration so work hard. Also animals and other living beings in your world will be automatically assimilated into divine domain when ascending and you only need to worry about sentient beings becoming a believer otherwise every soul that is not a believer in me will be sent to reincarnation in underworld after your world ascends and being washed into my divine power."

Qin Emperor: "Thank you for your grace lord god ying zheng will not let you down."

spirit of demon sword: "This is how god's power is incomparable to those immortals who claim to be gods and demons, pray lord god."

Pirate King of Caribbean: "Now in england I'm uncrowned king and Eternal Relegion and Temple spread almost over entire england just waiting for national sacrifice."

Whitebeard: "Gu la la now entire New Grand line is occupied by our Eternal Pirates and even navy has joined to us in large quantity."

NInja Scientist: "Hehe now apart from konoha, fire country is also included changing it's name to eternal fire country and several ninja's of other villages also surrendered."

Days months and Years quickly passed within Qinshimingyue world and now came 30th year during which ying zheng and his army conquered entire planet from china to whole asia then europe and after sailing continent of america, australia and africa also ushered in victory of immortal qin.

Today is the day when they ascend to God Realm along with their world so a lot of immortal grain along with xiaomeng and jing salamander. Due to conquering and stabilizing entire empire Golden Dragon of Qi luck was born and visibly floated above daqin. As daqin's territory and prosperity increased it's size also increased from initial 1000 meter long to now almost reaching 1 million metres long. Sacrificial ceremony started and Ying zheng started to sacrifice.

An altar was carved with most precious gold and jewels and god realm runes within Eternal sacrifice. Altar with an area of about 100 sq. metres was prepared on which preparation goddess as well as immortal grain in large quantity were arranged along with golden dragon of qi luck.

[Ding- Ying Zheng sacrifices you two goddess and you get 300,000 times increase you get two 3 star goddess. you get 30% increase of god's domain area.]

[Ding- Ying Zheng sacrifices golden dragon of qi luck you get 1 million times increase and get God domain's Golden Dragon of fate lower god level.]

[Ding- Ying zheng sacrifices his own world you get 100,000 times increase and get Daqin Immortal realm]

As soon as ying zheng sacrificed world dark clouds rolled and thunder resounded and god's domain was once again opened in which all immortal grain floated and went straight into eternal realm along with new goddess and golden dragon of fate who has size of almost reaching 1 light year long.

Chen tian also came through passage and held world of daqin in his hands and let it asscend during which trees in it turned into various exilir and immortal trees burds and animals turned into spirits and some even turned into holy beasts size kept increasing until it reached 100,000 times that of original.

Since this world is taken this universe also can be taken thinking this his mind moved and simply merged it into original god's domain increasing it's size containing almost 2 trillion galaxies. with daqin world moved to almost edge because of not being able to endure eternal sun.

[Ding- because of golden dragon of fate and merging ordinary universe you god realm broke through lower god realm.]


As if original shackles were broken life level was also promoted along with crazy increase in divine power along with size of god's domain reaching it's limit and breaking through it's shackles. The standard for promotion of god's domain requires law's to reach 10% of level 1 as for mid level god needs 10% of level 2 and so on.