
Infinite Death Games Apocalypse: The Rise of Villains

"You have three lives - One as a human, one as a survivor, and one as a hunter." In the year 202X, a chilling phenomenon grips the globe as 20,000 individuals vanish without a trace overnight. This eerie occurrence repeats every Sunday at midnight, sending shockwaves through society. Despite the escalating disappearances over 20 consecutive weeks, the world remains indifferent to the growing crisis. Among the missing is Vesper Pallas, whose fate thrusts him into a realm of perilous existence. Confronted with life-threatening situations, he unravels the sinister truth behind the abductions and the ensuing terror. Following a fateful encounter with a mysterious figure resembling the Grim Reaper, Vesper is forced into a triad of roles: a father, a prey, and a relentless hunter in pursuit of answers.

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72 Chs

This revelation has sent shockwaves through society, prompting a wave of discussion and speculation.

Chapter 59 - Stage 1 (Survivor) - 9

The red hunter brandished his sword, charging at Vesper.

Vesper pointed at the floor and turned the wooden plank into gold. The spell transformed the wood into yellow metal and spread to his cloak, getting him stuck.

The hunter took two steps forward, but his cloak's hems were stuck to the golden plank. He looked down and noticed that a portion of his cloak became one with the floor. 

As soon as the hunter looked away from Vesper, the latter's wane pointed at his face. A crystal manifested in front of him and pierced his forehead. However, the magic missile failed to break through his thick skull.

After getting hit at point-blank, the red hunter's head tilted backward and he took a step back.

Riding on the momentum, Vesper used the golden body skill and charged at the hunter, throwing a punch in the latter's face.