
Inferno Chapter 2

After being taken to the top of the building Brayson is sat on the ground while the mysterious boy stands above him.

Gregory: Hello Brayson, I'm Gregory a servant to the one who possesses the power of Inferno and I am here to help control the powers that you wield.

Brayson: What in the world are you even talking about, where's my sister and how did you bring us up here?

Brayson stands and looks at the edge of the building and sees how far they came up off the ground

Brayson: Where's the rope?

Gregory: There's no rope, I brought you up here by my own abilities and I sent your sister to a pocket in space that time stays still and you are put into a dream state.

Brayson: Okay I get it...this is a prank, alright guys I figured it out,come on out.

Gregory:(sighs) this is not a prank and what I'm saying to you is all true.

Brayson: Okay prove it.

Gregory: You would think me jumping of this building then jumping back up with you on my shoulder would be enough proof but your a special stubborn so I guess I'll show you.

Brayson:. Yeah whatever, just show me?

Gregory starts accumulating energy around his hands and then moves his left up and his right up his body then armor envelop his body.

With shock Brayson falls to his but

Brayson: H..How did you….You mean that what you were saying is true about you having the ability to do that without any support.

Gregory: that's what I told you and the abilities you have as well.

Brayson: Okay it's one thing that you have powers or whatever it is, but I'm positive I don't anything of the sort.

Gregory: How do you explain that punch that you threw earlier?

Brayson: It was adrenaline obviously, otherwise I would have never been able to hit him as hard as I did.

Gregory: You're wrong, the powers that you have is more incredible you have, you can become more powerful than anything, you are the one that can help defeat all evil.

Brayson: (thinking) If I go with him I can learn how to do whatever he's doing but if the people I'm going to be fighting are like him I'd pass I want to keep my life.

Gregory: Not to mention people will start coming after you after this.

Brayson: I'm going to have to say no, I'd rather live than die young, I'm pretty sure you got the wrong guy anyways so I'm going to go back home instead.

Gregory: (sigh) If you insist.

Gregory then grabs Brayson by his collar and takes him down the building and brings Brayson's sister out of the space.

Gregory: Are you sure you don't want to come with me and learn how to use your abilities.

Brayson: Nah I'm good, I'm going home.

Adriana: What… what the heck just happened?

Brayson: You fainted during the fight and I beat Vincent and Virgil down, then the rest of the group got scared and ran away.

Adriana: Oh okay.

Brayson: Well, thanks for the offer, see you around... I think.

Gregory shakes his head in disappointment as Brayson and Adriana walk away, When Brayson and Adriana get home he goes directly to his bed and falls asleep. Then when he opens his eyes he sees sand in front of him, thinking nothing of it he trys to have his eyes adjust and when he looks again he notices that it's real.

Brayson: What the heck, where am I!!!

Brayson tries to move then notices that he is tied to a wooden pillar and a group of men, 9 of them are sitting around a fire.

Disciple: Oh you're finally awake the wielder of Inferno.

Brayson: Who are you and where am I?

Disciple: You are on my master Udan's island and I am the one who will end your life. Good thing you haven't learned how to remove the restraints the Inferno places, otherwise it would be impossible for me to kill you with this blade.

The Disciple pulls a short sword out out of a sheath that was hanging on his lower back and the other disciples start laughing at Brayson.

Brayson: Wait, wait, hold on don't!!!

The Disciple thrust the sword towards Brayson's abdominal area, and the swords snaps in two.

The disciple jumps back and the other disciples blitz towards Brayson and Brayson panics and pulls his arms out of the restraints and covers his face and the other swords snap in half.

Brayson looks at his body in shock seeing that he isn't injured by the weapons, then the disciples start creating weapons out of energy, Brayson stares at the disciples in shock .

Brayson: What is happening!?

One of the disciples dash's towards Brayson swinging his sword and by instinct Brayson dodges and this swords nicks his arm causing him to bleed,

The rest of the disciples charge towards Brayson and he jumps in fight or flight mode and punches the first disciple in the face which breaks every bone in his face.

The other disciples try to attack him from his legs and above his head but everything seems to be moving slowly to Brayson and he jumps right pass them and lands in the fire and panics.

Brayson: Oh shoot, oh shoot!

He notices that the fire isn't burning him  the disciples look relieved to see that he doesn't have an understanding of his powers.

All the disciples: (laugh)

A disciple: thank goodness you don't have an understanding of your abilities, you are the embodiment of power, fire, and heat and have plenty other abilities along with that, If you knew that you wouldn't have been panicking when you stepped in the flames. It would be see to say you aren't able to use those abilities by will except of your super speed and strength.

Brayson: I'm not even moving that fast and what do you mean by super strength!

a disciple: You haven't noticed, we're were all moving faster than the speed of sound and if you look at one of our comrades laying on the ground over there you will see that every bone in his face is shattered if he was a normal person he would've died already.

Brayson looks completely shocked at what they have just said.

Brayson:(thinking) I guess that Gregory guy was right about me.

A disciple: All right let's kill him.

All of the disciples circle him then thrusted there swords at him at once. Brayson ducked and kicked Two of the disciples in the leg completely snapping them. The two disciples fall towards Brayson and try to stay him and he kicks one of them in the face while grabbing the others arm.

Brayson twists the disciples arm and breaks it causing bone shards to protrude through his skin.

The others disciples back off of Brayson and Brayson gets up off the ground.

A disciple: This is going to be harder than  expected, he's faster than us so we need to get him at his blind side.

One of the disciples jumps into the air and another one grabs his legs and throws him at Brayson. Brayson ducks then punches him in his stomach breaking his ribs. Right behind the disciple that Brayson just punched was another one, Brayson trips and falls on his butt having the blade miss him by inches.

The disciple that missed his attack took advantage of this and flips and jumps off a tree behind Brayson and another disciple in front of Brayson charges in front of Brayson. Brayson then jumps high into the air before they can stay him causing them to stab each other.

Brayson: (thinking)Man, I'm cutting it too close, wait how did I get this high!!!!

One of the disciples jump into the air at Brayson and another jumps on the other side of Brayson and the last disciple stands at where Brayson will land. The disciple ahead of Brayson tries to stab Brayson and Brayson kicks him in the stomach having him land in the sea. The disciple directly behind Brayson slashes at Brayson nicking his chest, he grabs the disciple and headbutts him.

The disciple under Brayson points his sword directly up at Brayson and Brayson begins to free fall.

Brayson: No, No, shoot!!!

The disciple: Even though you defeated almost everyone of us, this is the end for you die!!!!

Right before hitting the blade Brayson blasts a beam of fire on top of the disciple leaving the disciple unconscious.

Brayson:(nervously) yoooooooo what the heck!!!!

Brayson drops down to his knees looking at his hands.

Brayson: What in the world is going on, (exhales) The main thing I need to worry about is how to get off this Island.

Brayson looks towards the center of the island and sees a light beaming from there.

Brayson: I guess that's where I need to be headed.

Brayson journeys through the jungle reaching the where the light is and the light is coming from a temple. Brayson crouches down and tries easing his way to the front door. He couldn't explain it but he felt a great danger ahead of him.

Udan: Enough of your creeping come in!

Brayson felt his voice to his core, the man's voice shook the whole island. At this moment this is the nervous that Brayson has ever felt in his life, even before he was stabbed by the knife the disciple had this was far more oppressing. Brayson kept low believing he might've been speaking to someone else, mostly because he was in denial.

Udan: I gave you a chance.

Udan appeared directly in front of Brayson and kicked him into the temple.

Udan: Oh, you survived that I guess it's true how formidable the power of Inferno is.

Brayson:(in pain) who are you.

Udan: I am the master of this island and also the one who will bring your death Udan, it's nothing personal it's just I wouldn't want you to interfere with my students work, the wielder of Absolute Zero. Although killing you I would have use my full power but it would bring me my death, it's worth it though for the young master.

Brayson stands up and punches at Udan then Udan side steps Brayson and kicks him in the air. Then Udan creates gauntlets made of energy. Then uppercuts Brayson blowing the roof off of the temple. Brayson's ribs fracture then Udan spits up blood

Udan: I need to finish this as quick as possible.

Brayson grabs Udan's arm and kicks his shoulder and knocks Udan to one knee.

Udan: you're stronger than I thought.

Udan jump and flips in the air at high speeds and and axe kicks Brayson in his stomach into the ground. Brayson loses consciousness for a split second then wakes back up and throws up.

Brayson: (thinking) I'm going to die if don't do something quick, how about that fire thing.

Udan punches into the air and a green circle made of energy appears around his arm then multiple impacts are made everywhere around Brayson knocking him into the ground breaking his collarbone his left arm and his ribs. Udan spits up blood and lands into the ground.

Brayson jumps at Udan with fire covering his fist and he punches Udan blasting him down into the jungle then Udan's walks back up with his shirt blown off and blood leaking from his ears, nose, and mouth, as he walks up Brayson can see his defined muscles showing how much effort he has put into surpassing his limits not to mention the scars all over his body that's shows the trials he has endured.

Udan gets into the horse stance and punches with both fist making two circles made of energy on his arms, At that moment all Brayson felt was fear.

Brayson: (thinking) I'm really going to die.

Suddenly the circles on Udan's arms disappear and he is left standing with both his fist out while in the horse stance.

Brayson: Huh?

Brayson stands and walks over to Udan and sees that he wasn't moving, Udan had died before completely the move, Brayson fell to the ground exhausted .

Brayson: I almost died, oh my gosh.

Brayson lies on the ground and starts to lose conscious and his vision becomes blurry, but a figure appears above him

Gregory: I told you this would happen, guess you had to learn the hard way.

Brayson:(thinking) That sounds like that Gregory guy.

Brayson then loses consciousness.