
Inferno Chapter 1

Brayson is at home sleep on his bed but is woken up by his phone alarm.

Brayson: (groans) I don't even want to go today.

Brayson's younger sister walks into his room.

Adriana: Hey get up it's time to go to school.

Brayson: I'm already up.

Adriana: Then get out of bed!!!

Brayson: I will if you let me, gosh.

Adriana: Then do it.

Brayson begins to ignore Adriana.

Adriana walks out annoyed by Branson

Adriana: Get up.


Brayson gets up and starts to get ready and then starts reading manga on his phone.

Adriana takes almost an hour to put her makeup on and do her hair.

Adriana: Let's go.

Brayson puts his shoes on

Adriana: Gosh you take so long!

Brayson: You were just in the bathroom for an hour.

Adriana: So you're making us late.

Brayson gives Adriana a dirty look then ignores her

Brayson and Adriana make their way to school.

Brayson and Adriana make it to school before the last bell

Brayson: I love you see you at lunch

Adriana: Okay, love you too

Brayson walks into class and see the annoying bunch of kids hanging out together especially Vergil and Vincent.

Vincent: Look at that fool always wondering in at the last moment.

Virgil: Hey idiot why are you late, running from the cops.

Brayson: Nah, but now I'm trying to run away from the thought of breaking your jaw

Virgil: What are you going to do then?

Vincent: yeah!

Brayson: If you man up and meet after school you'll find out you inbred.

Virgil: Okay! I can't wait!

Brayson: Me too, I wouldn't ever thought someone would be excited to get beat down.

Virgil glares at Branson with hatred

Vincent: Come on Virgil, he'll get what's coming later.

Brayson sits down and focuses on the rest of class

Two periods pass


Lunch Bell rings

Brayson goes to lunch and waits for Adriana

Adriana walks up to Branson

Adriana: who do you want to hangout with.

Brayson: No one everyone is fake.

Adriana: Yeah you're right.

Brayson: I can't wait to get home and to go to sleep.

Adriana: Me too, I'm so tired.

Adriana and Brayson sit alone together at lunch

Virgil and Vincent begin to walk towards Brayson

Brayson: What do you two want.

Vincent: You already know what.

Virgil: F**k after school let's do this right now

Brayson: Okay, let's do this right now!!!

Vincent: Chill out Virgil, let's wait till after school.

Virgil: (exhales) you're right, you're gonna get what's coming!

Brayson: Yeah calm down before you get yourself hurt.

Virgil: Meet us at the dump yard

Brayson: (confidently)I'll be there

Vincent: don't bi**h out.

Brayson: Oh you won't have to worry about that

Virgil and Vincent walk away

Adriana: What was that all about?

Brayson: Those idiots want to fight.

Adriana: No Brayson, what if they try to jump you.

Brayson: Nah if they try that I'm not going to fight fair.

Adriana: I don't care no.

Brayson: I don't care I'm still going to fight.

Adriana: I'll tell mom.

Brayson: Tell her.

Adriana: I'm serious.

Brayson ignores her again

Adriana: I got Dance tryouts today.

Brayson: Okay what time do you get out?

Adriana:  5:00

The lunch bell rings

Brayson: Alright I'll see you, after school.

Adriana: Alright, don't go fighting either.

Brayson: umm hm

Adriana: Branson! If you do I'ma tell Mom

Brayson: Okay okay

Brayson goes through school day

The school day is over now

Branson: Okay see later Adriana, love you.

Adriana: Love you too.

Brayson goes to the dump and see no one has arrived and begins to wait.

Virgil and Vincent arrive with a group of people behind them.

Virgil: Are you ready to get jumped?

Brayson: I thought this was going to be one on one.

Vincent: Hahaha well all the mess you were talking you deserve more than a one on one.

Brayson: You are just a bunch of punks.

The whole group begins to rush Branson

Brayson knocks out two of the guys while backing away

Brayson tries to put himself against a wall so no one can attack him from behind

Brayson kick a guy in his private area

Brayson gets hit in his right side of his face and he grabs one of the guys and use him as a shield and pushes through and begins running away

Virgil and Vincent's whole group chases after Brayson.

Brayson stops abruptly and turns around and close line one of the guys.

Brayson then gets squats down and trip one of the attackers.

Brayson quickly springs up and runs away again quickly turning corners and going through obstacles.

Brayson finally gets far enough to get inside a bookstore called "true knowledge".

Brayson runs up to the store owner frantically

Brayson: there are a whole group of guys trying to jump me.

Store owner: Hide behind the counter.

Brayson: Okay, thank you.

Vincent and Virgil's group come barging through the door

Vincent: Have you seen a pretty tall black kid with a auburn hair.

Store owner: No, I haven't seen someone like that.

Virgil:(suspiciously) Are you sure?

Store Owner: I think I would notice someone like that.

Vincent: Whatever.

Vincent and Virgil run out with their group

Brayson stands up and comes  around the counter

Brayson: Thank you very much those guys are psychotic.

Store Owner: No problem, at all.

Brayson looks around the store intrigued

Brayson: I haven't been to this bookstore before.

Store Owner: oh do you like it, I just moved here recently.

Brayson begins to walk around.

Brayson: Yeah I do a lot, there's plenty of books I haven't seen before.

Store Owner: Thanks there's a lot valuable books in here.

Brayson: No problem, I'm just telling how I see it.

Brayson stops abruptly

Brayson: What's this book?

Store Owner: Oh, Inferno?

Brayson: Yeah.

Store Owner: Well that's one of the greatest comics books I've ever read.

Brayson begins to Cheese

Brayson: Really?

Store Owner: Do you want to buy it?

Brayson's smile subtly changes into a sad frown

Brayson: I would like to but I don't have any money.

The Store Owner gives Brayson a reassuring look

Store Owner: You can have it, I let you keep.

Brayson: Really?

Store Owner: Yeah, but the cost is that you tell me your name is all and come buy some books every so often.

Brayson: Well my name is Brayson.

Store Owner: Nice to Meet you Brayson I'm Aderin

Brayson: Thank you Aderin.

Aderin: You're welcome, hardly see any good kids like these days.

Aderin checks the comic book out for Brayson


Brayson starts heading home

Brayson: Thanks again Aderin.

Aderin: It's no problem.

Brayson makes his way home and on his way he sees a boy transform into some armor and teleport away

Brayson contemplates if what he saw was reality or if it was him seeing things because of the injuries he's received during the fight.

Brayson knocks on his door and his mom keeka answers it.

Keeka: Why are you home so late!?

Brayson: Some guys tried to jump me.

Keeka: What who.

Brayson: Some idiots named Virgil and Vincent, I knocked some out through.

Keeka: Albert!!!

Albert: Yeah what's wrong.

Albert is Brayson's dad

Keeka: Someone tried to jump Brayson.

Albert: Who!?

Brayson: Some guys named Virgil and Vincent.

Albert: If they try to do something again call us right away.

Branson: Okay.

Keeka: there's food in the microwave for you.

Brayson: Okay thanks mom.

Brayson eats then goes to sleep

Brayson gets up right away and heads to school with Adriana

Brayson and Adriana enter school

Brayson: We got here earlier.

Adriana: Yeah finally, you wanna eat breakfast?

Brayson: why not.

Brayson and Adriana begin to eat their food.

Adriana: What happened yesterday with those kids.

Adriana was sleep when everything happened and got picked up by their parents earlier

Brayson:(nonchalantly) Oh I fought them.

Adriana: What, what happened!

Brayson: They tried to jump me.

Adriana: At least you're alright.

The school bell rings

Brayson goes to class and the usual idiots start at it again.

Virgil: How'd you like the beatings.

Brayson: Oh I loved the beatings.... I gave you guys.

Vincent: Says the one who ran.

Brayson: Yeah I ran, but you know what's funny, I was the only one to walk out of there that  knocked someone out, oh wait there was more than one.

Virgil: Keep talking.

Brayson: And then what?

The teacher: Hey you guys stop horsing around.

About 20 minutes of class pass and Brayson begins to get bored then he remembers he got that new comic book

Brayson opens his backpack and sees a big book in his backpack that wasn't there

It was the comic book he bought earlier

Brayson opens the book to see if it was interesting or not

When Brayson opens the book a flame springs out of the book the flame begins to envelope Brayson's body. Brayson tries to stand up but it does not allow him to

The flame then burns a flame insignia on his shoulder .At the this point Brayson screams in pain then the flame disappears .Everyone stares at Brayson in confusion

The teacher: Are you alright Brayson?

Brayson: You didn't see that?

Virgil: What is this nutcase yapping about.

Brayson then realizes that no one else has seen

Brayson: I'm talking about Vincent and Virgil hideous faces.

Vincent stands up in anger

Vincent: What you say punk!

Brayson: You heard me, I said it slow enough for you to understand.

Vincent begins to charge towards Brayson in a rage

Virgil stops Vincent by grabbing his shoulder.

Virgil: Later

Brayson: yeah, later.

School ends and Brayson begins to walk home with Adriana

Brayson: Adriana, Virgil and Vincent may try to jump me again if they do I want you to run.

Adriana: Nope if they do I'll jump in.

Brayson:  No, you can't fight dudes.

Adriana: No, I don't care I'll still try to fight.

Brayson:(sigh) whatever.

Brayson sees Virgil and Vincent from a distance.

Virgil and Vincent begin to walk towards Brayson with a big group of boys.

Brayson: So you trying to start stuff with my sister here.

Vincent: Hahaha you should've thought about it before you started talking mess.

Adriana: If you try to jump him I'm jumping in I'll fight you too.

Virgil: I'm not afraid to attack a girl.

Brayson gets infuriated

Brayson: I will like to see you freaking try!!!

Virgil: Let's go then

The group rushes towards Brayson but only now Brayson becomes ruthless in the way he attacks in order to protect his sister.

Vincent gets around Brayson and lifts his fist towards Adriana and Brayson turns around and punches Vincent ,Only now Brayson is overwhelmed with his own strength and sends Vincent into a wall at least 20 feet away from them.

Everyone pauses in awe at the mysterious act that took place in front of them.Then fear hits each and everyone of the guys in Virgil and Vincent group

Virgil runs full speed and grabs Vincent and runs away.Then there is a clap nearby not only is it a clap but it was as if the person who was clapping was applauding Brayson.

Brayson looks up and sees a boy who looks to be the around the same age as him sitting on the edge of a 4 story high building.

The boy jumps down and lands on the ground uninjured

Mysterious Boy: Congratulations on succeeding gaining the powers Inferno

Brayson: (confusionly) wait what.

The boy sends Adriana through a portal and grabs Brayson and flys to the top of the building he jumped off