

"To be honest, I'm surprised, I never thought that the girl who was texting me would be you."  A love story like no other, A love story that bloomed between two persons that never saw each other, Inesa and Vincent who knew each other through a dating app. Will, it's different for Inesa the girl who due to her special disease that caused her to be an antisocial person who's hated by her relatives. Inesa Cirillo, A girl who is born with a golden spoon in her mouth and inherited the enormous fortune of her father but there's one problem, Inesa is unable to take the family business after her father because of her disease and her antisocial problems and that where the rule of Vincent Semenov comes. Excited to know more about the story, Add it to your library and follow the updates. 

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13 Chs

He won't be tricked once again

Reading the replay, Vincent hesitated to send another message at first, he still doesn't know if she was a girl or someone who was playing pranks on him, but decided that he had nothing to lose by trying, so he started typing.

[Is it your first time using the app?] Vincent asked and waited for the reply.

It didn't take long to see the other party in the conversation typing but the words were never sent, it seemed that whoever was replying was nervous or had never used a smartphone before or she or he could be hesitating. 

Pure whiteness is typing.......................................

Five minutes passed then ten and nothing was sent and that was when Vincent concluded that this girl is extremely nervous so he took it upon himself to send an encouraging message to this hesitating girl. 

[I can feel that you're nervous and it's normal, take a moment to clear your mind and you don't have to reply right now.] Vincent typed and sent the message before he put his phone on the table and stood up, walked towards the bed and grabbed his laptop to check on the work emails.

His poor assistant was begging him for days now to do his work so he decided to take some time from his vacation and discovered it was his work. 


On the other side of the world, precisely in Inesa's room, an atmosphere of extreme tension and self-doubt filled the room. The message that Vincent sent was supposed to encourage her but what happened was the opposite.

Inesa started to scold herself for not being able to gather herself just to write one word to reply. What happened to her was that she kept typing and deleting for a long time. It wasn't that hard but why couldn't she do it?

Reading the night king's message once again, Inesa felt that she may have exaggerated things a bit too much, what might be an insult to her was only mere advice from him.

Out of habit, Inesa started biting her nails as she thought of replying to the night king's question, she should write the truth, she had never used this app before or any dating up but will that masks her seem inexperienced, maybe she might lose her first and might be only chance to date a real person.

But, Her father once told her that honesty is the key to long-lasting friendship, so she decided to keep her reply short and honest.

Picking up her phone, Insea unlocked her phone and started to type her short-honest reply and sent it, and she has to wait to know what his reply will be.

But little did she know that she had to wait for the night king's reply for more than six hours as she didn't know that this anonymous person was busy.


Back at Vincent's hotel room in Brazil.

The lazy man who has been slacking for the past few days had finally finished the whole week's undone work, Vincent signed, reviewed,d and replied to work emails that were put on hold because of his laziness.

Many businessmen envy Vincent for taking work so lightly, the man is known for skipping important meetings with partners to go for a week or two for vacation and coming back asking for remeeting as if nothing had happened.

Now Vincent's reputation might be bad in the business industry but no company refuses his offer for partnership, Why? because the man is good at his work and able to win any deal just by sitting with any businessman for less than fifteen minutes, not all of the of course but most of the deals.

"Ah, I'm done finally." Putting the laptop away, Vincent stretched his stiff body. 

Getting up, He walked towards the balcony and opened it, it was already morning, he worked all night to get everything done. Stepping inside the balcony, Vincent was welcomed by the breathtaking scenery in front of him. Brasilia is such a beautiful place, he did well by choosing this place to spend his vacation in.

At times like these, all that Vincent wished for was his life to be pleased with good health and to have a big family to take care of.

While Vincent was sitting on the balcony, drinking the coffee that he prepared for himself and enjoying his time, He suddenly remembered that he hadn't checked on his phone to see if Pure whiteness had sent a reply or not.

Walking back inside the room, Vincent picked up his phone to check and saw that she indeed replied and it was a short one. Now he was confused thinking about if this girl is really shy or if it was some guy who doesn't know how to imitate a female's ways of replying.

To put an end to his doubts, Vincent thought about asking this girl for a video chat, this way both of them will make sure that they aren't being fooled by some pervert's internet stalkers. 

[Do you want to video chat?] Vincent sent his offer and waited patiently for her reply.

He had fallen for these tricks a couple of times before and he won't be tricked once again.