
Indomitable Martial Spirit

In the beginning, an infinite expanse of empty space stretched across the vast universe, devoid of any form or substance. Then, from the void emerged something truly magnificent: Order and tranquility took shape, laying the foundation for existence. Yet, as time passed, the balance shifted, for where there is Order, Chaos follows closely behind - the eternal dance of Yin and Yang. Within this dance of duality, the universe as we know it came into being, teeming with life and vibrant energies. World Qi, the essence of life itself, permeated every corner, giving birth to creation and sustaining the cycles of existence. Through countless eons, human civilizations evolved and learned to harness the boundless energy of Qi. With dedicated cultivation, they embarked on the path to ascension and the promise of eternal life, forever intertwined with the ever-changing rhythm of Order and Chaos, the eternal essence of the universe. In a world of martial arts and profound mysteries, "Indomitable Martial Spirit” follows Fei Long Tian as he embraces his destiny, rises to legendary heights, and confronts powerful adversaries. With newfound power and unwavering determination, he faces countless battles that determine his fate. This epic tale of self-discovery, friendship, romance and the pursuit of truth in the Martial World is truly a thrilling journey of growth and enlightenment.

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16 Chs

The Tournament Begins!

Three weeks had passed since Fēi Lóng Tiān's encounter with Huang Yanlei, and during that time, he had dedicated himself to intense training and refining his martial skills. Each day, he spent countless hours studying the Celestial Sword arts, honing his movements with the Heavens Traversing technique, and delving into the depths of cultivation.

The day of the Youth Martial Tournament had finally arrived. The sky was clear, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, causing the leaves to dance in the air. Fēi Lóng Tiān stood next to a tall tree, its leaves slowly falling to the ground. He took a deep breath, feeling his Qi flow within him.

With a calm demeanor, As the leaves continued to fall, he focused his Qi, his concentration reaching its peak. In that moment, he struck out with his sword, slicing through the air with precision and speed.

Five leaves fluttered to the ground, cleanly cut in half by a single sword strike. A satisfied smile crept onto his face as he realized he had finally reached the first stage of the Celestial Sword art. The satisfaction of progress filled him with determination and eagerness to showcase his newfound skill at the tournament.

In the midst of this serene setting, Fēi Lóng Tiān's mind wandered to an internal monologue. "With the Heavens Traversing movement technique and the Celestial Sword arts, I should be able to outperform most other youths in the tournament," he thought, his confidence growing steadily.

He reflected on his progress in cultivation as well. "My Qi condensation has already broken through to the third stage not too long ago, and with the guidance of the mysterious dragon silhouette, I've reached the bottleneck to enter the fourth stage," he pondered, a sense of accomplishment swelling within him.

Fēi Lóng Tiān's eyes gleamed with determination as he envisioned his performance in the tournament. "It shouldn't be too difficult to make it into the top 10, maybe even the top 5," he believed, setting his sights high on the competition. With his recent accomplishments he knew he had a chance to shine on this grand stage.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Fēi Lóng Tiān sheathed his sword, feeling the weight of his determination settling on his shoulders. With each step he took toward the tournament venue, he carried the knowledge that he had come a long way since being mocked and called "Trash."

As Fēi Lóng Tiān made his way toward the arena, the bustling crowd in Crimson Flame City grew larger and more boisterous. Youths from various clans and sects stood nervously or with confidence, eager to prove themselves in the tournament. Some exchanged friendly banter while others sized up their potential opponents, their eyes gleaming with ambition.

Amidst the sea of participants, Fēi Lóng Tiān couldn't help but notice a sharp glare directed at his back. He turned around and came face to face with Chen Qiang, who regarded him with a predator's intensity. The animosity between them was palpable, and Fēi Lóng Tiān could feel the burning hatred Chen Qiang harbored in his heart.

Chen Qiang walked past him with a smirk, whispering under his breath, "Just you wait, I'll cripple you in the tournament." Fēi Lóng Tiān's resolve only strengthened at the challenge, but he kept his composure and continued toward the arena.

As everyone settled in, a loud gong resonated through the air, causing an abrupt silence to fall upon the crowd. Important figures from powerful clans and sects began pouring into the venue, and all eyes were drawn to the entrance as the City Governor himself arrived.

Beside the City Governor stood an old man exuding an aura of wisdom and power. What surprised everyone even more was the City Governor's expression of subservience when speaking to this elder. It was evident that this elderly man held immense authority and influence.

As the spectators took their seats at the observation deck, the City Governor made an unexpected gesture. He gave up the main seat to the elderly man, further highlighting the elder's significance and status.

Curiosity and whispers spread throughout the crowd, wondering about the identity of this mysterious elder who commanded such respect and deference from the City Governor himself.

Soon, another elder stepped forward and took center stage on one of the martial arts platforms. He began to explain how the martial arts tournament would proceed, and the rules were laid out before the participants.

"There will be five martial arts platforms," the elder announced, his voice carrying authority and clarity. "In the initial stage of the tournament, contestants will be given numbered tokens to determine the order in which they will face one another."

He continued, "The contestant who picks number 1 will go up against contestant number 2, and so on and so forth. If there is an odd number of participants, the person who picks the largest number will automatically move on to the second round."

With around 300 youths participating, the anticipation in the air grew palpable. The contestants exchanged excited glances and nervously shuffled their feet. They knew that their path to glory and recognition in the cultivation world would be determined by their performance in this tournament.

As the elder concluded his explanation, the platform bustled with activity as the youths approached a table where the numbered tokens were placed. Each one picked a token, their eyes widening with determination or relief as they saw their fate sealed in the form of a simple number.

Fēi Lóng Tiān calmly picked a token, unfolding it to reveal the number 297. His heart fluttered with anticipation, "could my luck really be this good?" "There are almost 300 youths participating could it be possible that I really drew the largest number?" Even if he wasn't the largest number Fēi Lóng Tiān knew that he would have to wait a while before his turn arrived. However, he also felt a surge of confidence as he believed in the power of his Heavens Traversing movement technique and his Celestial Sword Arts.

As the first matches began, the martial arts platforms witnessed fierce battles, showcasing the diverse range of cultivation techniques and combat styles among the participants. Some contestants exhibited nerves while others exuded confidence, and the spectators watched in awe as each duel unfolded.

With unwavering determination, Fēi Lóng Tiān awaited his turn on the martial arts platform, ready to showcase the fruits of his training and test himself against the others.

As Fēi Lóng Tiān observed the martial arts platforms, his attention was drawn to one in particular. He noticed Chen Qiang, standing tall and unperturbed, his saber held confidently in his hand. Chen Qiang's eyes bore a ruthless glint, and Fēi Lóng Tiān could sense the seething hatred that still burned within him.

Facing Chen Qiang was a robust youth, approximately 14 years old, with a confident expression on his face. The youth's strong physique and focused demeanor showed that he was a formidable opponent. He wielded a staff, and his skilled handling of the weapon was evident even from a distance.

With a burst of energy, the robust youth charged towards Chen Qiang, his staff poised to strike. But Chen Qiang didn't flinch; he stood there calmly, seemingly waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the youth's attack was about to connect, Chen Qiang swiftly swung his saber, and in an instant, the youth's body fell to the ground, lifeless.

The sudden turn of events sent shockwaves through the spectators and contestants alike. Gasps and whispers filled the air as everyone's attention shifted towards the platform where the first death in the youth martial tournament had occurred.

Chen Qiang's cold and indifferent expression sent a chilling message to all who watched. His merciless and vindictive nature was on full display, leaving an unsettling feeling in the hearts of those who witnessed the deadly outcome of his battle.

Fēi Lóng Tiān couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine as he realized the depths of Chen Qiang's ruthlessness. He knew that facing such a ruthless adversary in the later stages of the tournament would be a daunting challenge. But instead of fear, a fierce determination to protect himself. Fēi Lóng Tiān knew that this was a world where only the strong survive, and only through absolute strength can someone live without reservations.

As Fēi Lóng Tian's will of the strong was being reinforced, the tournament continued, Fēi Lóng Tiān kept a watchful eye on Chen Qiang's progress, knowing that their paths would inevitably cross. The events of the day only strengthened his resolve to rise to the top and face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant confronting the dangerous and vengeful Chen Qiang.