
Indomitable Martial Spirit

In the beginning, an infinite expanse of empty space stretched across the vast universe, devoid of any form or substance. Then, from the void emerged something truly magnificent: Order and tranquility took shape, laying the foundation for existence. Yet, as time passed, the balance shifted, for where there is Order, Chaos follows closely behind - the eternal dance of Yin and Yang. Within this dance of duality, the universe as we know it came into being, teeming with life and vibrant energies. World Qi, the essence of life itself, permeated every corner, giving birth to creation and sustaining the cycles of existence. Through countless eons, human civilizations evolved and learned to harness the boundless energy of Qi. With dedicated cultivation, they embarked on the path to ascension and the promise of eternal life, forever intertwined with the ever-changing rhythm of Order and Chaos, the eternal essence of the universe. In a world of martial arts and profound mysteries, "Indomitable Martial Spirit” follows Fei Long Tian as he embraces his destiny, rises to legendary heights, and confronts powerful adversaries. With newfound power and unwavering determination, he faces countless battles that determine his fate. This epic tale of self-discovery, friendship, romance and the pursuit of truth in the Martial World is truly a thrilling journey of growth and enlightenment.

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16 Chs


Back in his small, humble stable, Fēi Lóng Tiān took a deep breath, relishing the weight of his newfound strength. The Qi and blood within him still surged with vitality, a testament to his successful breakthrough to the Qi Condensation realm. His heart brimmed with excitement as he recalled the martial skill he had learned, the Heavens Traversing technique for nimble movement

As Fēi Lóng Tiān sat cross-legged on the straw mat, he closed his eyes, focusing on the principles of the Heavens Traversing technique. The jade token teachings he had received from the Enigmatic Man echoed in his mind, guiding him through the intricacies of the technique. He envisioned a majestic dragon, agile and fluid in its movements, soaring effortlessly through the heavens. Emulating the dragon's grace, he began to perform the steps of the technique.

With each movement, Fēi Lóng Tiān could feel his body responding to the visualization. His limbs became lighter, and he sensed an ethereal connection to the power of the dragons. He discovered that the technique utilized a series of precise steps, combining footwork, body positioning, and Qi manipulation. The Qi within his meridians surged like a gentle breeze, guiding him in perfect harmony with the air around him.

At first, the movements felt awkward and unfamiliar, but as Fēi Lóng Tiān persisted, the dance-like steps became more fluid and natural. He felt a growing connection to the heavens, and with each repetition, the technique started to meld with his body, becoming an extension of his being.

Fēi Lóng Tiān's eyes remained closed as he delved deeper into the training. He could sense his surroundings even with his eyes shut, thanks to the heightened awareness granted by the Heavens Traversing technique. Every creak of the stable, every rustle of the leaves outside, all became vivid and palpable to his senses. This newfound sensitivity would be crucial in battle, allowing him to anticipate his opponent's movements and strike with precision.

As the hours passed, Fēi Lóng Tiān lost track of time, wholly immersed in the cultivation of the technique. The stable seemed to shrink around him as he envisioned the boundless sky, where dragons roamed freely. He felt the power of their flight coursing through his veins, making him feel like he could leap through the air with effortless grace.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, Fēi Lóng Tiān finally opened his eyes. He was panting, his body drenched in sweat, but there was a radiant smile on his face. Although he had not mastered it yet the Heavens Traversing technique had become a part of him, a skill that would undoubtedly set him apart from his competitors in the upcoming martial arts competition.

Tomorrow, Fēi Lóng Tiān vowed to cultivate diligently hopping to break through to the 2nd stage Qi condensation before the Youth Martial Tournament, but for now, he relished in the progress he had made.




Three months of tireless cultivation had passed, and Fēi Lóng Tiān found himself on the verge of a momentous breakthrough. The Indomitable Martial Spirit mental cultivation technique had played a pivotal role in advancing his cultivation, while the Heavens Traversing technique and Celestial Sword arts served as complementary martial arts techniques, enhancing his skills and abilities.

In the realm of Qi Condensation, Fēi Lóng Tiān discovered the intricate process of gathering the world's Qi into his body. Through focused meditation and breathing techniques, he drew in the surrounding Qi, allowing it to flow into his Dantian, the crucial energy center in the lower abdomen. The Dantian served as a reservoir for the Qi, akin to a cauldron where the essence of the world's energy condensed.

With each passing day, Fēi Lóng Tiān refined this process, his understanding of the Indomitable Martial Spirit technique guiding him to strengthen his connection with his martial spirit. As he gathered the Qi, he seemed to notice something in his Dantian that shocked him deeply – the shadow of a mighty dragon within his Dantian. Despite being ethereal like a shadow, it released an unyielding will and latent power.

However, Fēi Lóng Tiān could not be distracted as the Dantian neared its capacity, and he faced a bottleneck. The world's Qi refused to condense any further, leaving him at a critical juncture in his cultivation journey. It was during this pivotal moment that he recalled the teachings from the jade token. The Indomitable Martial Spirit technique emphasized perseverance and indomitable willpower, qualities that were now more crucial than ever.

In deep meditation, Fēi Lóng Tiān focused on the cultivation technique, urging it to strengthen its connection with the world's Qi. With every breath, he visualized the Qi swirling around his body, its energy merging with his martial spirit as it entered his Dantian, further enhancing its power. He channeled his unwavering determination into the process, refusing to back down in the face of the bottleneck.

As Fēi Lóng Tiān persisted, he felt a subtle shift within his Dantian. Suddenly, the shadow of the dragon started glowing, releasing a bright and powerful energy that swept across him, encompassing his Dantian. When this happened, the Qi, once resistant to condensing, started to respond to his will. It began to compress, slowly but surely, creating a sense of pressure and intensity within his Dantian. The dragon figure within him seemed to resonate with the Qi, becoming one with the energy that flowed through his meridians.

With unyielding determination, Fēi Lóng Tiān continued to direct the Qi, guiding it to condense further within his Dantian. The process was arduous, requiring immense mental and spiritual fortitude. He could feel the power building within him, the Qi becoming more potent and concentrated.

As the bottleneck finally broke, an overwhelming surge of energy cascaded through Fēi Lóng Tiān's body. He felt a profound transformation within, as if he had shed an old skin and emerged anew. With the Qi fully condensed in his Dantian, he had reached the second level of Qi Condensation, a significant milestone in his cultivation journey. But right when he started to rejoice at his breakthrough, the dragon figure grew even brighter and, like a vacuum, it began to greedily suck the world Qi into Fēi Lóng Tiān's Dantian forcefully solidifying his cultivation at the second level of Qi Condensation realm. When the dragon figure finally subsided, Fēi Lóng Tiān was drenched in sweat, but he still had a satisfied smile on his face. Upon checking his cultivation, he could clearly sense that after the light forcefully sucked in the world Qi, his cultivation went from just breaking through to the second level of Qi condensation to halfway through to the third level of Qi Condensation! I might even be able to break through before the Youth Martial Tournament! Fēi Lóng Tiān thought to himself.