
Chapter 16

Grabbing his T-shirt from the bed, Sasha headed for the bathroom. This gave Nathan a clear view of how the tattoo wrapped low around Sasha’s back. There was also a separate tattoo with the same black tribal design spreading over Sasha’s shoulder blades like wings. Then they were gone, hidden by white cotton.

As Sasha disappeared into the bathroom, Nathan’s eyes landed on Jim. “Shove it,” he hissed in response to Jim’s amused expression.

Jim held his hands up in defense. “I didn’t say a word.”

Leslie Schuester lived in one of the more expensive apartment buildings by Lake Calhoun. Nathan and Jim had traded with him enough times that they knew the layout of his building well and had no trouble getting to the twenty-second floor to reach his skyrise apartment.

“So you know Schu, huh?” Nathan asked Sasha as they made their way down the hallway.