
Inconvenient Flame

Poppy Williams has had a crush on Liam Westfield for a long time but her incredible, gorgeous crush never really saw her until recently; He just asked her to be his girlfriend! Colin Parker just moved from North Carolina after being betrayed by his mom and best friend. It seems like he is done with relationships. He just wants to make his dad happy and watch movies with his dog. Their meeting was disastrous but there was a particular attraction between them. Things get awkward when they realize that they are next-door neighbors. Although she goes out of her way to avoid him, they are forced to work together on a school project, and she also has to tutor him for extra credit, and the alternative is something she doesn't even want to consider. Falling in love wasn't part of the plan, they couldn't stand each other at first, but as they spend more time together, they come to see that there is more to each other than they think and that feelings aren't so black and white. Sometimes, you find love in places where you least expect.

Celeb_Ajayi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
172 Chs

Chapter Thirty Five

Marie decided to talk to Ariel when they were on their lunch break. As soon as the bell rang for their lunch break, she hurriedly arranged her books and rushed to the cafeteria to look for Ariel. 

She got into the cafeteria and saw her sitting all alone, picking at her food. Her heart sank at the sight of her and she quickly walked up to meet her.

"Hey, it's been a while," She said as soon as she sat down.

Ariel looked at her, surprised and happy to see her. She was really starting to feel lonely and had not been able to take a bite of her food.

"Heyyy, it has really been a while. What's going on? Why haven't I seen you since?"

"It's been really busy for me," Marie said, sighing deeply, "I have been helping my mom in some of the activities at home that's why I skipped some classes and when I attend some, I always leave immediately."