Ram : Ranjith what did you call her inside
Ranjith : sir who ?
Ram : Miss Echo
Ranjith : oh about Echo .. we discussed our age and found out we were of the same age and decided to be one first name basis
Ram : Ranjith this is not what i taught you .. being my student you should be professional
understand ? call her mam or Miss Echo
Ranjith was shocked and then he rolled his eyes before replying
Ranjith : yes sir
Ram : good and tomorrow you are cleaning the whole camp and run 10 rounds around it
Ranjith : but sir
Ram : 15 ROUNDS !
Ranjith :ok sir . I am sorry
after reaching the camp one went to help echo and other to sulk in the corner and curse Ram
Ranjith ( internally ) : are you kidding me camp has 280 rooms and 10 rounds do you know how big is the ground .. IT IS EQUAL TO RUNNING AROUND WHOLE DELHI ONCE
wait but why did he punish me ..
Ram ( grumble ) : how dare he call my kitten as Echo
[ Author : your Echo ?? YOUR ECHO? WHO THE HELL IS YOUR ]
Ram : *pinches his nose near the forehead * shit
Ram: * flips the table *
Author : why am i always getting bullied .. is being single that big of a crime .. 😭
author later joins someone to sulk in the corner and curse the majour