

USA Today best-selling and award-winning author Desiree Holt writes everything from romantic suspense and paranormal to erotic. and has been referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, and is a winner of the EPIC E-Book Award, the Holt Medallion and a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice nominee. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times and numerous other national and international publications. Part One Firefighter Kristi Gregory was just enjoying an evening off in everyone’s favorite hangout, sipping her beer, when hot cop Patrick Hayes walked in. They’d just worked a disaster together that very day, and he was not only professional but one very hot cop. Patrick had eyes on Kristi but was still trying to prove himself at his new precinct. But when danger brings a sexy firefighter and a hot cop together, it’s incendiary. Part Two Misa turned hot and bothered when sexy firefighter Sam Braddock moved into the house next door. she could hardly get him out of her mind. Who wouldn’t want to do everything with a six-foot-four blond hunk with sculpted muscles that didn’t come from any gym, and a smile that made her panties wet? He was the stuff any woman’s dreams were made of. And she had a problem. And she wanted to have hot, sweaty, off-the-wall sex with my neighbor, king of the alphas. When he agreed to be interviewed for hew newspaper, neither of them expected the hot inferno that would explode between them.

Desiree Holt · perkotaan
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27 Chs

Chapter 14

Kristi sat between Hank O'Korn and Jared as the people on her shift gathered around the big table in the lounge. Captain Stewart stood at the head of the table with a man she recognized as arson investigator Dan Varney. She knew he'd addressed the others late yesterday. Both men had hard, serious expressions on their faces.

"I'm going to let Dan handle this meeting," Captain Stewart said. "He needs no introduction to all of you, and you're aware he's here because we have a serious problem."

Everyone was silent while they waited for Dan to begin. They had all worked the three recent terrible fires, and arson had been on everyone's mind.

"I'd like to have better news for you," he began, "but, unfortunately, we've determined that these fires were deliberately set. Arson. What we call, as you know, incendiary. They all began on the first floor, in the back, in an empty room. Piles of old cloths and newspapers were used, covered with paint thinner, which is a dangerous incendiary." He looked at everyone. "One thing is a little different about these than several others I've investigated. A timer was used for each fire."

"Timer?" Stan Roberts, who worked the ladder truck, leaned forward. "You found evidence of it?"

Dan nodded. "Whoever set this up expected them to be completely destroyed by the fires themselves. However, we found traces of the plastic used and the dials. Apparently, we were able to extinguish the blaze in that area before they melted all the way."

"That means someone with a good knowledge of electronics is doing this," Hank said.

"That's correct." Dan lifted the coffee mug in front of him, took a sip, and set it down again. "It's someone who wants to be well out of the building before it incinerates, but I'll bet he wants to be able to hang around and watch the whole thing. Arsonists feed on watching what they consider their handiwork. The evidence at all three places was the same, so we know we're dealing with one arsonist here."

Captain Stewart cleared his throat. "We're checking the ownership of the buildings to see if they all lead back to one person or entity. So far no luck, but we aren't finished digging."

"Each of the buildings was supposed to be vacant," Dan added, "but squatters had taken up residence in all of them. We're damn lucky no one has died."

"You all need to be on the alert," Stewart added. "I'd bet money this guy hangs around and gets his jollies watching the building burn, but he could also be one of those who gets off watching firefighters at work. If he's not getting enough satisfaction, he could ramp up his game. Figure out how to put you in greater danger."

"That's right," Dan agreed. "For example, he could have a secondary incendiary location with another timer. It could go off when any of you are in the building clearing it."

Kristi felt a sudden chill skate up her spine. "Do you think he might want to kill firefighters? Could that be part of it?"

"It could be anything," Dan answered. "You need to watch your step. And, Kristi, you and Jared need to carry extra supplies, just in case. If you need to requisition them, let me know and I'll sign off on it." He looked around the table at everyone. "I'm going to have someone at every scene taking pictures, also. Not all arsonists like to hang around afterwards, but I'm damn sure this one does. We'll need to see if there are repeats in the various pictures."

"You think we're due for more," Stan guessed.

Dan nodded. "I have the distinct feeling he's far from finished. I'm meeting with the police after this to see about putting together a task force. We've looked at what arsonists have been recently released from prison, who has been on the watch list, but we never could pin anything on anyone that could fall within the circle of probability. Of course, we'll keep everyone here up-to-date."

He answered a few more questions, but then the meeting broke up. They were still mid-shift, and the system could announce a callout at any moment. They needed to be ready.

"You watch yourself when we're on-site, Kristi." Stan had walked up behind her. "Be on the alert."

"You, too. After all, you guys are the ones in the danger zone."

"Everyone's in the danger zone when there's a nut job like this loose."

"I'll be careful," she promised.

She thought about it the rest of her shift, which turned out to be mostly uneventful. She thought about it on the way home. And she thought about it when she pulled into her driveway and saw a vase of flowers-roses-on the porch in front of her door. At first, a ribbon of excitement wiggled through her at the thought Patrick had sent them. But when she looked at the card, it was unsigned. The message she read sent a chill over her body and tied a knot in her stomach.

"You are magnificent. I can't wait until you are mine."

What the hell?

She looked around to see if anyone was watching, but the street was mostly empty. Cars were parked in two driveways across the street, and down the block a van sat at the curb, but there didn't seem to be anyone in it. At least, not that she could see. So who could these be from?

She stared at the note again and tried to brush off the thoughts that leaped into her brain. This couldn't be linked to the arson.

Could it?