
Chapter Six

I opened my eyes and at first it was blurry, I shook my eyes vehemently to see properly. my mother was crying beside me with her head on my hands,my sisters were probably asleep as it's already late.

"Mom?" I called out in a whisper, she shook her head before raising it up to look at me, dry stains of tears was seen vividly on her face.

"Why are you crying mom? what happened?" I asked with worry.

"Nothing dear it's nothing I was just over thinking."

"Over thinking?" I asked looking at her with confusion. I knew she was lying, mom has never lied to me before. At first she didn't ask me about the dreams I had ,now I had the same dream and she's beside me crying and saying it's over thinking?

"c'mon dear you missed dinner are you not starving?" she asked cupping my cheeks with her palms. I wanted to deny but the grumbling sound of my stomach made it difficult.

"y.. yea what about the Elle's?" I asked ,stepping down from the bed my legs felt wobbly making me stumble but before I could fall mom caught my arms.

"Sit here I'll go get it for you and they are asleep you guys have school tomorrow" she said quickly and dashed out before I could respond.

It took five minutes before mom came to my room with her face washed. Seems like she cried again.

"Mom are you keeping anything from me?"

"No dear why would I?" she smiled at me while dishing out my food in a smaller plate.


" No buts dear eat now and sleep early you have school remember" she said and went out again closing the door softly.

I ate slowly trying to remember the dream I had. I didn't remember anything and as much as I tried my head hurts really bad, it felt like someone removed my memories , the one I had lately didn't even show vividly.

I carried the plate and was about leaving my room when my mom came in hurriedly.

"What's going on mom ? is something chasing you?" I asked dropping the plate on the table and holding her shoulders.

She panted softly and smiled at me.

"Nothing go back to bed." she said removing my hands and taking up the plate.

I sighed deeply and went back to bed, covering myself with my quilt I turned to face the window. I murmured some things I myself don't even know, trying to close my eyes something appeared on my window. shrills came out as tears poured out,soon everything turned black.

'What's happening?' my mind said before shutting down.