
In this world I'm a detective

hey.. detective? hi it's me again sorry for bothering you but there is a crisis in tokyo that we cant get our hands on this guy/girl has avoided us for years but we cant manage to put the clues together. please detective help us

Theothegiant · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Come clean

.....I woke up in the hospital.. i was covered in bandages ..well at least in the places i was injured.. which was almost everywhere.

"right this way.." I heard one of the nurses from outside.. Who could that be..

The door opened and I saw Damian and Jean coming in to visit me. I gave them a weak smile as they got inside.

"You ok sir?" Jean asked me genuinely worried about my current condition.

"Yeah I'm fine.."

"We came to see how you were doing...we broke the news to your sister and she was worried enough to try to get out of work early so we had to talk her out of it."

When Damian said this my happiness for them coming to visit me was slowly overtaken by the guilt of making my sister worry.

As a member of the force I have so many regrets but only a few of them always come back to haunt me.

I turn my head to the window thinking about if i should tell them or not…..should i tell them about Jeffery …how i single handedly ruined his life by arresting a kid for being a suspect in murder..…

Both Damian and Jean were confused about what I was doing until I finally spoke.


Their attention was immediately caught as I called their names.

"The kid…Jeffery Brown..He works for the killer of Jin Hana…"

I turned my head back to them and the two of them looked surprised that he actually committed a murder but 'a' murder is an understatement.

"Are you sure about this sir??" Damian asked me thinking that I would change my mind or that I'd hit my head or something…but I was dead serious.

"Yes Damian. That man…the one that you weren't able to catch..he told me everything… He told me about Jin Hana and how it led Brandon's family into ruin leading him to being neglected and ended up killing himself and three other kids.. How Jeffery was working for him until he started seeking therapy to turn his life around… but started killing again when Jamie Brown was arrested and killed in the same incident that tore the police force apart, an incident we're still recovering from…"

Damian and Jean were in disbelief.

"It's ok if you think less of me now but just do this for me.. When interrogating the kid please go easy on him… he has Dissociative identity disorder.. And none of his actions were his own but he killed too many people to make any form of redemption allowed…"

"Ok." Damian looked at me dead in the eyes with a serious face..

"But we don't think less of you that was out of your control and you knew it..you were just doing your job." Jean nodded agreeing with everything Damian said.

"So…while you rest here we'll be doing ours."

Both of them started to leave and I could feel tears escaping my eyes as I thought about this all over again…that kid will be put to death… and i wish i could've helped him…that's what hurt the most that it wasn't his fault..and it wasn't mind it was just this cruel world and it's understanding of justice of what's right.. That kid was right, innocence isn't always as black and white as the law makes it out to be but there's no changing that.