
Let's tango!

I gulped.

A primordial fear raced through my mind, and if it weren't for the mega seed juice I would have been shaking like a chihuahua right now.

Garp took another step forward, the ground shaking beneath his feet, with every labored step he took.

Waves of that same power emanated from him again, sending me stumbling back again.

Yeah no. This is not good.

If I let him do his thing, I might just die of a heart attack today.

But there's no way I'm allowing him to get away. No, this level of power, something that bypasses even my forcefield and death itself.

It's interesting! Too interesting!

I need to research it. Learn what makes it tick.

Find a way to replicate it!

I felt my breath catch in excitement and composed myself again. Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

Alright. Research is for later.

Right now, I just need to get him out of the way and have some fun!

"Out you go!" I said.

I opened up a portal beneath Garp's feet, leading into the cave I stored the fishmen in, and he fell in, before he realized, and closed the portal behind him before he could use geppo to get back out.

I sighed in relief, before taking in the field again, as King landed to my right, and someone rode a wave of....is that mochi?


Katakuri surfed on the wave using his trident like a surfboard, splashed into what remained of Akainu.

He jumped off landing on my left, as their forces slowly gathered around, surrounding me.

"You're coming with us!" They said almost simultaneously before I could even begin.

"You guys.... seriously." I sighed.

"Did you not just see me obliterate Garp AND Akainu one after the other, no sweat?

Are you still going to try to capture me?"

"You can't possibly have too many if those weapons." King said, as his beast pirates roared in agreement.

"And even if you do, there's one of you and thousands of us. Whatever devil fruit you have can't protect you from us all. Not for long anyways. You will get tired. You will falter. You will fall, all the same." Katakuri added.

"Looks like you guys will need a .... demo." I smiled.

"All bluffs. No substance. Show him boys!" King ordered.

A beast pirate raised his RPG and aimed at me.

"I will warn you all one last time. Don't. Fuck. With. Me.

And I really hope you don't listen to me, because I'm craving a fight right about now.

Your choice." I advised.

The man though, didn't listen.

He pressed the trigger, the RPG launched, blowing up on my forcefield harmlessly.

"Ohohohoho! I am going to enjoy this~" I grinned.

I have been waiting to try a new technique for a while and Scion was too strong for this move to work. But these shmucks?

Totally in the hit point range.

I holstered my portal gun. I could now open portals without touching the gun, vis a vis the new and improved portal projector onboard my ship.

After the projector was destroyed in the fight against the Thanda capes and then Scion, I rebuilt it, bigger and better.

Now it contained a secondary array that could open a portal anywhere I wanted it to with just a thought so long as I can connect to it with my technokinesis!

And this new technique was especially portal heavy.

I needed practice if I am to use it in the future.

These guys will make good practice.

And while I am at it, why not have some fun humiliating them?


A portal opened above me and a maraca hat dropped onto my head, followed by a yellow rose dropping into my open palm.

I twirled the rose on my fingers, when suddenly the ground cracked beneath my feet, glowing red hot.

I jumped back, rocketing a few feet away.

Just in time too, because a torrent of magma burst out of the ground, reforming into the shape of a man.

"Hn? You survived after all?" I asked.

"Justice doesn't die so easily." He said, taking a stance while the rest of the crews shifted to form a three way pincer around me, all forces eyeing each other uneasily.

I on the other hand pulled out a guitar from a portal, and waited.

But no one did anything.

"Not gonna start? Well then, don't mind if I do!" I flipped the rose into the air, fatching it in my mouth, as I strummed the guitar.

"Let's tango!"

My technokinesis grew to full form, enveloping the whole field and my technique began.

Portal after portal, each in varying shapes and size, opened up instantly, all around us, even on the floor, caging all forces within the cube made of portals.

"Is this your big plan? You just trapped yourself in here with us?" Katakuri asked.

Oh! He doesn't know?

Must have not gotten his observation haki to the future sight level yet then.

It was seven years before the plot so I guess it makes sense he isn't at full power.

"That's the thing, buddy. I'm not trapped in here with you. You're all trapped in here with me." I smiled, and strummed the guitar again. A portal activated behind him, a jet of water blasting out from it, flooding his ranks.

Katakuri himself though dodged the jet, leaping into the air, as he slammed his trident into my forcefield with a his power.

The pitch black trident cracked upon impact, when the recoil effect of my forcefield activated, snapping it in two.

"What?!" He cried out in surprise.

"Told you." I said, as a barrage of bullets hit the forcefield, drowning my words out.

"Tch! I'm talking here!" I said, only for some dumb rookie to shoot once more.

"Alright then. Let's flush some turds first!"

I strummed the guitar again, and all portals on the ceiling opened up, connected to the sea floor, flooding the cube with water.

The water flooded in, turning into a whirpool, dragging everyone but me into it.

The stronger ones swam through it with sheer force, while the mooks broke against the tide, flailing helplessly as they began to drown.

Katakuri and King swam while Akainu grounded himself to the floor, covered in lava, turning into an anthill, to keep the water from sapping his powers away.

Amande on the other hand stabbed her sword through a crack between portals and anchor herself to the floor to, hanging on for dear life, while Jack turned into his mammoth form, becoming too heavy to churn.

For a few moments I watched them suffer, frustrated and helpless, before I stomped my foot on the floor, opening up all the portals below, as the water drained away into the blender dimension, carrying with it the now unconcious B listers, churned into meat paste.

That left only five people in the cube by the time the portals closed again.

King, Jack, Katakuri, Amande and the anthill, Akainu.

King and Katakuri fell to the floor gasping for breath, the former, half sunken into a portal, and sheared in two as the portal closed.

How he managed to avoid scremaing out in pain was a mystery.

Or maybe not. On second look his heart was cut straight through. He probably died instantly.

Amande meanwhile stood up, legs shaking but overall fine, due to being the only non devil fruit user in the cube.

"Good showing Amande." I praised the long necked woman, as she pulled her sword out the floor, glaring at me like a cat forced to take a bath, murder in her eyes.

Or should it be wet snake in her case?

For a minute, no one moved, as they all watched me with fear.

"No? No one wants to move again? You guys are just boring me now. Fine. I'll cede another handicap. To spice things up. If any one of you manages to even graze my forcefield in the next two minutes, I will join your side, unconditionally! How's that sound?" I taunted.

"You'll regret looking down on us!"

This time Jack, in the form of a gigantic mammoth jumped up, did a backflip and charged me, his razor sharp tusks turning pitch black with armament haki.

I didn't even know mammoths could do a backflip!

But I guess in a world where Garp can come back from the dead and people can kick the air so fast they fly, a mammoth doing a backflip is the least of it.

But before he could reach me, I opened a portal behind him, connected to the skies above Raijin island.

A lightning bolt after lightning bolt shot in, zapping Jack just as he was about to reach me, sending him tumbling to the floor in pain.

"Gabababababab!" He cried out.

I laughed, watching him roll on the floor, and strummed the guitar again, ironically, mocking.

"So? You guys wanna do this or are you going to be pussies about it?" I asked, looking at Katakuri.

He got back up to his feet, and kicked up the top half of his yrident into his hand, before shooting Amande a look.

She nodded, and raised her sword into a kata.

"Yaaah!" He cried, chucking the trident at me, just as Amande moved.

"Soru! Shiraou : Capturing Bite!"

She disappeared from her position, her sword twisting like a whip, hooking around me.

I smiled.

"Uh uh uh!"

A portal beneath my feet opened up, sucking me in, and I dropped out on the other side of the cube, behind her.

"Not so fast!" Katakuri shouted, lunging at me with a punch with a blinding speed, faster than I could react, blindly aiming in my general direction hoping to hit my forcefield.

But I had a loophole.

He had to hit the forcefield. And he can't hit the forcefield, if its shut off!

I slid back slightly, just so he wouldn't hit me, before shutting off the forcefield momentarily, as a surprised Katakuri flew past me.

Unfortunately, such trickery can't go unpunished!

I strummed the guitar again, and opened up a portal in the path of his punch, leading straight to his groin.



Katakuri screamed in pain, his fist meeting his dick, crushing it in.

He fell to the floor, clutching his bleeding groin, as Amande rushed to his side, pointing her sword at me to keep me away.

Oof. Maybe I went too far.

Even I felt that.

But just as I was thinking that, I saw Amande disappear.

I felt a chill creep up my spine and in a flash opened up portals in every inch of the cube, killing all but Akainu instantly.

Metal clanked to the floor behind me. I turned around to see a trisected Amande slide off the portals, falling to the floor, blood pooling at my feet.

"Well, there goes the fun."

I reactivated my forcefield, undid the newer portals and turned to Akainu.

"At least you're still here, Akainu! Come on out." I said.

Nothing happened.

"If you do it, I will revive Garp~" I teased.

The ground beneath my feel rumbled, and from the cracks between the portals, magma bubbled out,

There we go!

I began to play a mariachi riff on the guitar as Akainu emerged from his little anthill, recovered and whole.

He punded his fist into his palm and cracked his glowing hot lava knuckles.

This time wordlessly.

Fountains of lava erupted from the floor, splashing all around in a massive game of 'the floor is lava'.

And Akainu grew even more, turning into a giant at 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide.

Slowly, a black trail creeped up his arms, forming an impenetrable armor of haki around him and his eyes shine with resolve.

"That's the spirit!" I said, laughing, riffing a solo on the guitar.

Akainu charged flanking me, and the fight began.

Portal after portal, opened and closed in sequence, blasting him with jets of water, gusts of wind and blasts of ice as I dodged and jumped my way around him.

He sent a cleaving kick my way, and I opened a portal to the gold dimension, blinding him.

"Hrrmmm!" He roared, and dug his hands into the earth flipping the field up, sending dirt and garbage flying everywhere.

A pool of gold and filth swam above the hardened magma, before I flushed it all away with another torrent of seawater, sending Akainu crashing into the opposite end of the cube.

He growled in anger, as the water drained for the second time, and disappeared, hitting at me from all angles.

"Why won't you breaaaak?!" He cried, the glow on his fists growing duller with each passing moment, his breath hitching more and more.

His fist grazed against the forcefield, grating across it's surface

It crackled, sending sparks flying all around like fireworks, and a blast of my explosion gun blew off his fist.

Simultaneously, I opened up a wall of water behind him bringing the fight to the ocean floor as a sea king swam through the portal.

It caught him unaware, grabbed his entire shoulder like a snack, ripped it off and swam away, as he fell to the floor paralyzed.

Another portal opened up below us, bringing us back to the field on Sabaody, the water draining out.

Akainu collapsed onto the floor, spitting up blood, as tears flowed down his face.

"This is..not your victory....monster...." He sputtered, between pained gasps.

"I know." I laughed, "Because you never were a match. At most you were ...a mild amusement."

I patted his cheek, condescendingly, and undid all the portals.

I looked at the people by the edge of the field, and waved to them.

Rayleigh was the only one that waved back, while the rest just watched in shock.

"That's that then. I've had enough fun for the year." I stretched and muttered.

"Time to go back home and finish what I started in Worm. Get the perfect shard. Make my own entity. And then, to the MCU!"


MC finishes his vacation.

Time to get back to work.

Sorry for the lower quality chapters this week.

I had exams. Come next week though, it's Worm again, and then the MCU!

I'll try to up the quality too!

Thanks for reading.

Donate your powerstones!

And see you tomorrow!

Also, if you want to support me, buye a cup of coffee, or even read ahead, go here,
