

"Fuck! I'm not supposed to feel pain, SO WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!!!" Velzard roared.

"It's alright, dear. Just breathe..." I said as I held her hand in my own, trying to calm down my wife who was in labor and failing miserably.

"Fuck you, Alaster! I don't need to breathe!" Velzard cried back, lashing out at me verbally as she went through the unimaginable pain of childbirth.

I smiled awkwardly at her abusive words, knowing she wouldn't normally ever be so cruel. "I love you too, honey" I replied.

I didn't even realize when she hit me until I was instinctively pulling myself out from the wall in another room. As I got up, I looked forward again, only to see that Velzard had punched me clear of the mansion and into one of the storage sheds nearby. I shook my head a few times and smirked.

'I definitely deserved that.' I thought to myself.


I ignored [Solomon]'s affirmation and dusted myself off. I wasn't injured, as a matter of fact, I didn't even feel the blow as it was stopped by my barrier, but the fact Velzard was able to hit me before I could even notice it just showed how nervous I was. Under normal circumstances, [Thought Acceleration] would have procced automatically and I'd be able to see it coming. I would've been able to dodge it under normal circumstances, but if it hitting me made Velzard feel even a little bit better, then it was worth it.

'I thought at best she'd break my hand by squeezing it too hard, but not that.' I sighed.

That was the plan anyway. I wasn't very good at this whole mid-wife thing, not like I was trained in it, but I thought that if she could let off some steam by striking me, then that little bit of catharsis would've been worth it, though I expected her to squeeze my hand hard enough to break it, not get punted through a wall.

<<Notice. Perhaps it is better for master to leave it to the doctors...>>

'Thank you [Solomon], but unfortunately, I doubt they'd survive a hit like that.' I commented before flying back towards the hole in the wall.

Lilith poked her head around the corner when I approached. "Pa- I mean, father! Mother said that you were stressing her out and that you should wait out in the hall." She said with a look of disappointment on her face.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Alright, alright... I'll wait for a while," I said as I waved my hand and restored the hole in the wall after getting one last look at my wife. She looked to be in agony and my heart felt like it was in knots, but I respected my wife's decision. It was my very bad idea to blame for my fate anyway. If my not being there would make her feel even the slightest bit better, then I'd wait in the hall.

I walked back inside through the front door and waited in a chair in the hallway. I was fidgety and kept checking up on Velzard's status with my [Clairvoyance] every few seconds, just in case something went wrong, and ignoring everything else entirely. I sighed heavily and looked up at the ceiling. My mind was in chaos and I was so nervous. I hadn't felt this nervous and giddy since I gave my virginity and took Velzard's in that ice cave of hers all those years back.

'For all the advantages of being a True Dragon as opposed to being a human, why does she need to go through pain when giving birth?' I asked myself.


'It was a rhetorical question [Solomon]! Why don't you go analyze something for a while or double-check the otherworlders or something useful!' I lashed out rudely to [Solomon]. Now it was my turn to be a dick, my mind was too chaotic to mind my manners at the moment. Hell, I was so busy inside my own head that I wasn't even able to see Velzard's strike coming with either [Thought Acceleration] or [Clairvoyance] which shouldn't have been possible.


I felt like [Solomon] was shocked at something, and realized I was out of line for yelling at her like that a second ago. 'Oh... um, look [Solomon], that was out of line of me.' I repented earnestly.


'I know what you're going to say, but your my partner and were only fulfilling your functions, I shouldn't have-" I tried to continue the apology, but was interrupted by [Solomon] once again.

<<MASTER!!! [Clairvoyance] Can't detect the Three Otherworlders you were worried about earlier!>>

'-What?' I asked again, extremely confused and slightly concerned.

<<Notice! The barrier surrounding Individual Velda Nava's private estate has been activated and is currently blocking [Clairvoyance]!!!>>

I immediately stood from my chair in shock. "There's no way... talk about bad timing!" I commented while biting my lip.

"What's wrong, Alaster?" I heard a voice from behind me and turned to see a slightly worried Ramiris.

"Ah, Ramiris, when did you get here?" I asked, somewhat relieved.

"I was here the entire time. I even said hi to you when you came in, but you ignored me. What's wrong, you're shaking like a leaf." She said, going into her more mature and motherly, Queen of Spirits mode from her regular useless fairy persona.

"Something is going on at Velda's home. Something bad. I need to be there, but..." I looked at the door behind me and clenched my fist, hearing another of Velzard's labored screams.

Ramiris nodded when she saw this, clearly understanding that I didn't want to go. She gave me a small smile. "Velzard still has a bit longer yet..." Ramiris assured me with a smile.

"I'm sure she'd want someone who went through birth like this to help her out. Why don't you go get Lucia? I'm sure Veldanav- I mean Velda would like to meet his niece too. I'll lay down a single-floor Labyrinth here to ensure everyone will be fine." Ramiris offered, changing her tone as if to give me an excuse to go over there to help.

I looked at Ramiris in shock for just a second. I knew just how broken Ramiris' Labyrinth ability actually was from my previous life's memories, but for one reason or another, I didn't even bother to think we could utilize it here. Before she could even react, I pulled Ramiris into my arms in a big hug. "Thank you, so much Ramiris!" I said before letting go. "I promise I will make this up to you!" I said before teleporting away, leaving a dazed Ramiris behind.

"W-Why'd he have to do that?" She commented with a beet-red face.

"I'm so jealous~" Evelyn, who was also there the whole time, cooed.


Teleportation via [Space-Time Domination] is weird. Technically your location isn't just shifted in space, but also in time as well. This means it's technically possible to jump forward in time if your calculations aren't careful enough. It's also possible to jump backward in time too, but the rules of the world don't allow for two separate instances of an individual to exist at the same time, so one would be erased, which is why Chloe disappeared in the Light Novel when Chronoa awakened.

Due to the nature of the time aspect of teleportation, this requires an individual to do a ton of calculations as well. If not, you could end up eons in the past or future or just in another dimension altogether. It's impossible for any non-spiritual lifeform to do. It's physically impossible for a biological brain to process without the use of an Ultimate Skill. Additionally, due to the fact, the body has to endure the flow of time running through it, the strain placed on a biological body is too much, and they'd age into dust. Only an immortal and ageless being like a Spiritual Lifeform could use this specific type of teleportation. Thankfully, as I am both a Digital-Type Spiritual Lifeform am capable of withstanding the effects of this Skill while also having a calculation-type Ultimate Skill like [Solomon], so I won't end up in the past or future.

There shouldn't have been any problem with such a simple teleport... or at least that's what I thought.

After disappearing from my mansion, I was expecting to appear at the barrier surrounding Velda's estate, but instead, I found myself in an infinite black void.

'[Solomon], where are we?' I asked.

<<Notice!!! An emergency has arisen!>>

<<Calculation miss! Master was somehow repelled to somewhere outside of the space and time barrier surrounding the Cardinal World.>>

'How is that possible?' I asked panicking. This was something that shouldn't be possible no matter what.

<<Unknown! Recalculating...>>

<<Error! Calculations show a 100% Chance of success... Recalculating...>>

"Damn it! Why now?" I groaned while [Solomon] was attempting to figure out what went wrong.

'What is going on? First, my Skill loses track of someone, then I'm expelled from the universe and into the void (conceptual space) between worlds when trying to teleport back. It's like something is preventing me from acting...' I began to think hard about this issue before my blood went cold and I came to a startling realization.

'Is it the World System? No, it's supposed to be impartial and whatnot, plus wouldn't it have just taken my powers away if it didn't want me to help?' I thought.

'*Alaster? What are you doing here?*' I heard a voice from behind me and turned around to see a beautiful woman with long black hair and beautiful eyes that shone like stars.

I was taken aback for a moment before responding. '*Obera, is that you? Why are you out here?*'

'*I had finished my survey of the dimensional barrier around the Cardinal World already and was awaiting for Master Veldanava to summon me. I was patiently waiting here for a while now, but then I sensed you show up suddenly.*' She explained through thought communication.

'*I see... A lot is going on right now, but something is happening at Velda's mansion. I was expelled from the world when I tried to teleport there with [Space-Time Domination]*' I explained.

Obera's normally calm expression took on a look of shock. '*That shouldn't be possible! The chances of that happening are slim to none, even with the instability of the World Barrier, and especially for someone with processing power like yours!*'

'*I know! I've tried teleporting back multiple times already, but I can't. It's like something is blocking me!*' I said, panic growing deep inside my core.

'*Arrgghhh! This isn't the time for this! Velzard is in labor right now and then something is going on with Velda and Lucia too! The World System itself might really be against me!*' I yelled in my head, but because Obera was communicating with me with [Thought Communication], she heard my complaint.

'*This is no time to be disparaging! We must return to Master Veldanava's side immediately!*' Obera said firmly, shaking me out of my worry. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. She was right. Locking up in panic here was the absolute worst possible option in this situation.

'*Did you complete your training with Master Veldanava in Primitive Magic?*' She asked

'*I did*' I responded.

Obera nodded with a small smile. '*Primitive Magic is a system of magic that predates the World System. That's why only Master Veldanava could use it and not even us angles could. It's also why it can be used to bypass the resistances of Ultimate Skills." She explained.

"I remember master Veldanava once explained to Feldway that only very special souls even had the correct 'spark' for it.*' She commented, somewhat off-topic. /1\

<<Notice! Solution discovered!>> [Solomon] exclaimed in triumph.

<<Using {Primitive Magic} it should be possible to bypass the rules of the World System and open a rift to the desired location.>> /2\

'*You're saying I can use Primitive Magic to get there, right?*' I asked, hope restored to my being.

Obera nodded. '*Please, let us go to our master's side!*' She declared.

'*I can open the rift, but it will only be open for a fraction of a second before the world border closes again.*' I mentioned, forwarding the information [Solomon] gave me to Obera.

Obera's six wings fully unfurled in a brilliant display. The pure white wings glimmered slightly gold when her aura was unleashed. '*My wings were upgraded by Master Veldanava himself specifically to travel the cosmic distances in this void to find the tiniest of ripples in space-time and investigate them before they fully healed. I am more than fast enough!*' She declared proudly.

I took a deep breath, a fearless smile marking my face. '*Let's go kick some ass and be back in time for my daughter's birth!*' I said.

Obera's smile matched mine and she gave me a nod. Obera took up a position behind me, almost like she needed to give it a running start. I placed both my hands forward and thought of a spell that I could use, based on Primitive Magic. Strictly speaking, I didn't NEED to name the spells I used when using Primitive Magic, as it'd activate without them, but part of the training I did to master it was proper visualization and mental recognition. For small things like the wall I repaired before, it was easy to just snap my fingers and repair it, but when doing things I'd never done before, like opening a tear in the fabric of reality, it was just easier to use when I gave the spell a name.

'*{Rift Walk}*' I called out as a large breach opened up in the space in front of me. A cascade of colors fluttered out and the wellspring that was the limitless magical energy wall of the World Barrier poured out into the void. The light was blinding, however, even after only being opened for fractions of a second, I could already tell that the rift was beginning to collapse and was already half its initial size. If it wasn't for my [Thought Acceleration] of Several Million times, all I would have seen was a brief flash of blinding light and then darkness.

However, that was not all. The rips I saw were similar to what Ivarage used in his highest power attack, though on a far larger scale than his. If I didn't capitalize on this chance now, I'd probably be blown to bits like I almost was back then. I was stronger now, of course, comparing the amount of energy between Ivarage's attack and my rift would be like comparing a firecracker to an atomic bomb.

I was able to slow down time enough to see the collapse of the rift in slow motion, however, my body's speed never would have been fast enough to cross the distance before it collapsed.

Thankfully, I wasn't able to gape for too long, as Obera charged past me, grabbing ahold of my still outstretched arms, and with a single flap of her wings supercharged wings, we rocketed forwards through the Kaleidoscope of colors.

The inside of the Rift was hard to describe. It was like a slowly closing corridor with the walls, floor, and ceiling all made up of a cornucopia of sights and sounds. Strictly speaking, it was simply all a collection of rainbow lights, shining brightly at us, but if I looked closely, for the briefest of moments, I felt like I saw experienced omniscience. Like I was both everywhere and nowhere all at once. I saw the past in all its glory, witnessing the birth of the universe, the creation of the Angels, and the backlash which resulted in the creation of the Daemons. I saw Twilight's first creations stepping foot into the world for the first time. I witnessed the greater Spirits of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Space all descend into the material world, resulting in the creation of Fairies. I witnessed Velzard's birth, and the Ice Age it caused when it occurred. I witnessed Velgrynd erupting out of a volcano when she emerged and witnessed Veldora's body condense from a cloud of magicules inside an offshore hurricane, only to have him mess up and fall to the ground, not knowing how to fly and knocking himself unconscious, which is how Twilight found him.

I was able to view the underlining 'magical circuitry' which kept reality running. I witnessed the various errors which filled them and the various 'patches' which were placed over them. I saw various leaks and cracks in which energy was expelled from and into the void. I blinked once, and my vision was full of the body of a large immaculate golden dragon, his scales shimmered in a myriad of colors, some real and some I could barely fathom. It was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen, and for the briefest of moments, I felt my eyes meet its own.

I blinked and it was gone. Obera and I were now flying high in the sky, rocketing downward toward a familiar sight. It was the mansion Velda lived in. and it was burning.



This is why Velda hinted at letting the MC be his omnipotent successor, as the same 'Spark' that allowed him to use Primitive Magic, qualified him to take up the mantle of Omnipotence.


It's possible to teleport there too, but [Solomon] wanted the MC to open a Rift that allowed it to observe and analyze everything the MC saw, somewhat like when [Raphael] told Rimuru the only way to block the {|Melt Slash|} was to sacrifice [Beelzebuth] when Rimuru would've been able to tank it.

Sorry about the slow upload schedule. I'm working some weekends now because my company wants to finish its projects up in San Diego asap to move out and I've lost a lot of my motivation because of it. I'll try to be a bit more consistent next weekend.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts