
Magic Training in a Post Ivarage World.

A/N: I'll be using /#\ from now on to refer to specific lore bits from now on.


"Damn it! I give!" Rudra cried out as I released him from my grip.

"You're too good with the sword Rudra, but your actual hand-to-hand is lacking." I stated back at him.

Rudra folded his arms in a huff. "Yeah, like anyone actually going to be able to disarm me though." He said in defiance.

"You're the one who wants to go conquer the world, right? You obviously need to beat Guy to do that and he can and probably will disarm you at some point. I just want you to be sure that when he does, you'll survive." I replied coyly.

Rudra glared back at me. "If you would just join me as my right-hand man, we could defeat Guy easily though."

"Not gonna happen. I may respect your hustle and talent, Rudra, but you're definitely weaker than I am right now. There's no way I'll join someone weaker than me." I gloated back.

"Ugh! Just you wait! Once I defeat that demon, I'll be coming for you next!" Rudra said as he stopped off.

"I'll be waiting!" I called out after him, to which he waved back half-heartedly.

Veldanava in his human form came up to me after seeing our exchange end. "Thanks for picking up the slack of training him while I'm busy." He said, giving me a pat on the back.

"No problem. So, how did the search go? Quite a few Cryptids got away, yeah?" I asked back.

"Not too bad. There is this one creature, looks like a giant Insect /1\, that I'm keeping my eyes on. I think I'll give him a name if he evolves himself into a humanoid form." Veldanava confessed.

"Really? Anyone else I should know about?" I asked.

"There was a black fox-like creature /2\ that was taken in by some humans nearby the border. It also seemed to be intelligent and had sentience, though it's quite weak. I think I'll just keep an eye out on her for a while and see if she becomes anything more than just a powerful monster." He said.

I nodded at that and decided it was time to change subjects. "Should we continue my training now? I mean you're here and all..." I started, really wanting to finish my training and get back to my job.

"I suppose, you're being awfully restless lately. Anything bothering you?" He asked.

"I'm just not so sure about Dino, Pico, and Gracia roaming around. I also want to get started on my pet project of creating a proper Adventurer's Guild. I also need to help Evelyn rebuild her country after so many of the high and normal elves left and left to go the tribes in the South-West /3\. I also gotta deck Sarion." I said, raising my fist into the air.

Veldanava chuckled. "Yeah, who names their country after themself? /4\ I get that the tribes of elves on that peninsula were brought under control of him and Slyvia, but still. A bit egotistical right?"

We both chuckled at that. "Alright. Show me what you've got so far." Veldanava asked of me.

I nodded and snapped my fingers. Instantly, a large cube of gold appeared in front of me. I smirked before snapping again. The gold began to contract and shape itself for a moment before transforming into a statue of Velzard in her Voluptious form. My eyes narrowed slightly and the statue began to move, executing a small dance routine I'd just now thought up.

As the statue of my wife began to dance to a musicless ballet, I turned to Veldanava who had an amused smirk on his face and one raised eyebrow. "You're getting pretty good at that. Primitive Magic is best used by someone with a creative mind like yours." He said. I gave him an affirmative nod in aknowledgement.

Primitive Magic is a highly unique and extremely powerful form of magic that manifests the user's will into the world. It also supersedes the normal magic system and can even affect Ultimate Skill users. Normal magic, unless amplified by an Ultimate Skill's effects, cannot normally harm Ultimate Skill users, however Primitive Magic can. It can also be used when time is stopped. Under normal circumstances, magic or emission-based effects and skills cannot be used in time-stop, but Primitive Magic isn't effected by that rule.

To be honest, Primitive Magic functions as just low-level reality warping. It can do most things Reality Warping can but the only difference is that it can't be used to create or change the laws of the universe. Yes, it can be used to turn up or down gravity inside of a certain radius or remove the strong force binding atoms together allowing me to unmake anything I wish, but I can't alter the laws of physics on a universal scale as Reality Warping can. I also can't use it to create souls nor can I apply rules to things that don't make sense, like creating a ring that grants omnipotence (trust me, I tried), and I can't use it to time travel, but besides that it is unstoppable. That was probably why Veldanava only uses Primitive Magic when he fights. He amplifies its power by using Ultimate Skills to enhance it which granted him pseudo-omnipotence when he had all Seven Virtue Series Skills combined.

[Raphael] helps him to predict how it will turn out. He used [Metatron] in a way I didn't know was possible, but since its power is to draw out the purest form of something, it helped him in increasing the potency of Primitive Magic's effects, like instead of just creating fire, it creates a fire that burns all things in existence. [Uriel] helped him expand the influence of his magic across the entire universe with its domination over space. [Sariel] amplifies its power over souls, etc.

"Not that I'm ungrateful or anything but, shouldn't you be keeping the Virtue Series of Ultimate Skills to help you out here?" I asked out of nowhere.

Veldanava shook his head. "There is no need. I've sublimated /5\ all of the Skills into my soul by now so with the exception of [Michael], I've released them all. By the way, you know your little lover is primed to get [Sariel] right?" He said, changing the subject.

"Who? Evelyn? Huh. Didn't think that would be a thing." I commented with mild surprise. I thought that Granbell and then later Chloe would get [Sariel] but things change over time I guess.

At this point, I had known that Evelyn was Kagali in the future and since I stopped that from happening, I'd irreparably changed the timeline. There likely won't be a Clayman and Yuuki might not ever get summoned into this world. I wondered what would happen to Rimuru's rise in the future, but decided not to worry about it too much right now.

I shook my head of all my thoughts and returned to Veldanava. "So, do you think I'm good enough with my Primitive Magic yet?" I asked.

"Not really. You're too slow to cast the magic. [Metatron] gives you the correct potency, but I think without something like [Raphael] to help with the calculations, you'll never be able to do it properly." he speculated.

"Well sorry that I'm not like your girlfriend and have a working supercomputer for a mind." I pouted a bit.

Veldanava smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's fine it's fine! I'm surprised you even managed to do it at all! Neither one of my sisters could get it and there's no way that Veldora will sit still long enough for me to even attempt to teach him. That makes you my first successful student!" He said, proud of himself.

"Doesn't that just make you a bad teacher though?" I asked with half-closed eyes.

"Moving on to your need for a calculation skill-" He started.

"Don't ignore me!" I called out, trying to interrupt his shifty attempt to ignore the subject. Unfortunately, he had decided that it was just his imagination, so he continued anyway.

"When I alter your skills later, I'll use the excess energy to create something similar to [Raphael] to help you out. That means you'll probably still have two Ultimate Skills, but at least their natures won't be opposing so you can use them both to their fullest extent!" He told me with a smug look on his face begging me to praise him.

'So that's where Veldora got his need for constant praise and validation from' I thought before rolling my eyes. "That would be wonderful, thank you oh wise and powerful god of creation!" I played it up, making it as campy as possible to show I was being humorous.

Veldanava smiled smugly. "That's right, mortal! Feel free to praise me more!" He responded in an obviously fake voice of superiority.

We both looked at each other for a minute before bursting out laughing.



The Insect is Zelanous because I think not having Zegion is a sin.


The Black Fox is Kumara's mother, the one who will later go on to create the monster Country of Evergreen on the border to the Eastern Empire and the Kingdom where Clayman should have been. I made it so that the reason she was not hostile to humans and had a kind heart toward them like she was mentioned in the story (Volume 13 Chapter 4) was that she was taken care of by them when she was young. In the original story, the country was destroyed and she was killed by a commander of the Eastern Army named Kansas which is why Kumara ended up as Clayman's pet.


Originally, after Soma was destroyed by Milim, Kazaream tried to rebuild it as the puppet nation of Jistav in the capital of Amarita, which would eventually be conquered by Leon and then abandoned to be claimed by Clayman.

Because some of the survivors of Soma eventually ended up founding Sarion, I'm assuming the reason they left was to be ruled by Slyvia and Sarion after the destruction. Sarion was supposed to be gravely wounded after fighting the Chaos Dragon and Slyvia thought he died so she named the country after him in his honor and delayed having the child she was pregnant with at the time () until hundreds of years later.

In my AU version, the reason some people do this is that they don't want to be ruled by Evelyn anymore since it was her father that led to the country being under his tyrannical rule (but it was actually Jahil but no one knew that). The destruction happened earlier as a result of Ivarage's rampage. The loyalists stayed and will form a new country with Evelyn as the Queen whereas Slyvia and Sarion will form the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion.


Since I wanted to keep the name Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion, I'm making the joke that Sarion named his new country after himself.

I did this mostly for the readers of this fanfic. Since there really isn't a reason as to why the boarders will change much and the rulers will be the same, I kept the name the Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion the same. Wouldn't it be confusing if I called it Greenwood or something like that but everything else about the country was the same?

People would be commenting " Elmesia is the rule of Sarion, not Greenwood" whenever I mentioned it later, so that's why Sarion is being a bit out of character and narcissistic by naming it after himself.


In Volume 19, Slyvia introduced us to sublimating Ultimate Skills by disconnecting them from your mind. Later on, we see Chloe having fully sublimated [Sariel] and combining it with her soul, making all of its powers intrinsic to her and breaking Michael's control over it. It also showed that [Manas: Chronoa] could be sublimated which combined both Chloe's childish and Chronoa's aggressive and adult personalities together.

In my canon, Veldanava did the same for all of the Virtue Series Ultimate Skills, so he doesn't actually get weaker when giving them up, which is why other people can get them and he can casually give them away without issue.

Short Chappy today with a lot of exposition.

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts