
Warrior princess

When Maria finally woke up, she saw Abigail,her maid cleaning the room."oh my Goodness, Abigail your alive" Maria jumped down from the bed and hugged her "good morning your majesty" "oh Abigail, how can you be alive,or am I dreaming" Maria began to feel if Abigail was really alive or not, when she was sure that she was alive, she hugged her even tighter. "I missed you too your majesty" Abigail hugged her even tighter. The thing is, when Maria was to be married to prince Robert,on the day of their marriage, when Robert and Maria rode towards Robert's kingdom,they were attacked,they killed Robert and the guards, but kidnapped Maria, Maria thought that Abigail was also dead but she didn't know that Abigail managed to escape, and return to the palace two years after Maria's abduction. "Your majesty, I missed you so much, I thought they must have killed you,how did you escape" "That's a long story Abigail, but the most important thing is that your okay". Abigail and Maria had been really good friends, despite their different backgrounds, Maria had been really found of her, and was given to her as a birthday gift from her father. "But how did you escape" " "Well your majesty, story for another day, right now you need a bath" "Thanks for reminding me Abigail".

After her bath, Maria made her way to the royal dinning room. When she arrived, she saw Lucifer sitting at the head of the table,Elsa sat down on the second chair on Lucifer's left."Maria, I am so glad you could make it" Lucifer hugged her "Wow, Maria's back, what a pleasant surprise" Elsa said sarcastically "Thanks Elsa, good to see you too" Maria sat down next to Lucifer on his left hand side "Who are we waiting for" Maria asked "We are waiting for Isabelle, Lucifer's new wife" Elsa said, just then, Isabelle's two maids opened the door for her and led her to her seat, next to Lucifer on his right hand side.

Isabelle's P.O.V

After I exchanged pleasantries with everyone, I sat down and began to wonder who that lady sitting next to Lucifer was. I stared at her and noticed how much Lucifer and her looked alike, with her raven black hair and golden eyes. "Could she be Lucifer's daughter", I thought but Lucifer said he doesn't have an heir.

Maria looked at the lady sitting next to Lucifer. Lucifer, sensing the tension around the table, decided to introduce everyone. "Now that we are all seated here, I'll like to introduce everyone here. Maria, Isabelle this is Elsa my first wife. Maria, Elsa this is Isabelle my new wife. Isabelle,Elsa this is Maria my younger sister." "Oh, nice to meet you Maria" "Nice to meet you too Isabelle" "Oh brother, save me the sappy introduction and stop acting as if you like each other" "What do you mean by that Elsa", Isabelle asked. Before Elsa could reply, Maria cut in. "Well breakfast is getting cold so we better eat up". Everyone concentrated on his or her meal, until Maria broke the silence. "So Isabelle what are you?" "What am I, what does that mean" "I mean are you a seelie, or a warlock, but please don't tell me your a witch, I have had enough of witches in my life" she shot Elsa a dirty look, while Elsa just sat back and watched Isabelle's reaction. "Well I'm not a witch, what's a seelie, and what's a warlock" Lucifer's dark gaze made Isabelle afraid. "She is a human Maria, don't bother her with questions" Maria nodded her head knowingly, she wanted to ask a question, but decided to keep quiet. "What did she think I was" Isabelle asked,her eyes changing to the color of orange, but it quickly changed back to normal before Lucifer or Maria noticed, but it didn't go unnoticed by Elsa's curious and fierce gaze.

Lucifer P.O.V

After breakfast, Maria and Lucifer made their way to the palace training ground. "Lucifer, what made you take a new wife" "I was just fulfilling the promise dad made to her mom".

Maria walked towards the shelf that held different kinds of weapons in the middle of the training ground. "Lucy,come let's train" "No way Maria, you just got back,I won't want to be tired,we have so much to discuss. I want to know what really happened to you all these years" "No Lucy, that's boring,we can do that later as for now, let's train. You are afraid that I'm gonna beat you right" "in your dreams" Lucifer scoffed "then come let's fight, they don't call me the warrior princess for nothing".