
In the Wake of Betrayal : A Second Chance at Love

In the gripping novel, Sarah's world shatters when her CEO husband serves her divorce papers on their first anniversary, accusing her of an unforgivable betrayal. Determined to start anew and relying on her own strength, Sarah embarks on a journey of resilience and empowerment, opening a thriving bakery cafe with her mother and loyal friends by her side. As her life blossoms, she encounters Daniel, a respectful police officer who ignites a spark of hope in her heart.

the_glow · Masa Muda
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32 Chs

Chapter 21: A Risky Discussion

In the plush confines of his office, John Anderson, the CEO of Anderson Tech Company, sat behind his imposing mahogany desk. His expression was one of deep contemplation, the lines on his forehead etched with uncertainty. Seated across from him was Alex, his loyal bodyguard and confidant, a man of unwavering loyalty and discretion.

John leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk, and steepled his fingers. "Alex," he began in a measured tone, "I've been thinking about Sarah."

Alex, a man of few words, nodded attentively, his sharp gaze locked onto his employer's face.

"I wonder," John continued, "if there's any chance she might forgive me."

Alex raised an eyebrow, his features unreadable. "Forgive you for what, sir?"

John hesitated for a moment, his gaze falling to the desk's polished surface. "For the way I treated her," he admitted quietly. "For believing the accusations against her, for the divorce..."

The bodyguard's eyes remained unwavering, waiting for his employer to continue.

John took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "Do you think, Alex, that if you were to speak to her on my behalf, she might consider reconciliation? Could you convey my remorse?"

Alex regarded John with a thoughtful expression. "It's not a matter of forgiveness, sir. It's a matter of trust. Rebuilding trust can be more challenging than seeking forgiveness."

John nodded slowly, his gaze distant as he grappled with the gravity of his actions. "You're right, Alex. Trust is something I broke, and it's not easily mended."

The bodyguard leaned forward, his voice steady and unwavering. "If you genuinely want to make amends, sir, actions will speak louder than words. You'll need to demonstrate your sincerity and commitment over time."

John nodded again, his jaw set with determination. "I understand. I have to earn her trust back."

Alex leaned back in his chair, his expression inscrutable, but his eyes showed a glimmer of understanding. "Sarah is no longer a part of your life, sir. It's been a year since the divorce, and she has moved on. Rebuilding what was lost won't be easy."

John sighed deeply, acknowledging the truth in Alex's words. "I know, Alex. I've watched from a distance as she built her bakery business. She's become independent, strong."

Alex's gaze remained fixed on John. "If you're truly committed to making amends, you might consider supporting her from afar. Ensure her success rather than seeking reconciliation."

John nodded, his mind processing this alternative approach. "Yes, you're right. Perhaps I can assist her in a way that doesn't intrude on her life. Help her succeed."

The bodyguard's tone was cautious. "It's a delicate path, sir. Your actions must be genuine, without any ulterior motives. Sarah is perceptive; she'll see through any insincerity."

John met Alex's eyes, determination etched on his face. "I've made mistakes, Alex, but I want to make things right. I'll do whatever it takes to regain her trust, even if it means supporting her quietly."

John's resolve to make amends with Sarah had grown stronger during his conversation with Alex. He knew that actions spoke louder than words, and he was determined to show Sarah that he was committed to changing for the better. But he also understood that timing was crucial; he didn't want to rush into anything and risk pushing her away.

With this in mind, John turned to Alex, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Alex, I need you to find out when Sarah is free. I want to meet with her, but I don't want to disrupt her life or business."

Alex nodded, his expression serious. "I understand, sir. I'll discreetly gather information and find the right opportunity for you to meet with her."

John appreciated his bodyguard's dedication and discretion. "Thank you, Alex. Keep me informed, but ensure that Sarah doesn't feel pressured in any way. This has to be her choice as well."

As John's plan to reconnect with Sarah took shape, he was aware that patience and timing would be key. He had taken the first steps on a path toward redemption, but the journey ahead remained uncertain.

Alex, as always, took his responsibilities seriously. He set out to discreetly gather information about Sarah's schedule, knowing that any misstep could jeopardize John's chances of making amends.

He began by observing Sarah's bakery, noting the times when she arrived in the morning and when she left in the evening. He watched for patterns, trying to identify moments when she might have some free time.

Alex also made inquiries among the local community, subtly asking neighbors, customers, and Sarah's employees about her routine. He needed to ensure that any meeting between John and Sarah would be convenient for her and, most importantly, wouldn't disrupt her thriving bakery business.


The closing hour at "Blossom Delights" had arrived, and Sarah was meticulously tidying up her bakery when the unexpected presence of Alex sent a shockwave through her. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she momentarily stopped what she was doing.

Alex approached her calmly, wearing his usual composed expression, and politely asked, "Ma'am, may I have a moment of your time?"

Startled, Sarah hesitated but then gestured for him to enter the bakery. She led him to a pair of chairs, and they both took a seat. The atmosphere in the shop felt tense, as Sarah wondered why John's bodyguard was seeking her out.

Alex maintained a respectful demeanor as he spoke, "Ma'am, Mr. Anderson has expressed a desire to meet with you."

Sarah's brows furrowed in confusion and skepticism. "Why would he want to meet with me?" Her voice held a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Alex chose his words carefully. "He wishes to discuss certain matters, Ma'am. He understands that it may be unexpected, but he genuinely wants to have a conversation with you."

Sarah shook her head, her expression firm. "I have nothing to say to him. I've moved on with my life, and I don't want to reopen old wounds. Please convey my message to Mr. Anderson."

Alex nodded, his professionalism unwavering. "I will relay your response, Ma'am. I understand your position."

As the conversation concluded, Sarah couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The past she had tried to put behind her was suddenly knocking at her door, and she was left to grapple with the decision of whether or not to meet with John once more.