
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

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32 Chs


Wind was calmly blowing outside while Sun was lowering itself while bright blue sky was slowly becoming darker and darker. A door opened and two guards came to us, they were wearing white silver armor with academy symbols carved on their chests and white helmets with open mouth and eye area.

Guards greeted us by slamming their silver spears on the ground and started stripping us butt naked after they closed the door. Grumpy's face was clearly embarrassed but he didn't say a word. To be fair i'm not much shameful when it comes to this sort of things, but being butt naked in front of guards and other inhabitants is clearly too much for me.

I began taking my underwear off when cunning female voice could be heard near us.

"That's enough, i despise seeing men naked. Put on your clothes you stinking pigs and get over here."

Our bodies shaken a little and our feet started moving by themselves. Guards followed us and then proceeded to yell.

"You are now in presence of Athena, Head of Arnes Aviator Academy, bow your heads!"

Grumpy bowed while i stood there confused for a second before Grumpy took my hand and pulled me down in order to bow.

"Hmph took you long time to bow down pig."

A spiting female voice said.

My head tried to process what's going on, aviators on academy never bowed to anyone besides emperor's family. More so, academy isn't known for having manhating queen like leader.

As i was looking around the room my eyes saw many changes inside. First of all now throne room never existed during my academic days, second is that once classrooms are now empty decorated rooms with paintings.

Throne was straight looking at the door and it was made out of clear silver. Throne was placed at the end of hall and to both left and right side of it were stairs that were leading further into building. Behind throne on wall there is two circular windows with colorful palette of glass. 

"Keep your eyes on me you scum"

I quickly turned my eyes back on her feeling my anger slowly rising.

"So you are that famous Sparrow, aviator who survived Amale mountains... well i guess you have some kind of talent."

She said with visible hatred in her eyes. I could feel maliciousness coming out of her as she spoke again.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"No madam, i'm sorry for being disrespectful towards you"

I said with bit of stuttering.

One thing that grandpa taught me is to always treat a woman with respect, no matter how is she rude towards you.

"Well this is one of that cases"

 I thought of it

 "Rise your head and look at me."

She commanded me and i immediately rose my head up. She proceeded to tell me her name

"Hmph you at least know some manners for a man. My name is Athena but you will call me Miss Athena, are we clear?"

Which to whom i nodded my head.

 "I didn't hear you"

She said and sent shivers down my spine.

 "Yes Miss Athena, I apologize."

Guards then proceeded to escort me back but one thing was missing, Grumpy. I turned my head back and saw Grumpy waving me with worried look on his face.

"Guess he's in trouble"

I thought and continued walking again. 

Door closed behind me and i took a deep breath to calm myself down and start thinking carefully.

"Throne Room? What the heck happened with classrooms and why is there a throne room in main hall?"

I asked myself with both anger and confusion. What happened to old man who used to rule academy smoothly without any problems. Grumpy and Shane are hiding something from me and i saw that guards had hateful expressions during my meeting with Athena.

I was asking myself these questions as i was walking towards popular academy inn where most of my nights went off during my newbie days. 

On the street there was medium sized inn made out of wood, at the entrance stood one man with brown coat and aviator googles on his forehead. After a better look that man is my good old friend Ervis who also is a owner of this inn.

He's purple haired man with purple eyes and average height, he has very kind face which goes with his good personality. Ervis held his hands on his head and gasped.

"Oh my God, is that you Sparrow?!"

Both me and him run towards each other and we hugged.

"You haven't changed a bit Ervis."

I said with a wide smile on my face.

"You look uglier than before Sparrow."

He added laughing loudly.

"Let's head inside, we have a lot to talk about"

Ervis said before grabbing me by shoulder and leading inside his inn.

As we entered the inn i could see it completely empty, which was weird, we sat down on a wooden table across bookshelf and Ervis grabbed us a drink.

"Why is it so empty?"

I asked worrying a little bit since Ervis inn was never empty.

"A lot happened while you were gone Sparrow."

He proceeded to stand up and lock the door.

"Why are you locking us here?"

 I asked with confusion.

"Academy isn't the same anymore Sparrow, we have to talk in secret"

He pulled chair again and sat down and began pouring me a drink.

"You see, everything went downhill two years ago when old man died."

Said Ervis before handling me a glass of rum.

"Old Man died? Was it in combat?"

I asked not much in surprise knowing that old man used to go to alone on missions.


Silence broke down on us.

"Old Man was killed by that bitch Athena and she took his place."

My heartbeat stopped.

"Old man killed? A powerful head of academy killed just like that and replaced by that manhating woman?"

I asked myself.

"You see Sparrow, she one day came to us escorted by non other than Diablo's Company."

That name rings bell, largest mercenary company on Cardal.

"She then proceeded to challenge old man in fair fight for position. Old Man accepted like warrior he was and then they fought on open field near academy with many people to watch."

My eyes widened with every word coming out from Ervis's mouth. Combat for Head position is an old tradition of Academy that was very rare in practice since most of aviators had respect for each other.

"Well, how did she defeat him?"

I asked shockingly.

"During the battle, Old man wounded her on stomach but she proceeded to somehow stand up and then suddenly shouted so loud that whole city heard her mile away. She blew old man off his feet and dazed him, while he was unconscious she used that moment to strike with sword and severed his head off him."

Said Ervis with visible sadness and anger on his face. He looked back at me and saw my worried face

"What happened after that?"

I quietly asked.

"Well everyone wanted to rebel against her and some even took weapons in their hands and called for rebellion. But no one of rebels survived and academy couldn't risk civil war during the war with elves."

My first slammed the table.

"That bitch.. what about Emperor, did he try to help?"

Ervis looked at me and turned his head down.

"Emperor can't do anything since it was fair fight followed by tradition"

My anger increased and i felt despair. A mercenary coming in and killing our old man in such savage way, and getting away with murdering good soldiers who served this country with their sweat and blood.

"You mentioned shouting, what about that?"

I turned my head up to Ervis and asked him with cold expression.

"A yea shouting, I don't know much about it Sparrow but i heard from the old man before when he was among living that shouting only posses people from family Tsugikuna but that family is very secretive and powerful."

Hearing that made me curious about that family and Athena herself.

"Sorry Sparrow, we will talk tomorrow again now i have to close the inn with these new rules made by Athena herself"

I didn't respond yet i nodded and we shaken hands, i got out and he closed and locked the door behind me leaving me alone now in the empty streets. 

"Guess i should head to my dorm."