
Prologue - 15 Years Ago (part 1)

January 1st @ 00:00 – Year of the Dragon

- Crimson Dragon School in Sun City

In the 2nd building of the Heng Lóng estate, a gorgeous, traditional Chinese style building, a newborn baby's 1st loud cry could be heard. Unexpectedly however, after that initial cry, the baby fell silent…

"Huh?! Doctor! Why did he stop crying!? What's Wrong!?" An understandably frantic, yet melodic female voice sounded. "Tell me he's alright! Please! doctor!?" The woman's voice started to become hoarse as she seemed on the verge of breaking down, a horrible thought flashing through her mind.

Inside the originally tastefully decorated bedroom, which had temporarily been transformed into a delivery-room, a man dressed in a white coat was holding onto a newborn infant. He gently rubbed the baby's back and then stimulated its tiny little feet. "hmmm, this is peculiar…" The man muttered, as he now proceeded to do a gentle check-up on the new born baby, checking its breathing, its vitals and soft little muscles.

The 2 assistant's eyes looked at the scene with complex gazes, while tears began to flow down the now pale cheeks of the new mother, who had tilted her head and was looking hopefully at the doctor… Her heart skipping a few beats.

"Nothing seems to be particularly wrong with him… On the contrary, he is as healthy as a newborn could possibly be!" He exclaimed with a cheerful tone while smiling at the woman.

The tense atmosphere in the room instantly vanished, as if a strong surge of wind had blown it away like an insignificant dust-particle and had replaced it with a joyous, celebratory atmosphere.

Still crying, this time from happiness, the woman's previously completely tensed body suddenly relaxed to the extent that she almost dozed away into a comfortable sleep.

Seeing this, the doctor let out an satisfied sigh, proceeded to clamp and clip the umbilical cord, and turned towards the more lean and petite of the two assistants. "Please take care of the washing and prepare him to be laid next to his mother." He tasked her.

Showing her years of experience, the assistant took the baby over into her arms and quickly went to do her task in a professional manner.

Meanwhile the doctor went to collect some blood from the clipped umbilical cord, alongside some opportunistic stem cells and proceeded to take care of the afterbirth.

The taller an more plump looking assistant also sprung in action by cleaning and putting away the now unnecessary equipment in the room.

In the 1st, central building of the Heng Lóng estate, known as the Crimson Dragon martial building, an elderly Chinese looking man was sitting in his private chamber, cross legged and in a meditative state. Simply by looking at him, one could easily tell he was not a normal man.. He sat in such silence and stillness that one could mistake him for a statue.

His original black hair had become 50 percent white and was styled in a very unique manner… At first glance it looked like any receding hairline, but the hair above both his ears resembled an in-length progressing circle of hair-spikes. The longest hair spike which was in front of his ears, pointed forward, while the length of each consecutive hair spike slightly shortened, they began to point more and more vertically, with the last, tiniest spike stopping behind his ears pointed up.

Right underneath the hairs pikes behind both his ears, 2 long braids of hair flowed down, falling onto each of his shoulders. Their braiding stopped around the collarbone-area, where they were tied together by crimson ribbons, after which one inch of unbraided hair was allowed to flow freely.

On the back of his head, 2 horizontal rows of similar, but thicker and longer braids framed his face. The 3 braids on the upper row neatly flowed between the 4 braids on the lower row, and they all fell evenly spread onto his back. They too, were similarly tied together with crimson ribbons at their ends, followed by one inch of unbraided hair.

Streaks of black could be seen flowing within the white hair-spikes and braids.

His face looked as strict as it appeared gentle and wise. Truly an awe inspiring figure. His few wrinkles showed off his life-experience and wisdom, yet his vibrant skin betrayed any expectations of frailness. Above his closed eyelids, two fiery black and and white eyebrows seemed to conflict his smooth and gentle facial features. All of these peculiar features of this man were like a reflection of his persona.

The man was sporting a long robed, crimson outfit made of silk, with wide stretching sleeves and simple black martial arts clothing underneath. Closer inspection would reveal that the man was sitting on a black meditation cushion.

"Zongshi" <ancestral teacher> An young, but extremely polite voice sounded right outside the sliding door to the room.

"…" As the old man did not immediately answer, that person patiently and quietly waited. After 4 minutes, the Elder finally opened his eyes.

"Come in" His gentle voice rang with a serene tone. The door to the room, which was crafted from exquisite black wood and clean, white rice paper slid open, revealed an energetic young figure sporting a short, blonde angular fringe hairstyle. The youth wore a simple, yet convenient crimson yī-fu <Martial arts clothes>with black martial arts slippers. His name was Lee Jenssen.

"Zongshi" The youth addressed the old man as he cupped his left fist in his right hand's palm, while bowing his head. "Good news! Shimu's <Teacher's> wife's labor is finally over, the baby has been delivered!" He explained with a hint of excitement. "Even though the baby hardly cried upon delivery, the doctor examined him carefully and proclaimed he was as healthy a horse!"

The youth decided to share the full extent of his knowledge on the matter.

"That is indeed wonderful news!" The old Master nodded, failing to hide his boiling excitement. Although he had tried his best to calm himself down by meditating just now, his heart was actually beating like a drum inside his chest, and a twinkle of excitement flashed in his amber brown eyes.

"Let us go and visit my precious Liana and my healthy as a horse grandson!" He said half jokingly and without any body motion betraying his intent, he stood up. And before the youth realized it, the man had already left his private room, his braids now flowing as if wind was carrying them.

'Seeing ancestral teacher acting like this really is a rare treat.' Lee thought as he snickered, then quickly hurried behind the grand master whose abnormally quick pace belied his effortless, casual movements. Already outside the martial arts building, Lee elaborated further; "Last I heard, Lady Liana was being put to rest in her bed, while the baby was being prepared to be handed to her."

He Glanced to his side, hoping to catch another rare reaction from this usually serene and silent man. 'Success!' He cheered in his mind as he noticed the left corner of his ancestral teacher's mouth jerk up a few extra millimeters.

Lee was one of the few rare core disciples. The aim was that at the young age of 4, anyone has the opportunity to become a core Crimson Dragon Martial arts disciple; however, one must be willing to live in the Heng Lóng Estate, and devote all their time and effort into their martial art training.

These are the seeds that will become the future of this school and continue the Crimson Dragon martial art's legacy. Whether they come from rich or or dirt-poor families, all are treated as equals.

They train 10 hours a day: First from 05:00 to 10:00, Enjoy a good lunch, and then from 12:00 to 17:00. After diner they all complete some shores & then receive a bit of education in the evening from Lady Liana before gaining their freedom. This free time they're allowed to spend however they wish, in- or outside the estate; But they will never escape this ironclad schedule… Except today!

In the 11 years Lee Jenssen has lived here, he had never seen the always serene and even-keel Grandmaster like this. Apart from the day Shifu, Zongshi's son, married Lady Liana 9 years ago, but Lee himself was only 6 at that time. Too young to pay attention to such trivialities. Being a young man of 15, he now naturally paid more attention these little things.

When the two men entered the 2nd building, also known as the Chen Lóng estate's sleeping quarters, they could see the 6 remaining core students crowding outside the opened screen-door of the last room on the left, at the end of the hall. Some shoving and pulling motions could be seen as they all tried to get the best possible position to peek inside the room.

"Seriously? That is amazing!" One of them snickered. "I know right!? Hilarious!" another disciple mused. Some giggles could be heard, and different looks of amazement were noticeable on each and every single one of their faces.

"Ah-hum" A composed, yet attention-demanding 'cough' resounded behind the group of similarly crimson clothed disciples. "!!" All of them, although expecting his arrival, were still surprised shitless at his sudden and silent appearance.

The seven quickly lined up, away from the door, clearing the way for the Grandmaster.

"Zongshi!" they all said in unison as they cupped their left fists into their right palms and respectfully bowed.

"May I inquire as to why the birth of my grandson is such a amusing event?" Grandmaster's question, although sounding very strict, failed to hide an obvious undertone of joy. "Also, where is Elder Ming at this moment? Still asleep?" He asked with a doubtful look on his face. He knew Elder Ming's character better than anyone, thus it was unlike the man not to be present.

"Zongshi." The one who spoke first was the most mature of the core disciples, the 16 year old Angelo Espisoto. "Elder Ming actually left the estate half an hour ago. He told us to inform Zongshi when the time of your inquirement arrived." Angelo replied matter of factly.

"As to why we are amused… Well… I believe it would be easier to explain if honorable Zongshi took a look for himself". Lingering amusement was still obvious as he answered the Grandmaster's questions.

"Oh" Heng Lóng quickly put the matter to rest. Elder Ming must have had a good reason for his actions… He usually does. Intrigued by these youngsters' earlier behavior, he finally made his way into Lady Liana's room before this group of disciples realised what happened.

"Pfft" A tiny laugh almost escaped his lips. The scene in front of him was indeed like one would only see in cartoons and comedies.

The petite nurse her scrubs were visibly wet as she was peed on. The doctor, attempting to take the now cleanly washed & blanket wrapped baby from her hands, was unable to do so as the baby's little hand had escaped their prison and was clutched around the nurses index finger so tightly they were actually unable to separate him from her.

"How can this little fellow's grip be this strong!?" The nurse was visibly shaken, as her finger began to redden more and more the harder they tried to seperate the two.

The previously calmly observing Lady Liana decided she had seen enough and finally spoke with her enchanting voice: "Can you at least move my son over here, next to me?" The sound of her voice was almost angelic, her emotions truly pulling at the heartstrings of those who listened to it. Thus the doctor quickly gave up and the nurse moved over to Lady Liana's side.

As if the baby felt the presence of his mother who had granted him life and had carried him for 9 months, the baby immediately let go of the petite nurse her finger and seemed to reach out his little arm and hand towards Lady Liana.

This single action made all those who were present feel amazement as well as moved.

"aww~ So cute!" A girly voice sounded outside the room. The voice belonged to the youngest of the 2 female core disciples, the 12 year old Evalina Do Santos.

As soon as the angelic Lady Liana held her son and lovingly cradled him in her arms and against her chest, an adorable content little smile appeared on the baby's innocent face. It was a picture of such beauty and grace that it had undoubtedly engraved itself into all the minds of those present inside and outside the room.

Both nurses and the doctor excused themselves, and were then escorted out of the estate by Angelo as per Heng Lóng's instructions.

Lady Liana is absolutely an exquisitely beautiful woman! Not only is her body the embodiment of today's female human ideal, her caramel golden skin could also be considered perfect, as it was clear and glistening…In other words, completely unblemished.

Under her white-golden, softly curved eyebrows, her sultry, almond shaped, pale-green colored eyes were encompassed by thick, dark black limbal rings, and her irises appeared increasingly bleached towards their center. There, her pearl-black pupils were gently fixated on her treasured newborn son.

Delicate, peachy rose skin of her cupid bow lips touched the baby's cute and chubby little cheeks as she lovingly kissed him. Followed by a little eskimo-kiss of her fine nose against his identical yet baby-sized button nose.

The slightly loose, white golden curls of her lush hair are brushed and sealed to the back in sweeping flows, showing a trace of where her delicate fingers raked through. Achieving a now slightly messy, yet perfect frame for her diamond shaped face.

A side partition adds sophistication to her semi long hairstyle, as does its warm, honey-colored base with its few accented highlights.

The whole room was exceedingly silent as this heartwarming scene was taking place. Until finally, Lady Liana finally raised her head and with a bright, warm smile she gestured Heng Lóng to come closer and say hello to his grandson.

"He truly is the most perfect little fellow I have ever seen!" The no longer the always serene and dignified Grandmaster, but now exhilarated and unseasoned grandfather happily exclaimed!

An enchanting giggle escaped from Lady Liana's lips. "As his grandfather and godfather, of course you'd day that! Silly…" She replied while shaking her head in ridicule.

Liana had a tendency to tease Heng Lóng whenever she could. As only she could get away with it.

Contrary to the usual norm, his proclamation was actually not in the least exaggerated. The baby looked absolutely perfect in every single way, it was almost ridiculous…

Even the core disciples were looking at her with incredulous and complex gazes. None of them had ever seen a baby this beautiful. And it is not like there aren't many cute babies out there!

"With his mother being so her, it's not that big of a shock though…" Most of them were thinking to themselves in silence, wondering how other mothers would react if they had to compare babies...

Lady Liana now turned attention back to her son. "Hey you~" she happily whispered, "look who came by to say hello to the cutest little martial artist in the world!" she joked. "It's your grampsy! Teehee!" Liana teased her father in law while turning her son to face her father in law whom she regarded as her real father.

Staring at him with her glittering eyes, she saw him huf in protest: "Hey now, wait a minute! Who decided on that nickn…!!" As Heng Lóng was about to lay down his complaint to her, he suddenly stopped talking. His eyes widened, transforming into crescent moons of disbelief while his whole body began to to tremble.

At this development Liana knitted her eyebrows together and couldn't help but ask: "Father? Are you alright? Father... what's wrong?" She now became slightly worried, as she had never seen seen him act this way before in her entire life. "Is there something wrong?"

"Crash!" The sound of glass breaking resounded from the door opening, where now another, similarly trembling figure was standing. Holding a little basket of crimson eggs in his right hands, and a now broken bottle of yellow wine at his feet. This Elderly Chinese man's now crescent moon-shaped eyes almost bulged out of his eye-sockets from shock and disbelief.

"This…!" Elder Ming's trembling voice broke the strange atmosphere. "Can it be? … Can this really be? … How… Could the heavens truly have blessed us like this?" Now also dropping the crimson eggs-filled basket, he stumbled into the room as if his legs had become spaghetti, and proceeded to kneel next to liana's bed all the while staring at the baby. "I'm not dreaming right? Tell me I'm not dreaming!" His voice quivered in trepidation.

"What?…" At a complete loss, Lady Liana looked at both oddly behaving men in front of her, before noticing all of the core disciples' equally lost, but conjointly complex gazes towards her and more specifically especially her baby.

Quickly shifting her attention towards the obvious cause of all this commotion, a sudden shock jolted from her eyes, to her brain and then through her whole body when she saw her baby boy had opened his eyes and was currently innocently staring at heng Lóng.

It wasn't the fact that he had opened his eyes as if he had understood her earlier words which was that shocking; But what his eyes looked like that had her, all the core disciples, and the 2 elders utterly dumbfounded. They were unlike any eyes she had ever seen!

It was as if they belonged to some demonic creature from the netherworld, if such a place were to exist. Frankly, these were eyes that do not belong to this world, let alone a human baby!

As Liana studied her son's eyes, the first thing she noticed was the abnormal color of his sclera. The usually white sclera, in his case were a dark crimson colour… A shade way darker than someone suffering from bloodshot eyes or bursted capillaries would ever have. The difference was like heaven and earth, mainly because the coloration his eyes also had a smoothness to them which was hard to put into words, but which clearly indicated that these were his natural eyes.

Even more mysterious than the striking coloring of his sclera, was how the limbal rings of his irises were pearl white!?

As for the irises themselves, they appeared gold and silver in his left and right eyes respectively, while sporting traces of extremely thin pearl white lines, extending from his discernibly thick limbal rings toward his pearl black pupils… At least his pupils are normal?

Initially, a trace of worry began nestling itself in her heart, but she then remembered Elder Ming's words from a moment ago. That, combined with her baby's apparent capability to see, although not extinguishing it, kept that worry from firmly settling in.

"Father, Elder Ming… Both of you seem to know what this strange condition entails? Please tell me upfront if this has any detrimental consequences for his health or sight?" Masking the trace of worry, Liana had no other choice but to inquire.

The now reunited core disciples all shifted their attention towards both Heng Lóng and Elder Ming. Curiosity had unsurprisingly taken the better of them.