
Deus Vult (1)

21 June, Wroclaw, Square of General Bem 02:00

2 guys walked near the ice cream parlor, both of them were almost 2 meters tall. But one was slim like a slender man, the second one was massive like a bear. It was obvious that both of them drunk too much that night. But the bear was in much worse condition than his friend.

A police patrol stopped nearby. Two officers left the car and stopped them.

-"Papers please." - Asked officer with the rank of the aspirant.

The big guy handed his wallet to his friend and walked towards a trash bin. -"Do not worry Mister Policeman, I am not running away."- And he threw up the content of his stomach into a trash bin. -"I am not leaving any trash on the street, okay."

-"Alex, you are giving us a bad name. Here, his and mine ID. And sorry for his behavior, we passed our exam sessions and we are coming back from the part, and he drunk too much"-Zibi started to explain the whole situation.

-" I see, will he be able to enter your flat?"- Asked constable.

-"We are only 100m away from the entrance to our tenement house..."- Zibi wanted to add something but animal-like cry stopped him.

-"Zibi, water!"- Alex was barely standing, if not for a trash bin he would probably fall to the ground.

-"You will throw it up immediately, put your finger in your mouth if you empty your stomach I will give you water"- Zibi said, and Alex obediently put his middle finger in his throat.-"Sorry, once again."

-"Okay, you can go." -Aspirant handed them their ID`s, and both police officers drove away.

Zibi helped his friend, and they walked towards a road crossing near a bakery. Light`s were off, so they looked around carefully and when they were sure that no one is driving, they started their journey once again. When they were right before tram rails they heard a roar of an engine. Black BMW crossed the Mill Bridge and entered the right turn with a drift. Unfortunately right behind that turn was a crosswalk. The driver hit Alex and Zibi so hard that they flew in the air. Alex smashed head first into a building. Zibi landed on the tram traction. Gaint lighting sparked, and lights were off in the whole district.

They woke up in solitary that was taken straight out of the psychiatric hospital. Their hands were handcuffed, and they were sitting back to back. Alex woke up first, he was surprised that he did not have a hangover, be when he saw white walls and felt handcuffs he quickly understood. He was in the most expensive hotel in Wroclaw, a sobering-up center. It looked like a hospital, personnel was trained like in a hospital, but it wasn`t a hospital. Because normal nurse will not break your bones if you flirt with her. Soon Zibi woke up too, he was surprised as well.

-"Alex? Is that you?"

-"Yep, you know after further though I doubt that this is a sober center."- Alex tried to move his hands but handcuffs made it imposible.-"I mean, in the sober center they would chain us to the bed, not into each other."

-"Yeah, I think so too. Do not move I will try to open these cuffs."-Alex stopped moving and started to feign sleep. At the same time, Zibi dislocated his wrists and took off the handcuffs. -"Do you have something I could use to open up yours?"

-"No, but someone will have to come for us, I think he will have the key"-Alex was whispering.-"But I wonder, why us. I mean, our livers are probably useless."

-"Shut up, we will talk later when we get out of this."- Zibi was calm and composed

After a few hours, steel doors were finally opened. A nurse entered the room with a plate of food.

-"I know that you are awake, we have cameras here."- She said and squatted before Alex, she grabbed his chin and raised his head. She saw him grinning.

-"Sorry, miss."- He kicked her so hard that she hit a wall. Zibi immediately stood up and tried to choke her but before he even touched her she changed into a smoke and transformed. From the lovely nurse that looked like Samara into skeleton clad in black robes with a scythe.

-"What the fuck?!"- They said in unison.

-"Good kick boy, but wrong target."- She reached with her bony hand towards Zibi`s neck, but Alex was faster. He shoulder bashed her again into a wall. They left a room in a hurry and locked the door.

-"Alex, what did you add to that cauldron?"- Zibi said as they were running through hospital like corridor taken from a horror movie.

-"I distilled it from Atropa belladonna L., Humulus L., Hyoscyamus niger L. and Malus Domestica Borkh"- Alex counted all ingredients with a solemn face.

-"What the fuck are you talking about? Speak in Polish!"- Zibi almost tripped when he heard the Latin names of ingredients.

-"Just herbal hooch with apples. By the way, how long is this corridor?"- Alex said and stopped running.

-"It is as long as I wish it."-They heard the familiar voice. Nurse with a scythe was stood right before them.-"Now be good boys and come with me or we will be angry."

They took a step back but she was faster, she moved faster than the eye could see. In a fraction of a second, she was behind them and grabbed them by nape like little puppies. She raised them into the air and carried them thru a door that appeared out of thin air.

They entered a conference room, it had only windows, even the doors they entered thru disappeared. When they looked through the windows they realized that they were currently higher than clouds. Inside the director's chair sat Morgan Freeman, he wore a white suit. He looked at them with a smile.-"Welcome to Heaven."

They couldn't utter a single word. Zibi`s brain could still work but Alex`s brain was fried.

-"Sit."-They sat in chairs that moved by themselves from under the table. -"You already meet Death, I heard that you were quite naughty."

-"Sorry."-Zibi apologized because Alex`s brain was still rebooting.-"But we were in a shock and..."

-"I understand, and I am sorry for all of this but this is an exceptional situation"- GOD leaned forward and rested his arms on a desk. With a flick of his finger, Alex`s handcuffs evaporated.

-"Holy Fucking Christ! I knew it! Morgan Freeman is a GOD! Could you give me an autograph!"- Alex started to scream like a girl and took off his T-shirt. GOD and Death were startled for a moment.

-"ALEX! He created the atoms that build your T-shirt."-Zibi quickly calmed his friend and ordered him to put his T-shirt back on.

-"Right. Were was I. You see, your situation is exceptional because some kind of higher power meddled with your demise, and I do not mean anyone under me."

-"Eeeeeeeeee? Could you explain?"- Duo said in unison.

-"I will start from the beginning." - GOD stood up and started to talk while walking around. Chairs spun around so the duo could always face GOD.-"When I created humans I gave you a power that most humans are not even aware of. By that, I mean your ability to imagine things. But at some point, something in you went wrong and you started to imagine gods or deities, however you call them. When I came back from watching the multiverse and all the alternate versions of the earth to my Earth Zero I saw that assholes like Zeus, Ra, Odin etc.. We exterminated almost every single one of them. But it seems like we weren`t good enough and all these false gods are coming back. Which means that one of these false gods ordered his alternate self to exterminate you and your souls on every earth in the whole multiverse. Your alternate selves were all exterminated, you as the originals from earth zero are the last remaining souls."

-"Oh shit, you understand this"-Alex sat in his chair with his mouth wide open.

-"Someone wants you dead, you are the last survivors of all Alex`s and Zibis`s in the whole multiverse."

-"So why are we here? We are Catholics so I think we or our souls belong to you."- Zibi started to think to try to uncover the reason they were currently speaking to GOD.

-"Let me explain. Just as you might think Angels, Devils and I, we do not have an alternate self, and right now you are just like us. We wouldn`t care about this but the case of your demise is exceptional. It is clear that someone who has the power to meddle with fate or karma instigated that crash."

-"I read somewhere that fate and karma do not exist, and we have free will because we do not need something like that. I mean higher power that controls everything."-Alex started to use his brain too.

-"Exactly, but as I said earlier I denounced the existence of fate and karma, but humans still created these false gods, and in every mythology, there is always a being that controls fate. Right now these false gods are coming back be it with reincarnations or as spirits. We are tracking them down but it takes time."-GOD sat in his chair.

-"But why are you telling this to us. We are nothing more than mortals."- The duo was speaking in unison. Their thoughts were synchronized too which interested GOD, for a moment.

-"Listen, your case of death influenced by fate is not the only one. We were able to uncover this because earlier they weren't using Christians for whatever reason they had. Earlier they were using Chinese and Japanese people. Shut up"- GOD ordered them to remain silent because they wanted to disturb him. -"You will say it later. Since you are dead, and they think that you are gone. I mean they killed every single of your alternate selves they will not expect you. They will expect angels, devils, inquisition but not you two guys that they killed in a car crash."

-"It means that you want..."- Zibi closed his eyes in focus.

-"That right, I will give you two new bodies, train you better than any kind of commandos there is on earth and finally I will send you to fight these guys and their sects and believers. "-GOD said with a sincere smile.

-"And what if we reject your offer."- Zibi was looking at creator with a serious face.

-"Will you? - GOD raised his eyebrows

-"Never! We accept."-Alex screamed like a little girl.-"We will work for you."-Alex said with a smile.-"Couse I wouldn`t expect to go to heaven"- He whispered this under his nose.

-"Nice, I like that kind of resolve. "- He smiled and walked towards the window.-"You will be training under Mike, he will be your commander, Gabe will be relaying my orders to you."

-"May I have a question?"-Zibi raised his right hand. GOD nodded in response-"I still do not understand, why don't you send Angels, they must be better than us, two completely noobies in term of combat?"

-"How do you think people will react if Angels start chasing people and killing them? They will resist and stray further from faith, this is not middle ages. Earlier, sending Angels could solve many things, now the result would be the opposite, and people would become food for these false gods. I won't risk that. That is why you are here."- GOD was serious.-"I am sorry for all of this, but I would rather sacrifice you than the whole population."-The Duo looked at him with mixed feelings.-"I understand your point of view, the last day of your training will be the last day you will be able to reject my offer, later there is no coming back. Death will take you to Mike, he will show you around your base, later on I will bring you your new bodies. Bye"- GOD disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

They looked in silence at the place where seconds earlier GOD stood.

-"Let`s go. "- Death opened the door. They left the room and were walking through the very very long corridor in awkward silence. At some point, even Death could not stand that silence-"What kind of music do you like?"-She asked to end that silence.

-"Rock&roll, Punk"- Zibistared at the wall.

-"Metal in blood, Rock in heart!"- Alex became lively and started his monologue about how the present age has shitty music and why he thinks so. He did not stop until they entered a giant sports hall with enormous audience seats and 4 doors, each facing north, south, west, and east. Inside they saw a person that was taken straight from American action movie similar to Rambo or Commando.

Archangel Michael had long blonde hair made into a ponytail, 3 pairs of golden wings, white Angelic robe with ripped out sleeves that showed his very muscular arms. You would imagine that an angel would have a white rope not a leather belt with 4 shrunken heads on the front as trophies and a big bowie knife on each side.

-"MIKE! My little brother I brought you a gift! Fresh meat!"- Death shouted and instantly appeared behind her little brother and hugged him from behind. She was in her fleshy form and was smaller than him. Mike hugged her too and raised. She sat on his shoulder.-"Come here you two. Mike this is Alex and Zibi."-They entered the court.-"You all know the situation"- Mike nodded.-"I will live them to you, Bye!"- She kissed him on the cheek and disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

Alex and Zibi wanted to introduce themselves but then they saw the sincere smile of Mike. That smile would scare would stop a baby from crying and scare any kind of criminal on death row.

If you find any mistake pls PM.

Hope you enjoy it.

The main action takes place on earth.

Chapters: one per weak, maybe more, I think Monday will be good.

saszetacreators' thoughts