
In the Multiverse with an Cultivation System

After Noah is hit by the famous Truck-Kun, he finds himself in DxD with a Cultivation System. What will Noah do with his power in a world where Gods, Devil and Angel are more than just legends? Worlds: Main World: DxD Secondary Worlds: 1. Demon Slayer 2. 3. 4. Feel free to write in the comments which other worlds the MC should visit. Updates: 2/week English is not my main language. For infos about the system read chapter "System Info".

YoungMasterDuck · Derivasi dari karya
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18 Chs

Chapter 1 Arrival

`Thoughts`, "Spoken"


3rd Person


"Where am I? This is not me."

That was the first thing that came out of the mouth of a handsome young man who was looking at himself in front of a mirror.

The handsome man was 6´3 tall, had red eyes and long silver hair that went down his back.

The first thing you would think of the man is that he comes straight out of a wuxia novel.





*System Awakening*


A second after he awakened his system, he remembered the last events before he died.


`What did I do to deserve this?`

`Well, I better take a look at the system first.``


[Status Window:]

[Name: Noah]

[Age: 17]

[Bloodline: None]

[Cultivation Realm: None (0/250)]

[Combat progress: Human]


[Skills: [Inspect:(D)]

[Shop: ]

[Shop points: ]

[Kill points: ]

[Qi Absorption: 10/minute [LV1(0/10)]

[Passive Qi Absorption: 0 [LV0(0/10)]

[Harem: ]

´System? Can you speak freely?´

[Negative host, the system can only answer questions about the system]

´Hm, ok then I want to hear the levels of Cultivation first´

[The levels are as follows: Foundation Realm ---> Qi Gathering ---> Golden Core ---> Nascent Soul ---> Ensoulment --->Nihility ---> Ascenion, each of these stages has nine small stages]

´So the standard Xinxia stages huh?´

´System, can I assume that Combat Progress shows me how strong I am currently compared to this world powerlevel?´

[Positiv Host]

´System explain Qi absorption to me in detail.´

[Qi Absorption: 10/minute [LV1(0/10)][Produces Qi and lets the host actively absorb Qi. Host must actively meditate.]

´How can I level it up?´

[When killing an enemy, the host gets killpoints, which can be used for upgrading.]

´I see, that explains directly what the kill points are for.´

`Passive absorption is then probably without meditating`

[Correct Host]

`Ok, how do I get Shop points?`

[Host gets Random Mission, where Host can get Shop points as a reward.

`Can missions be rejected and do they have a penalty?`

[Host can reject any mission, and the punishment is that there is no reward.]

`System I have no memory of this body, please explain my identity.`

[Host is a single child whose parents died in a car accident 1 year ago.

After receiving the inheritance from his parents, he decided to move to Japan and attend Kuoh Academy.

Host is a transfer student, and will transfer to the school next week, when Host enters his second year.]

[Now that everything is explained, the system is no longer available for questions. Good luck host.]


POV Change 3rd POV


After Noah got acquainted with the system and his new identity, he decided to check out his apartment.

"I'm obviously not poor," Noah whispered to himself after seeing the condition of the apartment.

Noah's apartment may only have 4 rooms, but it is up to date.

The apartment consists of a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room.

Noah was immediately relieved that he does not have to worry about money for the time being. Even though it should be easy for him to earn money.

After checking out his apartment, Noah decided to think about his future.

Since he doesn't have Sacred Gear, he has to figure out how to explain his powers if he doesn't want to hide his power like a typical Xinxia protagonist.

Also, he has to look for targets to farm kill points.

The first thing that came to his mind was one thing. Stray Devils.

Why Stray Devils? If he just goes around killing random people or other not-wanted supernatural beings, he would alert Rias or Sona. Even if they find out about the dead Stray Devils, they would probably ignore it.

But we'll get to that later, because he has to start cultivating first, since he's completely without power right now.

To put his thoughts into practice he went back to his bedroom, sat down on his bed and started to meditate.

5 minutes later

`Why doesn't it happen?` Noah asked himself annoyed.

Since he has no skill for meditating, he just tried it with his eyes closed and in a lotus position like in Xinxia novels but without success.

5 minutes later


[Skill: Meditation]

`Finally there he is`, Noah thought delightedly.

[Meditation: [Knowledge about proper meditation. Not upgradeable.] ]

25 minutes later

*boom* After a loud bang, Noah got up and decided to check his stats + try out his power.


[Cultivation Realm: Foundation Realm 1 (0/500)]

My body is all warm and I can feel all the new power, Noah thought delightedly.

After looking at his stats, he decided to go outside and test his new powers.

*click*When Noah went to open his door, he ripped off the handle because he couldn't control his new strength yet.

"Oops, guess I should be a little careful."

After tearing off the door handle, he decided to cultivate more, because he doesn't want to get used to his new strength every two hours, so he levels up some more before he gets used to the strength.

3 hours later

After he finished, he checked his status.


[Cultivation Realm: Foundation Realm 1 (0/500)] --- [Cultivation Realm: Foundation Realm 1 (1800/500)] --- [Cultivation Realm: Foundation Realm 2 (1300/500)] --- [Cultivation Realm: Foundation Realm 3 (800/1000)]

[Combat progress: Low-Level Initial]

After 3 hours he broke through 2 times.

Time to search for a few Stray Devils.

Before he left, he went into the kitchen to get a 11.8 inches knife.

"I should take this with me too" said Noah as he looked at he wall and then took the Item in his Inventory.

This time he was careful when he went out.

`Where can I find Stray Devils now?`

Asked Noah himself.

`Maybe in a forest?`

After a short thought, he decided to look for Stray Devils in the forest.

20 minutes later

As soon as he arrived at the forest, he found what he was looking for.



[Name: Mob 1]

[Race: Reincarnated Devil/Human]


[Combat Progress: Low-Level Iniatal]

[Skills:] [

After Noah saw his opponent, he decided to hide his knife under his shirt, and come across as a normal person.

`If he finds out that I'm not a normal person. and I have superpowers, he might fly and then I won't stand a chance.`

Noah knew immediately that he only had a chance if his opponent underestimated him.

"Stop human!" Noah heard the devil say to him in a domenating voice.

"Can I help you?" Noah asked with a smile on his face.

"You can die for me!" Answered the devil as he ran towards Noah.

The Devil was equipped with a sword, and before he could strike, Noah dodged.

Surprised, the devil let his guard down for a second, which Noah immediately took advantage of.

The knife was not the only thing Noah took with him from home.

[Inventory: [Holy Cross: Necklace(F)]

The old Noah was very religious, since he kept a cross necklace on his wall.

Since Noah knew he was fighting a devil whose weakness were holy objects, Noah naturally took it with him in his inventory.

After taking the cross out, he held it directly in front of the devil, only to get a loud scream back from the devil.


While the devil was screaming his soul out, Noah took his knife and rammed it into his heart.

The devil didn't even get a chance to say anything and died screaming.

[Stray Devil killed: 2 kill points]

[Hidden Mission: completed]

[First Kill: Kill another supernatural being for the first time[Reward: Sword (D), 50 Shop points]

`Oh, there is also hidden missions.`

`The system didn't say anything about that, but I could have figured that out myself. ´ ` Well, let's have a look at the reward first.`

[Sword(D) A normal one hand sword, Durabilty: 500/500, above average quality]

`Hm a sword, better than using the knife. I was lucky that it was only one of the weakest devils and the knife went through his body.`

`Maybe I get a Swordmanship Skill when I train a bit with the sword. I'll have to try it out later.`

Shop points? I should check out the store.`




Summoning material












[Low-Rank Frost Demon] [Low-Rank Frost Demon: Low-rank Demon who is focused on the frost element. Can evolve by consuming other demons. 2000 Shop Points]

[Low-Rank Fire Demon] [Low-Rank FIre Demon: Low-rank Demon who is focused on the fire element. Can evolve by consuming other demons. 2000 Shop Points]

[Low-Rank Demon] [Low-Rank Demon: Low-rank Demon who is focused on no element. Can evolve by consuming other demons. 1000 Shop Points]

`So dragon and phoenix are completely out for now.`

`And I don't have enough for the demon bloodlines.`

`Well, then I'll look through the weapons first,` thought Noah.





I do not want to look through everything so I take [D-Rank]

[Knife] [Knife(D) A normal Knife, above average quality, Durabilty: 500/500, 50 Shop Points]

[Sword] [Sword(D) A normal one hand sword, above average quality, Durabilty: 500/500, 50 Shop Points]

]Axe] [Axe(D) A normal Axe, above average quality, Durabilty: 500/500, 50 Shop Points]

[Shield] [Shield(D) A normal Shield, above average quality, Durabilty: 1000/1000, 50 Shop Points]

[Bow] [Bow(D) A normal Bow, above average quality, Durabilty: 500/500, 50 Shop Points]

Nothing special, now the last.

[Summoning material][-locked-switch universe-]

`So I can't summon in this universe, I'd probably have to go into FATE verse for that.`

`Well, then it doesn't matter for now. I should keep looking for Stray Devils.`

2 hours later

Noah couldn't find another one and decided to go home and cultivate.

That's it for this chapter.

This chapter was like a little prologue.

Hope you liked it.

Feel free to write your opinion in the commis.

Word count: 1600

Edit: I swapped Qi Gathering and Foundation Realm since it makes more sense along with my explanation.