

Mom! Mom!! "Why are you shouting?

Do you want to scare me to death?

I came running down because I

thought something bad was happening

to you. The next time you shout my

name that way, I'll spank you. "Come

on Mum, you know that you can't bear

to spank me because I am your one

and only darling. "And who's deceiving

you to make you think that way?

"Nobody is deceiving me. I know

because you are the best mum in the

world and I love you." Chris hugged

the boy while staring at his handsome

face and she couldn't believe that

this gift was given to her freely. She

smiled at him because the boy was

right. He is the center of her world.

While she held onto the boy, he began

to fade away from her arms and was

laughing. She screamed in fear as

she opened her eyes and discovered

that she was dreaming. "Oh my God!

Please help me, I don't want to be

pregnant. If I escape pregnancy this

time, I promise I will never have

unprotected sex again. Wait, I? A

child? That must be the greatest joke

of the century because what I want

is a successful career, not a child.

No thanks to Jade and Candace

because they are the ones making

me have these dreams after putting

ideas into my head about having a

child. Doja wherever you are right

now, may your head start aching

you for all my troubles. I am here

tensed and worried but I know that

that bastard is somewhere probably

having a good time with some random

lady without a care in this world.

Chris thought more about Doja and

the more she thought about him, the

angrier she got. Ahhh Doja I curse

you! May you flush all your babies

down the toilet inside a condom you

bastard." Meeting Doja has really

rocked Chris's life as her career is

hanging on a balance. "Doja it was

my bad luck meeting you because,

since the day I met you at the bar,

my life has not been organized." She

thought about how he first made her

have sex with him unwillingly and still

had the guts to spill everything inside

her. Next, he brought down Ima and

her minions upon her. Now there's a

whole drama on the internet and here

she is worried about pregnancy. "I

don't even know how my career will

go with these scandals around. Oh

god please I beg you save me from

this pregnancy. "Chris took some pills

the previous night and hope they

work because it's not been up to a

week since she had sex with Doja

and she can't believe that in less

than a week, Doja has wrecked her

life that it now looks like a

construction site. Chris checked the

time and it was just 5 a.m. Her

flight isn't due until 11.a.m. After

speaking with her manager

yesterday, she booked a flight and

told her friends at dinner that

she'll be leaving today. They felt bad

because they've planned a lot of

places to go. Chris sat on the bed

and her mind wandered back to Doja

again. "Hmm, this guy really has a

talent for creating chaos. I've only

known him for less than one week

and see how many action scenes I've

featured in in the drama of life. If I stay

around him for a year then what will

happen?" Chris shuddered as she

thought about being around Doja for

a year. Ima was looking at the

beautiful scenery outside her

hospital ward through the window

when someone walked in. She turned

around and when she saw who it was,

her face that already looks ugly from

the swell on it got uglier as she

frowned. "What did you come here

for? Are you here to get information

for your friend the backstabber? I did

not call for you so get out!" Come on

Ima, I'm the only option you've got

right now for a friend so don't bother

chasing me out. I wasn't around when

you called. I went home because I

received a call that my mother was

sick. All those times you were calling

me, I was at the hospital going from

one pharmacy to the other looking for

the prescription I was asked to buy for

my mum. So you see Ima, you're not

the only one with a problem. Everybody

has problems they just find other

ways to manage them and not take

them out on other people. Shulamite

is the one who betrayed you not me.

Come on I am still your friend and you

know that I will never betray you that

way else why will I be here? I just

arrived today and the first thing I did

was to come to visit you because

that is what any true friend will do. If

I were against you, I would have

come to gloat in your face. Rather I

am here to let you know that your

pain is my pain and your enemy is my

enemy. I just want you to calm down

and recover from your injuries, then

we can make Shulamite and Chris

pay for what they have done. As for

the whole scandal on social media,

you don't need to worry about that

because very soon another scandal

will come up to cover this one. That's

how it happens. We have been in this

industry long enough to know how

it happens on social media. So how

are you feeling? has Doja come to

see you since you were admitted

here?" Ima now knows better than

to trust people blindly. Despite

everything that Najiba has just said,

she still doesn't trust her because

Najiba and Shulamite were closer

to each other than they were to her.

So she lied and said, "he was here

last night and left this morning. He

was apologizing for everything that

has happened. He told me how

Shulamite drugged him and came

upon him so that she can blackmail

him for that." Najiba knew that that

was a blatant lie but she smiled and

was not surprised to see that Ima has

now gotten wiser. So, she said to Ima

stylishly "I hope you still have the

contract despite everything that

has happened because that is how

a power couple should prove their

undying love to people. Show the

masses that whatever happens, you

will always stand by each other. I can't

wait to see Shulamite's face when

she sees that her whole conspiracy

has come to nothing. "Najiba,

business is business. We should

separate our personal lives from the

business so that we don't, lose. I

told Doja to give my spot to someone

else even though he didn't want to

do it, I begged him to give it out

because I don't want people saying

things that will affect his business

because when we get married and

start having children, our children will

also grow up to inherit that business

so I don't want to use what people will

say to ruin that chance for my unborn

children. After Najiba heard this

unrealistic story from Ima, she

couldn't help but exclaim in her head

"what the f**k! Just a day in the

hospital and you are now a good liar?

Who taught this girl how to tell lies?

Is it the nurses? Wow! This girl will be

a very good scriptwriter because I

can see that she lives in a world of

fantasy." She looks at Ima with fake

surprise as she said "I truly agree with

you on this. The world can think

whatever it wants to think about your

relationship. It is what you want that

matters not what others think." She

looks towards Ima as she smiles and

asked, "so Ima what are you going to

do about your ear because I heard

Shulamite bit out a part of your ear."

I know that the moment I step out of

this hospital, that's the next thing

everybody will want to check but I

promise everyone that I will step out

of this Hospital brand new because

 the doctors are working on something

and when they are done, nobody

will be able to tell the difference

between the ear that, that rat

Shulamite bit and the one that was

not bitten. Najiba smiles within her

and said "well, brand new? I am so

looking forward to seeing that brand

new year of yours." Then she spoke

up and said to Ima "I know that your

father will never let anything happen

to you. You should thank God for

giving you a father that sees you

as a princess. Believe me Ima, you

are very lucky." Ima laughed and

said Najiba, my father does not see

me like a princess. He treats me like

a princess because I am a princess

and princesses deserve only the best.

Najiba rolled her eyes secretly as

she said in her head " there you go

again you proud peacock. The

series of beatings that you have

received a few days ago has not

taught you anything. Which princess

will receive the kind of beating and

disgrace that you have received and

still be proud to call themself a

princess? I guess you meant the

Princess of stretch marks." Najiba

excused herself and promised to

come visit Ima the next day because

she needs some rest as she has

just had a long flight. She walked

out of the hospital laughing at Ima's

predicament because it is only a

fool that wouldn't see through Ima's

lies. Obviously, Doja has dumped her.

As Najiba left the hospital, Ima took

a deep breath of relief because the

last thing she needed was anybody

seeing through her lies and laughing

at her. She never knew that her family

has gone broke and her father was

depending on her marriage with Doja

to save their financial crisis. She really

needs to be alone now so that she can

think of ways to get Doja back else her

father will disown her and the world will

laugh more. She can't imagine that

happening to her because she's not

sure she will be able to survive such

a humiliation. Najiba on the other

hand is only trying to be happy but

the truth is that she is not because

for a while now her family has been

trying to get her back home as her

parents want to push her into an

arranged marriage to a wealthy man

from Saudi Arabia. It is true that she

loves wealthy men but this one man

her parents want her to get married

to, she doesn't like him because

marrying this man will be the end of

her modeling career which is what

her parents actually want. This man

has three wives already and she will

be the fourth wife. Each time she

thinks about her situation, she feels

like dying. She knows that on no

account will go home. Even if it

means never going back home

because she will never be a fourth

wife to a man who wants to put her

in purdah. She loves the nightlife

of clubbing, drinking of Spirits and

wines and she also loves wearing

her bikinis which she uses to show

her great body which she has

worked so hard to maintain. She did

not spend all that money on plastic

surgery just so she can cover her

body at the end of the day.

Doja stepped into the sun and felt

the warmth from the sun spreading

all over his body. It's been a long day

for him as he has been in meeting for

hours with the company's board

members. Today gave him a different

overview of what it really takes to

be the CEO of a multinational

establishment that is as huge as

theirs. The board members never

took it easy on him or even made

it easy as a new CEO. They were

directing their questions at him

aggressively and his father was just

there doing nothing to help him out.

Anyway, his father has told him that

he will have to prove himself to

everybody that he deserves that

position. After he presented all his

plans with detailed explanations,

they still gave him an ultimatum.

Doja looked at them and felt like

telling them his mind but this is

business and you have to be careful

about whatever you say or do. He

decided to visit Ima at the hospital

before going home. He needs to put

his life in order and concentrate on

taking the company to greater heights

and this begins by ending things with

Ima amicable. When he got to the

hospital, he was surprised to see Ima

sitting quietly as she has never been a

quiet person. "Hey, how are you today?"

Ima ran up to him and hugged him as

she started crying and saying Doja

you can have all the women you want

to have and I won't say anything. I will

even pretend to be blind and deaf to

whatever you do but please don't

leave me because I love you. This

new development was not what Doja

was expecting but he decided to

appear ruthless by saying what he

has to say before the whole situation

will escalate beyond how it is already.

He held her away from his body as

he said "I'm sorry Ima because you are

a great lady. Any man who doesn't see

how wonderful you are is blind and a

fool like me." Ima's tears began to

pour like a waterfall as she cried

more and begged him. She was crying

and saying Doja I promise you, I will

change. Look, I am no longer that

irrational girl you used to know. I

have learned my lessons. I promise

I won't bring you any shame, disgrace,

or drama. Doja I beg you don't leave

me. You are all that I have right now.

"Ima calm down and listen to me. I

don't want to deceive you because I

am not getting married anytime soon.

I now have an obligation to fulfill to

the company and I want to give it my

all. I don't want any distractions right

now and keeping you by my side will

be nothing but wasting your time

and Ima, you are too beautiful and

precious for me to do that to you. I

promise you that you'll find someone

else someone better than me and by

then, you will think back to this day

and regret the fact that you cried for

this. Ima held on to him as she cried

more and said I don't want anyone

else I only want you. Doja removed

her hands from his body as he walked

out of the hospital. On his way out, she

ran after him as she kept crying and

saying if you leave me I will kill myself.

He turned around and said, "if you kill

yourself it's your loss and you will be
