
In The Flash (CW Show)

Our MC wakes up in the Flash TV Series aired on CW, He doesn't have a power... yet. After the explosion, Our MC, Adam Black, finds himself with a great power. He personally always hated the fact heroes wouldn't kill deadly villains. Read as he becomes the strongest Anti-Hero in the Flash Series, maybe even all of DC Universes, but we might have to see. (Only Updates on Weekends.)

8MileLoseYourself · Televisi
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Chapter 3: Growing Up

I woke back up for another day of school, me and Barry were in the 4th grade, both of us are 10 Years old now, 1 year until Eobard tries to kill my parents. I was walking with Barry until he bolted in a direction "Barry where are you going!" I looked and saw a kid being picked on. "I'm coming Barry!" I bolted off towards the bullies, Barry was avoiding them as much as possible.

I arrived quickly and got a sucker punch on 1 of 'em in the neck. There were 2 left and both turned around and ran at me, letting Barry run away, well, that's what I thought he would do. He ran up behind the biggest kid and punched him in the neck, emulating me. The kid was barely moved from the punch as Barry was physically weak naturalbutn

He turned around and tried to hit Barry but I grabbed the 2nd kids shirt and threw him over to the first kid, knocking him over. The 3rd kid was out cold from my sucker punch and the 2nd one was knocked out from hitting the concrete and I was pinning the 3rd one against the wall with my forearm, pressuring his head into the wall, not hard of course.

"Go get a teacher." the bullied kid nodded and ran. A few minutes later the kid came back with a teacher following him, the kid was either really lucky or really smart. The teacher was Mr. Benio, he believed in helping people no matter the consequences, "Mr. Kaleido has informed me on the way here what happened. You aren't in trouble from me but the principal would need to talk to you, you won't get in trouble though, after all, the principal is my sister and believes the same ideals as me, so let's go."

I picked up the biggest kid and Mr. Benio grabbed the other 2 over his shoulders. We walked back into the school, heading to the infirmary to put the kids in there then to the principals office. We opened the office door and a lady with orange hair and green eyes wearing a dress smiled and said, "Ah, Josh, what beings you here?" Mr. Benio explained the situation and Mrs. Gira looked at us, "I see, I won't punish you but their parents might try something in which case Mr. Kaleido can tell about how the kids bully him, making the parents reconsider pressing charges."

I spoke up for Barry, "Do you want to call our parents and their parents here or just their parents?" Mrs. Gira looked at me, "Well Mr. Allen, we need to bring both parties parents here, but I understand your parents are busy so just their parents will come." Mrs. Gira picked up the phone and typed a few numbers into it, "Yes, Mr. Hidea your sons were caught bullying another student and then tried to fight another student, in which resulted in all of them getting knocked out. Oh? You don't need to come here? Ok then, bye Mr. Hidea."

Mrs. Gira looked at us, "The three Hidea brothers are going to be punished by their parents, no need to call your parents then, you two are free to go, stay out of trouble and keep fighting for the good of the world." I was kinda suspicious that the dad decided to punish them that easily, it wasn't their first time being caught, every time the father was called and said that he would punish them.

Oh well, I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Me and Barry left and went home. We walked in the front door and immediately was hugged tightly by our mom. My dad stood their smiling, "Where were you guys! You didn't come home and it scared us." I smiled after our mom let go, "Well," I then explained the entire situation again (Look at me, not copy and pasting the paragraph to increase word count for an explanation)

My mom was checking to see if we were hurt but my dad says, "You won, right?" Me and Barry said instantly in unison, "Yup!" my mom glared at him "AND?" My dad immediately says, "No more fighting, ok." we agreed and mom went to making dinner.

After dinner, Me and Barry had to go to bed, after taking showers of course. I fell asleep rather quickly and woke up the next day. This went by day by day until we were 11 years old. It happened in the blink of an eye, a scream, yellow lightning, our mother dead, future Barry taking us away and then returning home with our mom in a body bag, our dad being arrested and Joe taking us in as his kids.

-Few Weeks Later-

I started studying Physiology and Psychology, it was 2 difficult subjects but I still tried and did good. We had been living with Joe for a few weeks now and I started getting along with Iris as I didn't get involved with anyone at school and Barry only got along with Iris.

I was starting to be more social since I was in Middle School and they weren't all COMPLETELY stupid, still, I didn't hang out with many of them as most only tried to use me to get their homework done and by that I mean copying me. I only hung out with people who made me laugh. The 6 close friends I had were: Aiden Lowen, Sam Mellwood, Tyler Moroe, Logan Khost, and Steve Riller, and Caleb Werner.

All of these people were smart beyond their years, (No, they are not reincarnators, just really fucking smart, not Thinker level smart though.) and antisocial except Tyler. We met during a competition, It was a sports competition for Martial Arts last year when we were 10 years old, I dominated them though. We got along really well with each other and had common interests.

-14 Years Later, Day of Particle Accelerator Explosion-

Hi again, it's me, Adam Allan. I had graduated from college with a Ph. D in Psychology and Physiology. I had been getting excited for this day since I was born, Particle Accelerator explosion. I was waiting in my house alone, I would have friends over but we seperated about 6 years ago for college, they all had to go over seas for their dream college, I could go to any country for college as for my 10th birthday I chose the power of Cypher from X-Men and could speak every language in the universe and for my 20th ability I chose Marvel magic, all types of course. Also, before you ask, I do know the Anti-Life equation but the universe was rejecting the ability to use it.

I waited patiently for the Particle Accelerator explosion to happen. I was practicing portals and runes and had a thought, 'What if I reduce my gravity, enough to keep me on the ground and then remove friction to slide at incredible speeds?' I quickly used a portal to go to a deserted airfield used hold WW2 Bomber planes.

I drew 2 simple ruins, reduce gravity and 0 Friction. I was slightly higher up but it was so small it didn't make a difference, I started sliding at slow speeds, about 40 mph because the wind resistance would kill me otherwise. I kept testing magic and tried a new spell I had been testing, a orange circle appeared in front of me, I drew a ruin with very intricate lines and patterns, it was a illusionary rune of a high tier. 'System would this work?' I hear the system reply, [It will work, but you finally remembered me?] I facepalmed, 'You know I didn't forget you, you would remind me about yourself.' I manipulated Scarecrows fear gas but it didn't make gas, no, it affected the very oxygen we breathe.

It was getting dark out and started to rain, I portal back home and turn on the TV, "Dr. Harrison Wells has informed us that the storm is not affecting the Particle Accelerator in any way, it is all running smoothly." The TV went black and the Earth started to shake, *BOOM!* a large pulse of foreign energies came out of the explosion, some went to random people but the rest, the rest formed into a ball the size of a planet and starting flying in a direction with an unknown target, after a while it stopped over a remote house, wind started whistling and the ball started igniting the air from the speed of it.

The ball of energy made contact and the reporters still recording started running away, the ball vanished into the air after smashing into the house.

Nothing. Not a sound until, *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* the whole Earth shook as a large white orb expanded and stopped at the edge of Starling City, destroying everything in it's path. The source was our MC receiving his powers.

-S.T.A.R. Labs Hidden Area Eobard PoV-

"Gideon what is going on!" [The future is being altered, updating reports. Loading future news. Here.] A new digitalized paper appeared in front of me saying,

[Doctor Manhattan strikes again! The vigilante has just killed The Reverse Flash! Before leaving the scene, Dr. Manhattan etched the villains name into the wall along with a few weird shapes, we assume these to be a code of some sorts.] Eobard then asked, "Gideon what are these symbols?" Gideons voice then rings out, [Authorization Required: Creator, Authorization Level Not Met.] Eobard was more infuriated then ever, an indecipherable language, and he was denied information.


A/N: Fast Story, yeah? Mc has a weaker but trainable version of Dr. Manhattans' power. Also, 1630 words!