

In the year 2050 of the Age of Normality, humanity has suffered a great calamity, which in the future is known as "The End of Normality". An asteroid of unknown material was discovered travelling near the origin solar system with an orbit that will hit Earth. Rockets, Nukes and Lasers have been used to try and stop the asteroid, but all failed. Such news caused a great depression in the entire human race and most decided to spend the rest of its days with their loved ones waiting for their end.

However, the "end" never arrived.

The asteroid exploded into fragments of light and space dust right before it hit the Earth. This strange event caused a weird reaction to Earth and its inhabitants. Most people started to sense a certain energy that could be felt around them. They discovered that this energy could be absorbed which gave them amazing and strange abilities that could be passed down to their descendants. This marked a new age, "The Age of Chaos".

The Humans with abilities, who have started to call themselves as "The Chosen" started to use their abilities to rule over the world. They caused massive loss of life and great amounts of destruction in the world. Many people, with or without powers, revolted against the Chosen after seeing what hideous actions they can do unchecked. These people, dubbed by the Chosen as "The Heretics", have created safe havens for people to live peacefully in. While many of the Heretics were successful in what they sought, many more failed. During these years of strife, called "The Chosen-Heretic War", a great powerful person emerged. Armed with only a spear and a shiled, he eliminated the Chosen's Strongholds and brought an end to the Chosen-Heretic War, on year 647. However, after destroying the last stronghold the being which they called the "Peacebringer" disappeared.

Following which was a golden age for humans, now known as "The Peacful Era", as they started to work together to bring technological advancements with the energy of the universe they called Source Energy. They created a powerplants that uses this source energy that can bring very large amounts of energy with little cost. Appliances and Gadgets gained better functionalities as these Source energy devices became more researched. Powerful weapons and vehicles that can travel space more efficiently became more easier to develop. People on this new era also created a new government system ruled by "The Council" which created new laws and regulations for the people with abilities now known as "Eidikos". Eidikos rankings also became standardized by them, having the lowest to highest ranking as Apprentice, Novice, Elite, Master, Epic, Legend, Mythic, Saint, God, and Celestial. From Apprentice to Master, each having 10 levels. From Epic to Mythics having 5 levels. Saint and God having 3 levels and Celestial having a ranking and point based system. As the new civilation started to explore the galaxy with their new technologies, new discoveries were found on Earth.

Year 1XXX on the Age of Chaos, Mountains, Oceans, Skies, and even pebbles, trees, and streams awakened their spirituality, turning them into spirits with sentience, and the capability to use the energy around them. Eventually, their current bodies were not fitting of their capabilities and they evolved to have a more dextruous body, gaining arms and legs, and a figure that matches their innate personalities.

These beings were discovered by a human archaelogist by the name of Krisch Wueller on his travel to discover an ancient ruin. They were dubbed as "Spirits" by him and had their own method of communication. They did not communicate through words but by transmitting their intentions through spiritual connections controlled by their usage of the Source Energy. The Early interactions between the Humans and Spirits were called "The Human-Spirit Convention" with the Council and strongest of every type of spirit having got together to discuss and reform the laws and regulations to allow successful integration of spirits in human society.

As the interactions of Human and Spirits become more common, Spirits learn to speak and integrate their own sense of fashion and design on human things. Spirits also learned to transform their spiritual bodies into human ones allowing them to bear the children of man, giving birth to Half-Spirits also known as Fae. The Fae have better capabilities in terms of their Source energy control but still follows conventional human cultivation practices.