
Endless Potential

{Superman POV}

I gritted my teeth through the pain, every push-up I did caused my bones to create weird sounds. But I didn't stop moving, I fought through the pain, I thought against my limits, doing everything in my power to do that final push-up.

I struggled with all my might, my body had reached its limits, it was crying for me to stop, it was crying for me to rest, it was crying for me to leave this room of kryptonite... but I ignored it all. I slowly pushed myself up, my face twisting from the struggles and pain of it all... but it all suddenly disappeared once I pushed myself up all the way.

It was weird, it was as if I was a soda bottle that had been shaken, trying to explode but the cap prevented me from doing so. It was as if my limits had been broken through, and my body had evolved past its limits.

I did a few more push-ups, surprised by how easy and simple it all felt. Sure my body was still in pain, but I didn't feel the same struggle of working out that I used to feel.

"Good, you're the first one to break past your limits. Now, you can be stronger than the main universe counterpart so long as you have a heart... when Superman of the main universe was your age, he wasn't this strong, so that could mean you might grow up to become something stronger." Escanor said calmly

"Main universe?" I asked while getting up, feeling the strength I had... I had lost my weakness to kryptonite, 

"Yeah, think of it as the origin point of all possibility, a place if destroyed could cause a chain reaction of the rest of the multiverse being destroyed. Anyways, your next training would do with solar energy control. I seem to remember something about a solar burst or whatever. I want you to be able to best use that solar energy inside you to bring out its full potential." He said to which I nodded, just to pause seeing my hair starting to fall to the ground.

My eyes widened in horror, I quickly looked towards Escanor who also had a shocked look seeing how all my hair was just falling out.

"Looks like there was a price... grow a beard, with great baldness comes great beards." He said leaving me horrified, how could I go from a full set of hair to being bald just like that?

"I can't help you, bringing back a god to life left me without the ability to use magic for the following days. Ask Batman." He said, leaving me helpless. It has been 2 days since the whole Amazo fight. After that fight, Escanor brought back the current strongest member of the Justice League, Auralie.

After years of sexual abuse, she was happy that Big Barda believed her, although it was after she had passed away... it was better than nothing. Auralie was truly powerful, she was able to toy with us all, all by herself. Escanor said something like Big Barda was as strong as a version of Superman that was nearing his peak, although she didn't have the area of effect damage to show it, Big Barda was still a god who could show off universal-level feats... and Escanor could toy with her...

I sighed while going over to look at the other training rooms, I saw Flash was busy running with everything he had. If he stopped running, he would be shocked with electricity, he wasn't using the speed force, forcing him to run with his own capability which was pushing Flash to that limit.

In another room, Wonder Woman was currently training her godly power. Unlike me who had to train my body, Wonder Woman had to do two things. Draw out her godly powers, and also work on magic. Today she was working on drawing out her godly power and trying to control it. Escanor clone was helping her with it, the two were currently floating in the air, doing something called Image Training.

In another room, Green Lantern was training his mind, using his Green Lantern Ring to create a complex puzzle that he had to break down and put together. At times, he had to recreate books to read or even a TV show. Escanor wanted him not to need to think when creating something, he had the willpower, he just needed that creativity. 

Shazam's training was special, he had more than enough power to defeat the likes of Amazo many times over... but he couldn't tap into that power. Maybe part of his brain was limiting his full potential or something else, but currently, Shazam was being put through an illusion that forced him to break the so-called Limits he had, so he could realize that even someone like Big Barda wasn't his match.

The Martian Manhunter was working on conquering his fear, Escanor said something about wanting to see a burning Martian. A form or something that could be gained once a Martian conquers their fear. The Martian was also training to push the limits of his powers since Escanor said he should be as strong as those stronger versions of Superman,

Black Canary was training to better manipulate her cries. Escanor said that if she gets the frequency right, she should be able to scream things right out of existence. Of course, Escanor created a spell on the spot to show her it was possible, and ever since Black Canary screams have become more powerful. Not damage output powerful, but to alter the frequency of her screams to counter the frequency of whatever stands before her. This meant a smaller scream could have the effect of destroying buildings if controlled enough, or even knocking me out if the frequency is on point.

Batman had taken the remains of Amazo to study, something about creating a new Batsuit, while Green Arrow was working on improving his arrows to have all types of effects. Hawkgirl was similarly training her body to me, it's just that she had to master the control of her weapon to bring out its full potential, Escanor said something about it allowing her to time travel, alter reality, and the list went on. To say the least, this got Hawkgirl into training hard, wanting to kill Hawkmen although we would not let her cross that line.

We were all growing stronger, pushing our limits. Our enemies were uniting and growing stronger, we too needed to grow stronger, quickly drawing out our full potential. So, I shot off, flying towards the sun where I planned to start learning on bettering manipulate solar energy like Escanor said... next time we would not need Escanor's help.


"You have to believe, why do you second guess yourself?" I asked while looking at Zatanna who failed to cast a spell. Zatanna lowered her head, not knowing what to say, having 100% belief wasn't so easy.

Zatanna's talent was unique, pretty much she could do anything. So long as she believed in herself, she could do it. Her only limitation should be her imagination, will, and belief in herself. She could be the strongest person right now, enough to walk up to Darkseid and bitch slap him if she believed she could do it... but she lacked that trust in herself.

"You have talent in reality warping that is far beyond me, do you think I would lie to you?" I said lightly, to my words, Zatanna shook her head.

"As amazing as I am, things that have to do with control and creation are super hard for me. But you are different, you could easily become better than me if you believe in yourself. That's how special you are." I said lightly, stunning Zatanna who assumed I could do it all.

"I can't do it all, if I could I wouldn't have taken the job to overlook the Justice League. Even I have my limitations, and even I can be killed. I will teach you an illusion I want you to cast upon yourself. from there, watch your full potential." I said to which she nodded while I created that new spell, and she went on to quickly learn it and cast it upon herself.

"You're ready?" I asked to which Zatanna nodded with a smile overflowing with confidence, She never felt this confident in herself before. She felt like she could do it all... no, she knew she could do it all.

"Teleport me to Darkseid planet," I said and although she had never been there, her confidence was overflowing, leading her to just cast a teleportation spell without thinking. Just as she panicked, she paused as we had appeared on Darkseid planet.

"Now, go show Darkseid what god-like power is," I said to which Zatanna smirked while looking towards Darkseid castle, who was sitting on his throne with rage while looking towards us.

"Sit back and watch." She said before casting a spell, sealing away all of Darkseid's powers, what followed was the new God being toyed with, leaving the poor new god coughing up mouthfuls of blood from his rage.

"What is this? A cultivation novel?" I asked seeing this guy coughing up blood, this earned me a glare from Darkseid before he looked toward Zatanna who was putting on a magic show for the people of Apocalypse.

"With my next trick, I shall cut him in half," Zatanna said while pulling out a saw, and before the horrified people of Apocalypse, she went on to begin cutting Darkseid in half, yet Darkseid felt nothing. When the box covering Darkseid disappeared, what was revealed to the world was that... well, she had cut him in half.

"Alright, let's return to Earth. I will come back next time, you're a good training tool after all." I said with a smirk, leaving Darkseid's body shaking from his rage until he coughed up another mouthful of blood.

"Why? I was just getting to the fun part," Zatanna said while taking off her hat, which she reached into... and everyone was horrified as a palm capable of swallowing all of Apocalypse appeared in the sky.

"Oops," Zatanna said before pulling her hand out of the Hat, and the hand in the sky reflected her movement, also disappearing. She put her hand inside the hat again, this time the hand that appeared in reality was about the size of a normal size person's body.

"That spell would not last long, once your confidence disappears we are going to die," I said with a shrug, Zatanna paused for a moment, before sighing sensing that her magic was starting to grow weaker. With a sigh, she teleported us back to Earth, allowing for the effect of her magic to disappear, allowing Darkseid's body to come back together and his power to return.

"That was so cool, I could pull something like that off?" Zatanna after the illusion disappeared asked in joy, to which I nodded. The illusion only affected her confidence, and she had taken a few things from Darkseid planet that showed that it was all real.

"Now that you know I'm not lying to you, are you ready?" I asked with a smile, to which Zatanna nodded her head.

"But I always believed your words, I just didn't know If I could live up to them." She said lightly, to which I nodded my head in understanding.

"Yet you have no problems standing tall knowing you, put Super models to shame," I said with a roll of my eyes, making Zatanna blush at my words.

"Y-you think so?" She asked to which I nodded seriously

"I truly believe you have endless potential, and I will die on that hill," I said, to which Zatanna wanted to correct me about something... but she instead chose to say nothing, and instead gave me a deep hug.

"Thank you for believing in me." She said to which I paused lightly, but I smiled while moving to hug her, but I paused as I felt someone's cosmic awareness, causing me to sigh... she was so jealous that it drove her to gain a new power... that was impressive...