
Chapter 38: Telling the truth!

Weeks on,

I've kept our little secret hidden from the world and even Jamal and hiding it wasn't helpful at all. Eric was still on the run right after the photos escalated, I spoke to our lawyer but getting Eric to come out live was hard. I braced up to finally tell Jamal what really happened and how and why it happened.

  "Babe, i uhm...i got to talk to you. Its really important. Can...Can we talk right now?" I stuttered in between. He turned to me finally with a smile, he thought I'd ask for something materialistic but no.

  "Talk about What, you need money? How about that business you intended, did you fund it?" He asked at once

  "No, this is way more important and kinda dangerous..." I stated out

  "Oh ok. Go ahead then, I want to hear it, coz you've been acting up weirdly lately, so..." He simply concluded

  "Ahh! Ok. You know about the Ada-missing case? Remember?" I gulped in also swallowing my fears

  "...Oh yeah, what's up?" He said

  ".. I took her! I took Ada. I didn't want her to get confused along the way..." I tried to explain, he flared

  "You did what? Why are you just telling me this. I've got to know everything you do, just everything so what happened to that?" He began

I was quivering inside, the last I wanted to do was get Jamal.

  "Jamal, I'm sorry. I was scared you'd flare up, you'd get angry..." I said regardless

  "...why wouldn't I? Are you ok, Danni? This is not you..." He yelled

  "See? This is what I was afraid of, you'd yell at me without listening to me to first, Jamal!" My eyes welled up

  "Then explain already. I warned you about the McClure's, stay out of their business would you?" He stated

  "...You know they do bad stuff, right?"

  "Danni, no one is a saint. Everyone's got what they do to make it happen. C'mon! You shoulda listened!" He said

  "I only saved my friend, that's all. I knew the risk she'd be going through at their residence, that's why I need her to prove a point, Jamal." I said confidently

  "What point? What else do you want to know, babe?" He drew closer in dismay

  "To help Eric..." I said as Jamal began to murmur furiously and disappointedly 

  "Did we not talk about this? Eric huh? What's up with you and Eric?" He asked me

  "Nothing, bro. He pleaded with me to help him and that's what I'm trying to do, help him." I countered

  "Did you hear yourself real good?" 

He walked to the drawer then taking an envelope with pictures in it and threw it at me

  "Just a help! Y'all are getting better each day and you expect me to just believe that? I love you but I'm not stupid, and I won't let no one come near, you got that?" He left the room

I opened the envelope only to find pictures of Eric and I hugging at the coffee shop we met earlier, I was shocked to see it. The moment I thought we got everything under control someone tried to play a fast on us. I didn't hesitate to conclude that it was Mandy because Carol would never stoop so  to take pictures of Eric and I, too opposite to merge. I followed him to the bathroom where he stood looking himself on the mirror.

  "Darling! I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean it that way..." I apologized yet he tried to walk away then I held his arm firmly

  "Jamal, don't do that ok? Im sorry. Let's talk about it, please" I asked calmly as he stayed back

  "Last time I checked, you preached about keeping secrets from each other and now this?" He reminded then I scoffed you continue

  "...Jamal is....i didn't know i was going to keep one and besides this is different." I snapped which got more angrier

  "You take things too easy when it comes to you and when its me, I don't get the breathe no air." He said again

  "Babe. I'm so sorry, I'm not trying to pretend about it, I was waiting for the right time. I would never in my life want to hurt you, I swear Jamal.  I'd never choose Eric over you, we've done so many crazy things together and now is not the time to back off, we got Jordan together, we're happy and blessed, Please!!!" I spoke angelically with remorse

He looked at me immediately and gave me a very warm hug before I could say anything tears rolled down my cheeks. He looked at me wiping off the tears

  "Hey. I'm not mad at you, Danni. I don't want to see you cry over me or somebody, ok? Its just that i don't have to be the last to know things like this, Danni. This is you Risking your life for others, that's enough sacrifice....I'm sorry too." He apologized then I nodded and continued again

  "About the pictures, it meant nothing. He was emotional, I know its not a good reason but we were about parting so we only hugged. That's what we've always done right in front of you. I don't love Eric, I love you, Jamal. That's it." I confessed appropriately. He snuggled me into chest

  "I know baby. And I love just you, no one else. We've come a long way to reminisce on this shit. I trust you, you trust me." 

  "I know who sent those pictures... Let me handle it. Its Mandy!" I said in content

  "Girls. Girls.. Girls... Always persistent. Ok then, teach her how its done. About Ada, we should go see her later, right?" He suggested

  "I think so too. Can I invite Lola, she should some with us!" I requested

  "No I don't think so but its cool. Are you ok?" I asked

  "Yeah." I kissed him instantly as he took the lead from and handled kissing me over and over and over again.

We drove down to Ada's hideout for the moment. We Jamal was having a little timeout with Jordan, day after day their bond knotting them grew better and fonder.

Then I turned to Lola while was the phone typing a lot of words with smiles abreast.

  "LaLa! What's up? You've been on the phone all day. Tell me what's up." I requested curiously

  "Don't try to act snoopy, its not your call" She teased as well laughed then continued "Yeah whatever!" I smiled half way

  "Ok. Ok. Ok. I've been on the phone with Lionel, He's been on me for so long." 

  "That's great. I could tell from the smiles you gave. Lionel. Lionel!" I teased

  "Someone's jealous...." She teased again

  "Im not, I've got Jamal to talk to all day Miss. I don't need to be on the phone." I fired also teasing but I didn't really take that you be a joke anyway

  "Tell her baby, Jamal's here!" Jamal said from behind as he continued playing with Jordan.

  "Yes darling! But I think  you should stay out of girls chit chat a'ight?" I warned Jamal, he didn't have to display that until reaction. I knew Lola was only setting up a joke which we laughed about it. Ever since we had issues with Lola in the past, he 

 her outrightly even to her face. If it were not because I still kept her as a friend, Jamal would always kick her out.

We got to the mansion, it looked the same and different for one thing, Dr Khaleefa's living splendor of wealth. 

  "How are you, Ada?" I began sitting beside her as the others stood over here while she laid in the bed.

  "I'm fine. Who are you?"  Her voice was trembling and naive

  "I'm Danielle. This Lola and this is Jamal, your friends." I explained

  "But i can't remember that. It feels like I've known but I just can't remember where and how.....I just...."

 Ada held her head with both hands while she groaned

  "Its ok, just relax. You'd get better soon enough!" I said

Ada turned to the other side of the bed and slept off.

We headed to the living room, Lola and I sat down while Jamal stood next to the window where the breeze blew in.  

  "You know, I've been thinking about this whole thing..." Jamal began while Jordan was on his left arm

We looked at him with grimace

  "...I think we should take her home, she'd recover faster around family, don't you think?" He concluded rather him suggesting

  "What do you mean by family, we're family. They'd only confuse her.  Now how's that going to help?" I countered defiantly

We were silent for a few seconds then Lola broke in

  "I think Jamal is right. If she stays around family, her mother, father, Sabrina what do you think?"

  "That's what I said." He shrugged

  "Yeah, I think that makes sense though." I had to agree.

After a few hours,

We got to our respective homes. We laid Jordan to sleep after good meal and a warm bath. Jamal and I decided a bath together in the tub as I rested my head on his chest.

  "Babe?" I called sweetly

  "Yeah?" He answered nicely

  "Could you be a lot nicer to Lola? Try not to throw shades at her, please?" I tried to be polite

  "What shades? I just don't feel good around. I mean...you know what I went through over time...its just..." 

  "So you didn't actually forgive her, did you? I was hurt along the way too, we were both hurt Jamal, can you not do that? Let it go! Please!" I added

  "I won't. I'll try to keep my cool, happy?" He said kissing my neck

  "Yeah!" I smiled in accordance

I turned to him clenching our lips, I felt extreme.

The next morning being a sunday, 


The security ushered us into the mansion while Ada was pushed on a wheel chair, she could walk but I suggested that she wasn't stressed at the moment. 

The news escalated around the residence in no time, what was I expecting, the Governors' desk. Carol and Pete walked abreast hastily towards us

  "Oh my dear, Ada!" Carol exclaimed in excitement hugging Ada tightly

  "My princess!" Pete embraced Ada as well

Ada turned to Jamal and I who stood beside

  "What's going on? Who are they, why are they hugging me?" Ada looked panicked then Carol interrupted

  "...I am your mother and this is your father, the governor." Carol pointed at Pete

  "Yes Ada, your family!" I said coldly

  "Danni, can I see you in the study. Just a moment, Jamal." Carol asked turning to Jamal as well

  "Not too long, Carol" Jamal said to her then Turned to me "Be yourself!"

I nodded positively as we went away.

Pete turned to Jamal this time

  "Could we talk business at the orchard." Pete requested with a smile

  "Absolutely, Mr governor!" Jamal returned the smile

Ada was taken to her room immediately and attended to duly.

I looked at Carol in distaste suddenly

  "Oh Danni!" She said coming to my direction, I digressed obviously

  "Uh ok. Please sit lets talk." Carol asked in disappointment

We both sat adjacent each other lost in thoughts about ourselves and Sudden climax change in relationship, she cleared her throat and continued

  "Danni, I know how angry you are about this entire charade but I need you to understand that I didn't mean anything..." She began then I cut in

  "...Like getting your own daughter into trouble?" i fired back with a frown

  "Danielle. You're only hurt..." She concluded my state of mind

  "Of course I am. I never for once would believe that you'd be a brute, mother." I said

  "You still call me mother." 

  "Regardless! Do you not want to know what happened to Ada at the hospital?" I asked

  "Not at all, because I already know the culprit and would be under FBI custody real soon" she smirked

I hated times she smirked to my face, nothing good came out of it.

  "And who is?" I asked her

  "Her despicable husband, Eric!" She frowned

  "Why do you hate him so much, Carol? He's been nothing but a loyalist to your family. I know he's made sacrifices as well."

  "That's what you think. A loyalist would never cheat on you, would he?" 

  "What's that supposed to mean? Anyway that's not why I'm here. I took Ada myself!" I blurted out

  "You did what, Danni?" She looked surprised

  "I took Ada. You wouldn't be of no good even If i allowed her home at that time. She was speechless and dumbstruck. She was helpless so I took her with us." I explained

  "How could you think less of me Danni, I trusted you. How could you take her away from us like that? I'd never hurt my own child, Danni?" She looked heartbroken

  "You gave me that impression, you changed from the sweet woman I knew, you changed. Not just to me, to Eric, to Ada herself! I had to take her, to protect her!"

Her eyes welled up as well

  "Then it wasn't Eric?" She asked

  "I don't think so. He might have left her room last but he's got nothing to do with Ada's state. They might have had a bad conversation which every couple would but Eric would never harm Ada. Did you not hear the doctor's diagnosis, its trauma, serenity....She's been nursing a lot." I explained defensively

  "Oh God! You should've said something..." She cried out

  "What would've changed? This is not the reason who are overly mad at Eric, you've got your reasons, mother. Am I right?" I asked again

  "Danni..." She sighed in guilt

  "I know that there's more to just Ada. My husband and I would do anything possible to help them go through this just as y'all did. Even more!" I said coldly

I stood up to leave taking my purse then she called again

  "Danni, thank you for returning Ada to us. You've done a million." She appreciated, I didn't know if it was real or fake.

  "Mother, I need you to get it right. Help her heal faster, just don't pounce on her broken heart." I said then I walked out maintaining a safe and normal pace.

Her face fell to the table as she sighed heavily, I could sense it.

When I walked out the mansion to search for my husband after bidding bye to Ada, I found them just opposite my direction.

  "Nice doing business with you, son!" Pete patted Jamal on the shoulder after a warm handshake

  "Nice talking to you, Mr governor. I should leave now, my wife's waiting on me." Jamal explained politely

Pete smiled

  "That's sweet. Take care, Danni!" Pete said to us

  "You too, Mr governor." I smiled as he walked away with his escorts behind him.

We got into our brand new Tesla, we got just recently then o us off. I could tell that every couple or soon to be couple wished to be like us, I was more than sure. Our sensation was beyond pretense, we were the same people in and outside our home. One thing I learned from Jamal was being ourselves, that was helpful.