
Chapter 133 Sub 19

Getting a way around it!

Jeff was restless, we swiftly discussed about the untrue story we'd let out. 

  "Er! Mi amor! Are you ok?...oh yeah, we are at..." He stuttered staring at us for to cook up something

  "Driving to the gas station!" I snapped almost whisperin

  "...At the gas station! Yeah...oh, you came to the after party? I had no idea...i can't be alone, i'm here with Jeff and Jordan!...We are not coming over, nah! Its a lame party...a'ight...i love you, baby! I'll call you soon!" He hung then sighed heavily "phew! That was crazy!" He added staring at us questionably

  "Did you just tell her that we ain't coming over to the party?" I questioned

  "Well, yeah! What else should i say?! Huh?" He answered defensively

  "Paolo? You are..." Lamar began sarcastically placing his right arm around Jeff "...a goddamn genius, incomparable!" He stopped with a forced grin

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Jeff got pissed immediately 

  "Yeah! That was genius, man!" I added sarcastically, Lamar and i bursted into laughter  "Ok! What the hell are we gonna do right now? We can't grow old in this disgusting place, someone say something!" I coaxed impatiently

  "Guys!" Lamar began after a deep sigh "We are gonna go out there to do the worse and to defend our cause!" He opted.

  "I think so too 'coz i can't stand it here!" I snapped in agreement

  "Zoe's gonna eat me!" Jeff snapped as well. The love between jeff avd Zoe is extraordinary, i said to myself.

We've spent roughly thirty minutes brainstorming on how to go about it.  We braced up inhaling and exhaling at once, i patted my friends on their shoulders then we stormed out of the restroom. We made a turn to the right where the party was heating. We saw our wives sitting splendidly beside the counter chattering and taking down shots of scotch. I couldn't take my eyes off Gianna, despite the rough patches we were going through; no one could possibly take her place in my heart and life. We were startled because we tried to escape but not meet them, the moment we tried to turn away; a friend interrupted to say hi. We had to respond to his unharmful pleasantaries. Zoe turned around instantly like she had been listening to our conversation, inches away.

  "Jeff?!!!" She called out, she calls him that when she's infuriated or disappointed ot in disagreement.

We all stopped to look at her at once. Our friend strode away then we added a few steps towards our women with faint smiles on our faces. Gia and Riley turned to us as well giving Lamar and i disapproving stares respectively.

  "Darling, what is wrong with you? Is this the pathetic gas station?" She air quoted questionably. Jeff tried to hold her by the arm then she refrained defiantly. "You said, y'all are not gonna come over so what the hell is up?" She asked

  "C'mon honey, we..we.." Jeff began then turned to us and we nodded positively, he turned to her again "...we changed our mind...like, why shouldn't we drop by if our wives are gonna be here! I mean...we were also invited, remember?" He explained stating his point.

  "That's bullshit, right girls?" She blurted out

  "Hell, yeah!" Gia and Riley concurred cringing.

  "So?" Zoe asked "Lamar? Kareem? Were you really at the gas station 'coz i...we don't get it. Y'all came to party without us and you feel great...too great?! It takes 10 minutes to drive to this party from the nearest gas station and y'all are here 4 minutes after our phone call. Explain it!" Zoe gave details. What sort of a woman is this, i asked myself. She's a pharmacist, how on earth could i forget?! I reminded myself.

  "Er...Ah! It's a surprise, we planned on a surprise!" Jeff blurted out.

  "You are such a liar, asshole!" Zoe snapped. She dragged him by the arm walking to the left. Lamar and i gave ourselves a swift look, Lamar signalled Riley to talk inches away. Gia turned away facing the bartender's direction while he was busy attending to others. I was speechless, i stood still trying to fix my words to align because i really didn't want to talk to her but my heart couldn't stop telling me 'Do It'. My first attempt was sitting next to her. I wanted to touch her but then i refrained to save myself some drama.

  "Do you think we can..at least talk?" I began calmly

  "We can't!" She snapped then took a sip from her drink. I rubbed my hair gently in distress, this is overly daunting.

The lady i was catching fun with earlier approached, she grabbed my arm abruptly and blurted.

  "Hey sweetie! I've been waiting for you over an hour now...I wanna meet my man, remember?!" She teased seriously "Hi SiSi! Don't trip too much 'coz he's my man, right baby?" She added taunting Gianna also caressing my back. I was infuriated. I pushed her away instantly while Gia refused to look at us.

  "Hey? I'm married and this woman sitting here is my wife. We could never have a 'Thing' going on, come on; this is a club not a court. Everyone comes and go so get your ass off my face!" I cautioned in defense. The lady was shocked, she looked Innocent.

  "You'll regret this!" The lady scurried away angrily. I was hesitant over my next action, Gianna turned to me with a distasteful look

  "Did you have to go for that thing, regardless?" She smirked "You've got a very good taste but im surprised you..." She cringed "If you ever wanna disrespect me ever again, don't even think of it. Grow up, Jordan, we'll never be!" She hopped down from her seat taing her little bag and cell phone along "You should've told me that you were waiting for our divorce, you didn't have to lie about it and act all crazy and disappointed. You're such a pathetic ass searching for something you can't reach for!" She took the glass of her drink and splashed it to my face. 

I was embarrassed over the brim. I rushed to the restroom. staring at my reflection in the mirror. 

  "Who does she think she is? Gia, you can't make me feel bad for something i didn't do. I can screw whoever i feel like...we are over!" I said almost yelling at myself.

  "Did you also crash your marriage?" I heard Lamar ask from behind. I turned to see him immediately.

  "I..uh..we are per..perfectly perfect!" I snapped feigning. He drew closer leaning on the wall pocketing his hands.

  "I just heard you, man! I've been there. They'd never try to understand you until they've been through it same way you did!" He added calmly "Riley and i are not going to work out, she's found a new guy...like me!"

I could hear the sadness in his voice, i was almost emotional.

  "No bro! Don't talk like that, she's gonna come around..." I tried shake off his negativity

  "...No Kareem, don't act like its ok when its not! You got problems with Gia huh? Will she ever come around when y'all ended arguing earlier?" He asked. He blurted nothing but the truth. I was speechless and humble too. "Why are we here? Lets go!" Lamar coaxed. We stormed out of the restroom and headed for the car instead.

Lamar and i sat abreast in the front in silence. Jeff entered the car slamming the door. We had thoughts running through our minds and it seemed like there was not an answer for them. I sniffed the air that was scented finely.  

  "What on earth did we do wrong tonight?" Jeff asked breaking the silence. Lamar and i remained silent "And guess who's the pilot? Kareem!" We turned to him questionably, why would he say that.

  "That's some bullshit, Jeff, don't be so dramatic!" Lamar cautioned

  "What else? He caused all of this..."

  "Don't be a jerk Jeff, you own your mind so did i run that?!" I added without getting pissed, he acts like a child sometimes. I shunned his accusations.

  "We were suppose to have a good time and then what changed? Why does it hurt very bad. I feel it!" Lamar asked

  "They're making us feel awful..we did nothing..." I snapped

  "Don't start with the activism, it doesn't work on us!" Jeff snapped calmly.

We sighted our wives entering a car they came with chattering and swaying their arms joyfully.

  "Look at them catching extreme fun while we are here, wallowing!" Jeff said. "Hey Kareem, did you speak with Gia though?" He stirred

  "What Gia? There's no Gia, we are getting divorced!" I blurted icily

  "Why are you just saying it? Oh! Now i understand why Yeesha was in your bed!"Jeff figured calmly. He sighed "What the heck happened?"

  "She's mad at me...you know that Tiana stuff?...look guys, i've had enough for today, can we talk about something different?" I demanded

  "We can always talk about our shit with you and when it's about you, we shouldn't talk about it?" Jeff cautioned correctly

  "Come on, Jeff.." Lamar cuts in

  "..And you too! Y'all lie alot, y'all hide alot even when we call ourselves brothers! Do i have to find out some really crazy and hideous things about you two? First, Lamar screwed his P.A, pure scandal that i had to find out through my wife. Secondly, Kareem's got a baby mama and pretended to know little or nothing about Tiana Dawson, he kept all of this a secret over time and then that filth got him into prison, destroyed his marriage and now, getting Gia is now a problem! Y'all are bunch of losers and y'all are trying to get me into that shit?" Jeff quarrelled. He was right about everything, i've been secretive and it got me into serious trouble. "You both suck!"

Six Weeks on,


  "I had to come home as soon as I was told about it, is Gia really in the right state of mind?" Father began.

He visited my home after a very long time, he never ever comes over, I was moved by his actions. We sat at the garden, sipping on some juice.

  "I doubt it, Dad! I would rather pick a divorce over that dumb suggestion she opted!" I cringed a bit

  "What would you do? You still have a child out there yet the Industry is waiting and Tiana is still out there, roaming freely!" Father inquired. I gace a snappy thought

  "If you ask me, i still hate that child. C'mon dad, check out the source. He's from a devil like Tiana. About the industry...please give me a month to make a final decision, i'd try one last time and afterwards, do what you please!" I stated

  "The industry is no chess board Kareem, people lose and win with their lives in it. If a man wants to own up to his responsibilities, he owns it even to the latter. I did that and you'd do just that!" He stated as well

  "I get it! Would you have me give in to Gia's demands or not? I mean...It's about taking responsibilities right?" I asked. Father gave a faint smile, this look on his face seemed more like uncertainty.

  "Would you prefer i hand the industry over to Clinton, a non Khaleefa or hand it to you solely?"

  "Obviously, i won't let Clinton take it!" I snapped also shrugging, i wanted tonbe honest.

  "That's exactly what i'm talking about, its logical! You can't have it all when you don't make sacrifices, get it right then you'd be fine! Now you've got two pawns to get to the king..." He began

  "Which is?" I adsked curiously

  "One pawn has got to pave a way for the other to make another way to the king." He added but i was lost like a sheep yet he proceeded regardless "Pawn one, Tiana has to be taught a lesson for painting you a villain out there, she need the bars to count some tally marks that wouldn't get her out. You need to clear your name, so you'd have to find a solution. Pawn two, take your responsibilities; whatever it is. A wise man once told me that sitting on the throne ain't the real deal but lasting long on it is the real deal. How would you neglect your child only because a foolish woman birthed him, you should remember that she was once your pleasure and fancy. King, this is paramount. It depends on the decisions you'd make right here, would you prefer to have your seed planted into another woman because your wife threatened or would you prefer letting her go for your safer reasons. You should also remember that Gianna, your child and the industry depends your decision, what would you do?" Father stopped. i scoffed still trying to fathom.

  "I expected that the Industry would be the King here not the  wife's pending request, when you have the industry then you could possibly have anything.." I stated my fact. Father scoffed and shrugged.

  "How would you run a palace without a queen? And without an heir?" He asked again. This time, i understood his point which made alot of sense but this wouldn't go easy at all.