
chapter 32

Also taken in was Bai Mao Tuanzi.

After all, they are friends in need, and Mei Yi is quite lonely herself, and her home is very big. Based on the idea that if you take one in, you can take in two, so she just brings them into her home.

However, looking at Alicia holding her IP3 and listening to some kind of pop music, Mei took the initiative to speak:

"Ginger...Alicia, right?"

"Hmm~ Just call me Jiang Qiao now~"

"Is this necessary?"

Kiana, who already understood the situation of Alicia and Jiang Qiao, was a little confused.

She didn't know what was going on with Jiang Qiao, but if the two of them knew the truth about Alicia, they wouldn't need to continue pretending, right?

"Well, you see... Alicia sounds like a girl's name. Now of course it would be better for me to use the boy's name Jiang Qiao!"

This is a lie.

Will Alicia tell the two of them that she actually did this because she wanted to take revenge on Jiang Qiao?

Use Jiang Qiao's name to do bad things, imitate Jiang Qiao, and then make Jiang Qiao extremely embarrassed in front of her. Hum, the fairy lady who has a good plan is already ready to do what the bad Jiang Qiao does to herself the next time they meet. All those excessive things I did were repaid in full!

She seemed to have imagined the wonderful expression on Jiang Qiao's face as she watched her imitate Jiang Qiao so vividly, click, click, click! ! !

Jiang Qiao could only watch helplessly as she imitated him, but Jiang Qiao, who couldn't stop her, cried and fussed in anger. It was so pitiful~wuwuwu~

The fat lady had a big smile on her face, but the little devil Ai Li in her heart had already revealed her fangs and raised her trident, enjoying the scene of humiliating Jiang Qiao to her heart's content.

Seeing that Alicia didn't hide her thoughts at all, and seemed to be indifferent, Mei Yi, who probably guessed what she was thinking, hesitated for a moment and asked a very heart-wrenching question:

"Do you know Jiang Qiao?"

Chapter 47: Have fun, Blanca?

Do you know Jiang Qiao?

When Mei asked this question, Alicia, who had fantasized about a bright future of humiliating the other party, suddenly discovered something. She... didn't seem to understand Jiang Qiao!

Compared to the bad guy who imitated himself so much that he could barely touch his underwear, the fat lady couldn't say that she didn't know anything about Jiang Qiao. She could only say that she was... Abba Abba.

Most of her contact with Jiang Qiao, apart from the in-person meeting just now when Jiang Qiao was still here, was mostly in the chat group.

That bad guy seems to be a very gentle person?

Recalling her conversation with Jiang Qiao, it seemed that this was the most accurate characteristic of Jiang Qiao that Alicia could get.


Alicia directly covered her head.

It's bad. I don't even know what kind of character that bad guy has. How can I imitate him?

At this moment, the fat lady felt a sense of frustration in her heart.

Miss Goblin's big plan to take revenge on Jiang Qiao seems to have been aborted before it even started (sad).

Thinking of this, Alicia sighed and looked at Mei who broke her fantasy:

"Mei Yi, are you really good at attacking others... Or are you just targeting me, Mei Yi? If that's the case, I'm really going to cry!"

"Ah, sorry!"

Meiyi, who was stared at with resentful eyes, quickly apologized. Can she say that she really didn't mean it?

It's all accidental, it's all accidental.

It's definitely not because I really want to see the fat lady break her defenses that I did this!

Yayi, I am an honest person with a kind heart!

"Really, I don't mean to blame you~"

"Uh... that."

"What's wrong?"

"It's really weird for you to talk like this when you're like this."

After hesitating for a moment, Mei Yi finally expressed her thoughts.

It was okay before because I had only met Jiang Qiao.

But after seeing [Alicia] and the Fat Woman driven by Jiang Qiao just now, and then seeing the Jiang Qiao driven by Alicia, Mei couldn't help but feel a little weird.

There is nothing wrong with it. After all, Jiang Qiao is also very handsome. Even if Alicia acts in her own girlish way, her appearance is completely manageable, but in the eyes of those who know... this is really too much. Weird!

"Hmm... Sure enough, it would be a little bit? I think so too. Since it is [Jiang Qiao], she should do some behavior that is more in line with the behavior of a boy. But what will a boy do?"

After the fat lady thought deeply, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes~"


Seeing Alicia's dangerous eyes on her, Mei felt as if there was a big word "Danger" on her head.

Just as the former gradually approached and closed the distance, and the latter moved back in fear, a somewhat angry voice sounded in their ears:

"You guy!"

It's Kiana!

Of course, this is not because she was caught in rape, Kiana herself is not here.


Something has obviously happened to that white-haired dumpling!

Alicia and Mei ended the "play" in an instant and arrived at the place where Kiana's voice came from as quickly as possible, the gate of the Raiden Mansion.

There, an angry Kiana was confronting someone.

Short stature, iconic turbo boost, silver hair, and that expressionless, cold face.

It's Bronya Zaicek!


Fifty thousand years ago, due to the outstanding results of defeating the Second Herrscher at the Fire Chasing Moth base, it goes without saying that the Fire Chasing Moth will naturally hold a due celebration banquet within the Fire Chasing Moth.

As the protagonist of the celebration banquet, [Alicia] certainly cannot be absent.

"Alicia, I've never seen your clothes before."

A young woman with sky-blue hair came to Jiang Qiao's side, with a hint of surprise in her tone.

You can tell from the tone of voice that the person coming is an acquaintance of Alicia.

And under her scrutinizing gaze, [Alicia] was wearing a gorgeous evening dress that she had never seen before.

The pink girl didn't care about the former's gaze. Instead, she chuckled, raised her silk sleeves, and said in a show-off manner:

"Because there is a celebration party, I just bought it. How do you like it? Isn't it beautiful, Blanca?"

Jiang Qiao easily called out the other person's name, even though he had not actually met the other person.

Needless to say, this is inferred based on hair color.

Moreover, Blanca clearly looks like an enlarged version of Gracie.

"If it's you, Alicia, of course you'll look good no matter what kind of clothes you wear."

"But you really did something extraordinary. I heard that you defeated the Second Herrscher by yourself."

Just like her appearance, Blanca is a very gentle woman with a very soft voice.

"It was just a fluke."

After a few mistakes last time, Jiang Qiao is now very experienced in playing Alicia. Even Blanca, who is more familiar with Alicia than Hen, could not find the flaw. He responded modestly. He asked casually at the same time:

"Why don't you see Dr. Mebius?"

"Oh, it's not like you don't know her character."

Speaking of Mebius, Blanca, who originally had a smile on her face, felt helpless.

The doctor's character has always been unsociable, and he maintained a respectful and insensitive attitude towards this lively atmosphere.

She tried to imitate Mebius:

"——Anyway, no one wants me to appear? In that case, it's better to just follow their wishes."

"This is indeed what Dr. Mebius can say~"

Jiang Qiao was not surprised by this.

Mebius' popularity is not something that accumulates over time, but from the very beginning, everyone in Fire Moth has been afraid and jealous of this cold, indifferent, and snake-like colleague.

"If possible, I still hope that the doctor can go out and move around as much as possible. She is always bored in the laboratory, which is really worrying about her health."

As Mebius' assistant, Blanca can be said to be worried about the troubled doctor in her family.

"Hmm~ She can~"

"By the way, how is the progress between you and Hen?"

Caring about other people's gossip is something Alicia can do, right? Jiang Qiao smiled and did what Alicia would do.

"Really, how can such a question be raised in public?"

Blanca, who was asked this question, was obviously a little shy and glanced at Alicia angrily.

"Haha~ Sorry, I need to excuse myself for a while."

"? Where are you going? The celebration party is about to begin, right?"

Facing Blanca's doubts, Jiang Qiao smiled and said:

"It's okay, I just remembered that there was something I had to do. I wish you a good time, Blanca?"

Chapter 48 Alicia! ! !

Celebration party?

In the eyes of Mebius, there is no need to participate in such boring things.

It was just complacency after a lucky victory.

This war with Honkai is far from over, so instead of partying with those mediocre people who are in crisis and unaware of it, it is better to consider how to deal with the next Honkai that will come at an unknown time.

To do this, she needs materials for experimentation.

For example--

The body of the Second Herrscher recovered by Fire Chaser Moth is in front of me.

Mebius stared fiercely at the Herrscher's body with a peaceful face in front of him.

For ordinary people, the body that is avoided, especially the body of the Second Herrscher, is a huge treasure trove in front of this talented scholar with extremely low moral bottom line and relatively free ethics!

Eternal life, extremely powerful recovery ability, and the authority that can only be touched by gods, these things hidden in the body of the Second Herrscher are all coveted by this greedy female snake.

"Hmm~ I found you?"

The words that rang in her ears made Mebius's face change slightly. She looked sharply in the direction of the sound. What caught her eye was the pink girl who was leaning on the door, resting on her slender arms and looking at her with a smile. She hated that girl. , a new member of Fire Chasing Moth - Alicia.

But now, in addition to the title of newcomer, she will probably soon have the new title of Fire Chaser Hero on her head.

"How did you find this place?"

Mebius didn't look too good. This was not her Mebius laboratory, but a key confidential area specially designated to store the remains of the Second Herrscher.

"When Blanca said you were staying in the laboratory and I didn't look for you in the laboratory, I guessed that you would probably come here. Look, Dr. Mebius is really here, right?"

"Oh, it took me a lot of effort to get in here."

Unlike Mebius, who is one of the founders of Fire Chasing Moth and has extremely high authority, [Alicia] is just a newcomer after all. If she wants to enter the storage area of ​​Herrscher's remains, which has a very high safety factor, she can't It really took Jiang Qiao a lot of thought.

"That guy Blanca is so talkative-"