
In the Beginning...

A time travel-based fiction story.

Caleb_Christopher · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


This was nothing like any school Caleb have seen in Nigeria. It had a feeling of a five-star hotel. The school stood out from the other buildings around, standing two-storey high, a U-shaped structure.

It was designed to imitate the regular school's architectural standards usually popular in schools in most countries in North America.

"30 minutes to complete operation, and we get out before they find out our identity", Hawking said flatly. "Okay", Caleb agreed with a nod. The black-suited men were inside the principal's office, so they both had to wait on the visitor's chair just next to the door.

"I don't know much about you", Caleb initiated a conversation. "What would you like to know?" Hawking replied, surprising Caleb. "Uhm... Your background, and why you decide to work for the TMF", Caleb said.

"First question, yes, the second question is not something I would share with you", Hawking said flatly.

"I'm Hawking by name, and I work for the TMF for fifteen years", he said. "I...I know that information. But what are the events that led you to work for… you know what, never mind", Caleb gave up and fell silent.

Initiating a conversation had already taken a lot of energy from his extroverted battery. From the way Hawking was acting toward him, it was evident that he didn't like to partner with him.

He missed Kolade. His attitude contrasted with Hawking's. Initially, he thought Kolade's constant chattering was nerve-wracking, but now, he wished that he kept him as a partner. This white guy is just boring.

The black-suited people walked out of the principal's office and went to the staircase that led to the middle floor. Hawking turned to look at Caleb and gestured for him to head to the office.

"Why are you not coming with me?" Caleb asked with a frown. "Go. I have a plan", Hawking replied and followed the black-suited people. "Other plans? This wasn't discussed", Caleb protested, but Hawking had already disappeared to the stairs, leaving Caleb with a lingering sense of conflict.

Taking two deep breaths, he knocked lightly. "Come in", a deep, monotone voice replied from the other end, so Caleb opened the door slowly. There the principal was, seated on a standard office chair holding a folder in his hand.

He closed his eye and prayed silently, and in the next moment, his demeanour changed completely. He employed the character of Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Inception as he smirked slightly and shook the clean-shaved man's hand.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Mr Timothy", Caleb smiled. "Good to see you. Sit", Timothy raised his brow a little and pointed to a seat.

"I'll go straight to the point. My name is Leo, and I'm a school publisher. I'm also a marketer of textbooks, storybooks, notebooks, and the list goes on.

"A new location has just been established around this vicinity, so we decided that why not inform the schools around us about our brand to see if they'll work with us, so that's why I'm here.

"You see, there are selected schools we work with based on the nature of our business and seeing this school; I see a potential for collaboration. I don't know if this prestigious school requires international textbooks to expand their knowledge horizon because as they say, there is not enough for knowledge".

At this point, the character was fully mature. Caleb felt so natural with this new character so much that he felt connected to it. Unlike two minutes ago, he didn't have to think of what to say next. The words just came out naturally.

Lucy was right: He was indeed good at impersonation. But he wasn't sure if the principal would buy this.

Timothy, who had listened to Caleb quibble for a minute gazed at him for a moment, before he cleared his throat and smiled at him.

"I cannot say how much we're honoured to be recognised by your organisation, really", Timothy clamped his hands as a gesture of appreciation.

"I would have to turn you down, I'm sorry. You see, this school has been supplying educative books for a long time, and I don't think we would need a publisher in the future.

"Besides, this is an International school. We don't use Nigerian-based learning tools", Timothy said smugly. Despite the impersonation, he still felt annoyed by his attitude.

"Mr Leo, can I ask you one question?".

"And what is that Mr Timothy?" Caleb asked.

"How old are you?" He asked, visibly scrutinizing him. "I'm thirty-one, going to thirty-two this year. Why do you ask?" Caleb replied. He knew why he asked the question.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this. You looked like a high school student", Timothy replied rigidly. "Excuse me?" Caleb felt anger brewing in his heart, although he didn't know why. "I'm sorry for being so direct, but your voice and your stature don't sell the age of thirty-one. I'm thirty-six by age, and look at me", Timothy pointed at himself.

"I'm sorry, but I think we're veering off topic here", this time, Caleb threw away all the courtesy. "I just said I don't need a publisher. Not now, not ever. You can try your luck on other schools, but please, skip this one next time would ya?" Timothy said coldly.

Caleb glared at him, but he couldn't say anything. "I have a visitor waiting outside, so I presume we're done here right?"

"Bullshit", Caleb stood from the seat and left the office. However, right before he left, he heard Timothy say "security".

He was calling security!

Hawking. Caleb headed to the stairs to the middle floor and scanned for Hawking, but he was nowhere to be seen. The school was big, it would take a long time before he searched every class.

Slowly, but steadily, he scanned each class as he walked through the corridor. Making a rough headcount, he reckoned the average population of each class to be fifteen.

It was a stark contrast to the one-hundred and fifty student population that his high school had in one class. With this population, the class was more peaceful and breathable.

He was in his fifth class when he saw three uniformed men enter the principal's office from the first floor. Shit!

Caleb pressed the return button, to contact Hawking. He couldn't have gone far. What kind of person would make up a plan without informing him?

This was exactly what dampens progress in most movies. You don't come up with a plan on the spot! Caleb was already fuming in his heart.

Do you think he wanted to be here? He didn't even want to partner with anyone, not to even talk to people like Hawking.

"Ehm, excuse me", a voice came from behind him, almost startling him.

It turned out that it was a girl. She wasn't Nigerian, at least by the colour of her skin. "Are you one of the inspectors?" The girl asked with a raised brow. "And why would you ask that young girl?" Caleb asked.

"You look like a teen", the girl chuckled. "You are the bold one aren't you? What's your name?" Caleb's heart began beating faster. "I hope I'm not in any sort of trouble", the girl asked.

"Maybe", Caleb replied. "I'm Ava, nice to meet you", the girl stretched out her hands. "Leo is the name", Caleb received her hands and shook them slowly.

"Say, aren't you supposed to be in class?" he asked. "Oh yeah. I went to collect a textbook from my friend in class A. I'm class B", Ava said, pointing at the class she was exiting from.

"Okay, thanks for clearing that up. Otherwise, I could have put this in the assessment report", Caleb replied. With every sentence he spoke, he kept surprising himself.

He was afraid of many things, and talking to a female was one of them. It didn't bother him much, but it was troubling to form words anytime he make a move to talk with a girl he was interested in.

He's a pathetic loser, he used to say to himself. But all those tragic character was gone. He liked this new character he made for himself.

"You won't do that", Ava laughed lightly. "You don't think I'll do it?" He asked with a raised brow. "No, I think you would, but you are not from the assessment board", Ava revealed.

"What makes you think that, Ava?" Caleb asked. "Because the board's age requirement is twenty-five and above, and you're sixteen", Ava replied, smiling. Smart girl.

"So if I was not, you'll report me to the Principal?"

"Maybe, or maybe not", Ava shrugged. Caleb was genuinely awed by Ava's outspokenness. This was probably the most candid person he has ever met. Surprisingly, he was enjoying every minute of talking to her.

However, this pleasurable moment was cut short by the ruse ongoing on the first floor. "I should go", Caleb snapped back to his senses and turned to leave. "Hold on", Ava walked up to him and handed him a paper.

"See ya later", Ava smiled and returned to her class, leaving him stunned. He opened the paper to see a phone number written on it with a beautiful handwriting.