
In Tensura as the Storm Dragon Veldora

A boy from our world, who knows everything about the series "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime" (Tensura), is reborn as the powerful Storm Dragon, Veldora. But unlike the Veldora from the series, this version is very evil and does whatever he wants.With his knowledge of the world, Veldora causes chaos and destruction everywhere he goes. He uses and tricks people, spreading fear and making even the strongest beings bow to him. His actions change the world, and everyone, whether good or bad, must find a way to deal with his dangerous rule. Warning:This fanfiction contains adult content, including violence and dark themes.The mc is going to do some horrible stuffs Reader discretion is advised. Don’t read this.

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37 Chs

The Child of Storm

"Master, this is Fuze," Shizu introduced, gesturing to a short middle-aged man with short black hair and white streaks on the sides. He had sharp eyes, a thin stubble beard, and a long scar on the left side of his face that covered one of his eyes, giving him a vigilant look. "He is the Guildmaster of the Free Guild's Blumund branch and his father is a good friend of mine."

Fuze had come to Tempest after the adventurer trio had informed him about the city built by monsters. However, his main reason for visiting was a mission from the King of Blumund. Fuze was also the Assistant Supervisor of Blumund Kingdom's Intelligence Department.

A few days ago, the Armored Nation of Dwargon announced the existence of an empire built by monsters named Tempest in the Forest of Jura. To make it more astounding, the Dwarven King declared Tempest an ally of Dwargon. Fuze was here to learn more about this new Jura Tempest Federation. The empire had exclusively prohibited any human trespassers through its territory, allowing only allied nations to enter. Thanks to Shizu's recommendation, Fuze was granted entry.

At first, Fuze was surprised to see the Conqueror of Flames working for a monster empire. She also seemed to be a lot more stronger than before.

But as he entered the city, his face became pale. He saw thousands of monsters working in harmony, and what made it worse was that he couldn't find any monster lower than B rank. If these monsters were let loose, they could topple a small country like Blumund in just hours. To control such terrifying monsters, the leader must be equal to a demon lord, Fuze concluded.

Right now, Fuze was sitting in front of Veldora, the ruler of Tempest. In the room, there were also some adventurers from Falmuth, but they weren't treated as well as Fuze. They were tied to chairs when Fuze came in, looking nervous and uneasy.

After talking to Veldora, Fuze was impressed by how smart and insightful he was. However, Fuze couldn't tell how strong Veldora really was.

Veldora leaned back, a pleased expression on his face. "I would like to take Blumund as an ally of Tempest," Veldora said. "I invite the King and Queen of Blumund to visit Tempest."

Fuze nodded, pleased with the outcome. "I will relay your invitation to the King and Queen. I believe they will be very interested in meeting you."

As Fuze was about to leave, a dryad appeared beside Veldora, kneeling before him. "Master, Charybdis has been revived," she spoke urgently.

Tension quickly filled the air. Surprisingly, Fuze was the first to react—he was stunned to near silence the moment he saw Treyni. "A dryad?!" he shouted, but the mention of Charybdis's name got his brain in gear again.

The blood drained from his face as he shouted, "Charybdis?! Oh, man, if it's really revived, that's a bigger threat than any demon lord. It's classified as a calamity, but I'd say it's safe to assume it's a full-on disaster, if anything…"

Fuze's reaction was reasonable,  Born from the malice and violence of Humans, and a cloud of Veldora's Magicules, Charybdis  entered a cycle of spreading widespread destruction and death to whatever caught her interest, before being subdued and killed, and eventually resurrecting a few centuries later.

It should be noted that her true power is actually that of a disaster-class monster, comparable to a demon lord thanks to the fraction of Veldora's power she wields. The main reason that she has not been formally recognized as a disaster-class is due to her lack of rational thought.

It also had a frightening ability that could  interfere with others' Magic power and disturb the flow of Magicules, making the user strongly resistant to Magic and disturbing any external use of magicules.

"Yeah, don't worry about that. You should go and bring the King of Blumund here and make sure you invite the Queen as well," Veldora spoke calmly, dismissing Fuze.

Fuze, still pale, nodded and hurried out, the weight of his mission pressing heavily on his shoulders.

Veldora looked at the kijin soldier who had brought the adventurers from Falmuth. "Hand them over to Shuna," he instructed, before walking outside with Treyni and Shizu in tow.

As soon as he stepped outside, a girl with pink hair jumped at Veldora. "Hey Veldora, give me some honey!"

Veldora gently let go of Milim, who was hugging him like a koala. "Milim, I have something to take care of. I will give you some when I come back."

Milim, like a spoiled child, threw a tantrum. "Nooo! I want it now!" she whined, stomping her foot and pouting.

Veldora sighed, trying to remain patient. "Milim, this is important. I'll get you your honey as soon as I'm done, okay?"

However, inside the room, Fuze was frozen in place. His mind raced as he processed what he had just heard. "Veldora... Milim... No, this can't be real," he muttered, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and awe.

The enormity of the situation overwhelmed him, and the room started to spin. Unable to cope with the shock, Fuze passed out, slumping in his chair, unconscious.

Milim pouted but finally relented. "Fine, but you better not forget! And take me with you."

Veldora nodded, relieved. "Okay, let's go."


Veldora, Shizu, and Milim floated at the end of the gravel road leading toward the Dwarven Kingdom, near the midway point between the capitals of Dwargon and Tempest.

In front of them loomed a massive shark-like dragon. The creature's enormous wings blotted out the blood-red sunset, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape. Its scales gleamed with a dark, almost metallic sheen, reflecting the dying light in a menacing display. The dragon's eyes burned with an ancient, primal rage.

The air around it crackled with a menacing energy, as if nature itself recoiled in fear from the abomination. 

"Damn, this is big. It's even larger than my dragon form," Veldora remarked, his eyes widening.

"Because of it I am not getting honey right I'll give 'im one heck of a beating!" 

It was Milim, who had changed into battle gear while I

Veldora  wasn't paying attention. She stuck her small chest forward, trying to look as defiant as possible. 

"Lady Milim, you shouldn't bother with some monsters. I should take care of it," Shizu spoke, unsheathing her sword. Flames erupted from the blade, more intense than ever before. Her mastery over Irys's power had grown, and she could now wield its full strength continuously for two hours. The reason for this power-up was her daily sessions of being fucked by Veldora. Every time Veldora came imside her, his semen—essentially dense magicules—entered her pussy. 

Most girls wouldn't be able to utilize this magicule influx; much of it would go to waste. But Shizu's unique skill, Degenerate, allowed her to synthesize and integrate these magicules into her body, strengthening her with each fuck. 

Shizu could feel the power coursing through her veins, her body fortified by Veldora's magicules. She felt confident, knowing that even if she couldn't take down Charybdis alone, she could certainly put up a good fight. Veldora had given her more than just power—he had given her hope and a sense of purpose.

Her gratitude towards Veldora ran deep. She wanted to repay him, not just for turning her curse into a blessing.

"Both of you stop," Veldora commanded, focusing his eyes on the massive dragon before them.

"Hey Raphael, I know it's made out of my magicules, but is there anything else to it?"

{Charybdis isn't just a bunch of master's energy. It is more like the crystallization of humanity's negative emotions towards master given form through his energy and essence. In other words, there's more going on than just him leaking out a bunch of energy.}

"Is that so? Then what kind of creature is it? Is it like the Elemental Dragon?"

{Yes, Master. Veldanava made the Elemental Dragon that served as Milim's protector/sibling, which is effectively the same as Charybdis. It's a pseudo True Dragon.}

"What!" Veldora exclaimed, surprised.

{Charybdis is already a "pseudo True Dragon," or as close as you can get to one anyway. It's aspiritual lifeform, a dragon, Capable of resurrecting no matter how many times it's killed.

It can't become a true dragon, but Charybdis is about as close as a "normal dragon" can get.}

This revelation left Veldora stunned. "Say, Raphael, what should we do with it and why isn't it attacking?"

{It seems Charybdis has recognized master. It is suggested to name her.}

"Yeah, I was thinking the same," Veldora spoke as he flew in front of Charybdis. Even now, it didn't attack him.

"My child, I give you the name Charys," Veldora declared.

Immediately, magicules from Veldora's body started to flow into Charys at a tremendous rate. Since she was made from Veldora's magicules, her compatibility with them was much higher than other monsters. Raphael also poured the magicules to the brim.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!SAVE ME LORD CARRION!!!!! AHHHHHH",  sound of intense Screaming from Charybdis came. But it faded away as briefly it came.

Chayribdi's eye, once blazing with fury, softened and began to glow with a tranquil light. Slowly, its enormous form started to shrink, the mighty wings folding and disappearing into its back. The transformation was mesmerizing, the air shimmering with ethereal light as scales turned to smooth skin.

Her massive claws became delicate hands, fingers elongating gracefully. The creature's hulking frame slimmed down, becoming lithe and elegant. Its tail split and reshaped, transforming into a long, serpentine form that shimmered with iridescent blue scales. Horns curled elegantly from her head, and her face, once monstrous, now bore a haunting beauty.

From the depths of the beast emerged a stunning figure. She stood tall and regal, her skin a soft blue, adorned with intricate, golden tattoos that seemed to pulse with an inner light. Her eyes, now a brilliant gold, glowed with wisdom and power. Long, dark hair cascaded down her back, and her ears tapered into delicate points, framed by fin-like extensions.

Her attire was both armor and art, a blend of golden and dark metal that covered her form in a manner both protective and alluring. The armor accentuated her curves, and her serpentine lower body moved with a fluid grace, her scales catching the light and reflecting it in shimmering hues.

The transformation was complete. Where once stood a monstrous behemoth, there was now a breathtakingly beauty, the ruler of sea and sky. 

Charys' golden eyes sparkled with newfound intelligence as she knelt beside Veldora. Milim, ever the curious one, fluttered around Charys, sizing her up with a mischievous grin.

"So, you gained intelligence after being named, huh? That's pretty rare, like one in a million. Aren't you lucky?" Milim remarked, her tone teasing yet impressed.

Little did Milim know, it wasn't just luck at play. Veldora, manipulate probability, and increase the chances to get this result.

Veldora smiled at Charys, acknowledging her offer to serve. "Yeah, do your best," he replied casually, before Milim interjected, wrapping her arms around Veldora in a tight hug.

"Yeah, yeah, you can serve him, but remember, he's my best friend!" Milim declared proudly, her wings fluttering with excitement.

"Thank you, Master," Charys spoke gratefully, her voice resonating with newfound purpose.

Meanwhile, Shizu watched the scene unfold with wide eyes, stunned by the miraculous display. 

As Charys turned her gaze toward the forest, a flicker of concern crossed her expression. "Master—," she began, but Veldora interrupted with a dismissive wave.

"Yeah, I know, ignore the rat," he replied nonchalantly, turning his attention back toward the city with a smirk. 


A man was hiding in the underbrush, sporting an attractively rough, unpolished look and a well-tailored but well-worn outfit. His short blond hair stood on end, and his face was pale. Did it just look at me?!

Demon Lord Carrion had sent his subordinate, Phobio, to investigate and, if possible, recruit the monsters of this part of the forest after seeing them in Clayman's orb. However, the team he sent with Phobio returned to Eurazania yesterday, injured and without Phobio. They told him that Phobio got into a fight with some monsters in the village they were sent to investigate. To make matters worse, they were attacked by a masked Majin on their way back, and the Majin kidnapped the injured Phobio.

Now Carrion was here, watching his subordinate turned into Charybdis. He didn't step up and was hiding in the bushes because he didn't want to deal with Charybdis. He was waiting on the sidelines for someone to take care of charybdis so he could step in and save his subordinate.

However, the scene unfolding in front of him made a shiver run down his spine. He saw someone crazy enough to name Charybdis, and it became even more absurd when Charybdis took a humanoid form. He heard Phobio's screams but didn't dare come out.

As Carrion decided to run away, he suddenly sensed a terrifying gaze upon him, making him freeze in place. His heart pounded in his chest, and his breath caught in his throat. It felt as though the gaze was piercing through his very soul, immobilizing him with sheer fear.

Just as quickly as the gaze fell upon him, it vanished. The release of the intense pressure allowed Carrion to take a shaky breath. Without wasting another moment, he decided to escape from this place as quickly as possible. The events he had witnessed and the raw power he had felt were far beyond what he was prepared to handle.


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