
Chapter 04

She then composed herself and replied after getting her facial expression to neutral, "I am alright. Thank you for your help." her voice was sweet even though she spoke normally.

Ban then spoke, "What should I call you? Crazy? Courageous? Or just someone hated by demonic beasts. Did you poke the ass of horned to cause such a ruckus? "Says ban whit amused tone while looking at the girl.

The girl was shocked by this kind of question. She replied, "Sir, my name is Xiao Ning'er and I was just training here by myself...and suddenly the horned sheep appeared, I....don't know the reason of it's aggression."

"Sir? who are you calling sir? Do I look old to you, I am only 11 this year and am single." Ban replied, he shocked when she called him sir then he muttered in a low voice, "Do I really look old....no ofcourse not I am only more tall yep that's it. Short people always consider someone tall..to be older."

Ning'er was able to hear bits and pieces of what he said, but she was more surprised to know when she heard his age, 'He is the same age as me and is already this strong. Does he belong to any noble house? But I never heard anyone this strong in our age group.' she was thinking while trying to figure out the identity of the guy in front of her.

"Who exactly are you? "Asked Ning'er.

"Me? Well I am Ban One of the sins, The Sin of greed." he said the same way ban introduced himself.

"Sin? sin of greed? What is that? I never heard anyone introduce like yourself." She asked, 'Is he by chance dumb in head?' She questioned herself but didn't voiced out.

"Nevermind you won't understand, Just call me Ban. Ohh By the way this is my spot I saw you training here but didn't disturb you thinking you would leave soon but you just took my spot.".Ban said pointing his index finger towards the ground, and of course he was lying.

"This..This i didn't knew and i...i.. didn't wanted to take your spot." she got a little nervous when she heard his questioning tone.

"Sorry, I will immediately leave then." She immediately said.

Then Ban looked toward her through his mask.

"It's alright. I was the one intruding, anyways. I will be back to relax here tomorrow. Enjoy yourself." he said.

Xiao Ning'er didn't have the time to respond as he vanished, leaving an after image of his body.

Xiao Ning'er was truly shocked! She had never seen this kind of Skill before!

'I didn't even ask how he got so strong...' she thought.

"He said that he would be here tomorrow..." she muttered under her breath and got back to meditating trying to calm her mind from today's events.

Xiao Ning'er had trouble meditating as she was thinking about this mysterious, white haired man with such horrifying mask that she met and how strong he was even though he was the same age as her....'I can't concentrate today after meeting that guy, I need to know how he got so much stronger so quickly.....Otherwise I won't be able to concentrate.'

She then left the spot, meanwhile Ban was seeing her all this time hiding behind a tree top.

'Well Well so far so good.' he smiled thinking about his plan to make her fall in love madly.

"Sorry, Nie li, but it's my story now even though you have the plot armour I'll still get the girls....even ziyun hahahha !"

—Next day

Xiao Ning'er was walking towards the training spot where she met that guy called Ban yesterday.

Last night, she found herself very curious about this man and couldn't sleep very well...

When she arrived, she saw him.

He was sitting on the same rock she used to seat and had his sword on his lap. This time though he wasn't wearing his mask but she couldn't see his fave as he was facing the other side.

He was wearing a black shirt with high collar and black trousers with his usual black sandals.

 "Reap". Kazeshini " he said opening his eyes and the katana on his lap started to take the form of twin kusarigama connected to one another by way of a long chain.

The he started to move at such speed which, Xiao Ning'er wasn't able to follow with her eyes, 'How...how can he be so fast, I can't even follow.his movements.' She thought, soon sound of metal clanking and sparks started to appear in mid air...the battle was taking place in the sky....

'Is he fighting someone? but I didn't see anyone?' She looked upwards and had her mouth wide open when she saw his fave which mesmerized her, even though he was quite far she could tell that he was very handsome.

But the thing that surprised her more was that he was standing in air, 'How...is that possible I heard only people in legend rank can fly, and I never heard of anyone being legend rank beside Lord Ye mo. Who is that guy, I really want to know how is he so strong. And I was right about his katana, it isn't any ordinary rare weapon.....it's more than that .' her thinking was getting more and more jumbled while she kept her eyes locked on Ban's figure.

"Kekkekke" suddenly a creepy laugh sounded, and The spirit of Kazeshini appeared in the form of a thin yet well-toned dark man with long black hair, resembling a shadow, with dark grey strips of cloth wrapping around his lower body, arms, neck, and shoulders with matching boots. The red outline around his body also often seems to flicker.

'Now who is this other guy, and he looks...so not human. Ahh it's getting so confusing...who or what is he exactly.' she thought as the more confused she became the frustrated she grew.

Then both started to exchange words which Ning'er couldn't hear and soon they booth vanished and the clash began.

Xiao Ning'er who was watching the fight couldn't handle the Spritual pressure of both of them and fainted.





to be continued.