

"no please no more give me more time i-i-ill get you the money" a man that is littered with bruise's kneeling on the ground said but gets interrupted with a foot smashing his face on to the floor "ehh you know we can't have that now a deal is a deal after all you borrow money and you pay it back with interest of course" a blonde haired man called leo said with a smile while twisting his foot on the man's head "what's so hard about that."

"b-but the interest is to high" when the blonde haired man heard that he lost his smile with a snap a large man grabbed the kneeling man "teach him a lesson" said leo and the large man did just that.

leo thinking the man got the point put back his smile "I hope this helped you understand how things work around here". talking in a more threatening voice "if not.. I'm sure that will be able to think of something" Leo said while looking at the photo of a family signaling his men "let's get out of here." they drove off.

the beaten up man seeing them clenched his fist and went to his room and opened a hidden compartment there was a revolver inside knowing he really won't be able to pay back those men knowing might happen to his family he grabbed his gun with determination in his eye's.

a day or two later

leo was exiting a building and heading for the parking lot when he was about to get in his car hiding at the the other side was the same man his men to have beaten up "ohh. isn't this haru are you here to pay back the money you owe" while talking his eyes was observing haru noticing something isn't right secretly making his hand go to where his gun is.

pointing his revolver at leo while leo was about to aim at haru he shot making his arms recoil back.

hitting leo on the shoulder he gritted his teeth with his better aim he shot haru at the chest making haru fall to the ground while haru was on the ground he shot his hand for good measure.

kicking haru on the stomach and using his shoe to go rub on haru bulletwound "don't worry you're family will be in very safe hands" then shooting haru on the head.

hearing a voice in the back you "boss. are you ok." leo waving his hand "yeah just help me out and call someone to clean this up" when he was about to enter his car a knife stab him in the hearth he heard his men say "thanks for the promotion boss." then falling to darkness.


in a the remains of what was once a merchant caravan a man was carrying an unconscious child like a sack complaining "why the hell am I bringing this brat with me again" on of the men looting the remains said "the boss thinks a child will be able to help us out in ambushing some caravans" the man carrying the child responds "how will this brat able to help us with anything" the man just shrugs in response.

the bandits finally back at their hideout drops the kid down in one of the rooms locking the door. once the bandit left the room the child open his eyes.

stretching a bit and thought about what to do with the memories i know I'm in the game Skyrim while I don't know much about except for the whole dragonborn thing.

while leo was in thought the door unlocked a heavily scarred man "ok kid I'll get to the point do what I say and you'll be able to keep you're worthless life got it" nodding in response "come with me" the man left.

for the next couple of days 'I was tasked to keep the hideout clean, cooking any small task done with my task I went back to the room spending the days like this trying to butter up to the bandits I'm sure I have at let them know that I won't try to escape' sleeping for the night.

after weeks the leader of the bandits with rest of his men "it's time to use that kid" one of the bandits spoke "are you sure what if he tells the ones were gonna attack" the leader says that's why we're gonna start small if he does his job right we can then start on larger attacks" unrolling a map pointing a spot at the map "here.. we got some information from the storm cloaks that there in a couple of days there will be an imperials escorting a noble coming through if the kid was able to prove himself tommorow we can add him to the plan. some bandits nodded some didn't care while others were doubtful of attacking a noble they continued on making plans for the night.

getting woken up "let's go brat" we went outside to a gathering of bandits where there was a dead wolf on the ground "ok brat here's how it's gonna go I'll smear this blood on you go to the caravan and make them separate what you will decide how you're life will go."

thinking how I will be able to make them can some of you make clashing sounds with you're swords they nodded once I bring over some of them make it seems you're fighting the bandits understanding what my plan is they left a couple of people here while some are hiding at the sides of the roads waiting for the caravan.

thinking they are close enough I signalled the bandits to make the sounds I run towards while smeared in blood calling for help.

the guards at the caravan hearing someone yelling he signals his companions to ready them selves it was a kid but seeing him covered in blood I rushed to the child "what happened" the kid grabbing me while crying "please help my family they are getting attacked" turning to my employer him giving me the go ahead I let the kid rest "let's go" signaling some of the guards to help the kids family out hearing the clashing of swords taken out any doubt in my mind.

the bandits that are laying in wait saw them separate grinned waiting until they get far enough "Chargee!!" with some of the guards separated the bandits made quick work of them and went to flank the separated one's finishing them of quickly.

leo making sure to distance himself from the fighting seeing the bandits went for the flank he went and took a small dagger and made sure it was hidden waiting for the day to pass and clean of this animal blood.

after the ambush the leader of the bandits went to ask his men how well he did one answered his "he's smarter than some here" while turning his gaze to another bandit "you want to fucking fight" grabbing his large axe.

the leader slams his hand on the table regaining the silence one other bandit said "like that one said he's smart and with how fast he adapts to the situation if we can get him trained he might be a good one to use since no one knows his with he can mingle inside the city and buy anything we need" the leader nodded but decided to keep on planning for the attack on the noble.