
In Reverse World With hentai System

In a parallel world where magic thrives, Lucifer finds himself reincarnated with an unconventional power: the "Hentai System." Despite his lack of inherent magical talent, he discovers that this unique system allows him to grow in strength by forming intimate connections with enchanting women. With his newfound abilities, he embarks on a journey to conquer challenges, harness magical prowess, and win the hearts of alluring beauties. As Lucifer navigates this reverse world, his pursuit of power, romance, and adventure intertwines in unexpected and entertaining ways. ( Did you see that synopsis fuck it, do you think if any men are reborn in this type of world he will just sit down no! He will fuck every woman. Don't try to use your imagination, just be kudzu-ma). ( In this world, there will be many different types of living beings, and MC will fuck them all, and this will be kingdom-building.)

immortal_0830 · Fantasi
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58 Chs

Chapter 47 Beast wave 2

"I'd like to know what this beast is up to in Forset, but it appears that I'll have to question that later, as they've already arrived." As Laila got her answers, she lifted her head and pointed in the direction where Ken and Ana had emerged earlier. The all womens, as well as Ken and Ana, all turn their heads at the same time.

As they begin to hear wolves howling from within the forest and also run, tension in the village rises, and they all grip their guns tightly in their hands, ready to attack at any time. "woof... Awoooooo.....has...ha...has....."

And, from the forest, nightmare wolves began to emerge, first Normal wolves, then Leader wolves, and as they all emerged, they all stood there, looking at Viliag with ravenous eyes, drool coming from their mouths, making them look like they had been in Hungary for many years.

"gggggeesrrrrr, ...geeerrrr" They expand like thunder, capable of killing anyone, and then divide into two terms, as if they were making a path for some ono, but as they did, they don't wait too long. Then, with beautiful steps, a majestic figure emerged, adorned with a white horn on its head. This creature's beauty was amazing. Every wolf in the clearing bowed its head in respect. Kenell kneeled in front of the queen.

That nightmare Queen walked in the middle of all the wolves and looked at all the wolves with calm eyes, as if she understood anything. She is not drooling for human meat; in fact, he is looking at all the people who are powerful enough to kill him. The nightmare Queen is planning a strategy to defeat them, just as humans plan a strategy to defeat an enemy.

And while all of this was going on, Laila realized what that beast was up to, and with a slightly irritated face and voice, she said, "This bastard is trying to see how many people can fight and kill him; then he will send his subroutine to fight against us, and when he sees the opportunity, he will start."

"Youngers and people who can't fight the leader nightmare wolf, get back and fight against normal wolves in a group, so wolves don't outnumber you," she says, turning to face the entire community.

She then turned to young and old women and stated, "There are 90 normal nightmare wolves, 10 leader nightmare wolves, and one nightmare wol king; we are 60 people, so try to manage yourself."

"And if a nightmare wolf leader attacks you, do not engage in combat." Try to get closer to another group of people," she advised, taking the sword from her wrist and grasping it tightly. A wave of her hand summoned a strong rush of wind, forcing everyone in the place to quiver.

"I will fige the nightmare wolf queen," she said, her gaze fixed on the majestic beast. The nightmare wolf queen seems to sense the woman's danger as well. She locked her gaze on Laila, her instincts warning him she was a formidable opponent.

Hearing their chief's order, all of the villagers obeyed and proceeded to organize as she instructed.

All young women who are inexperienced in fighting are repelled by powerful women.

When they return, they form a group, and all of the middle-aged and elderly women stand in front of them.

When Laila looks around, she notices that only one person is standing by her side: a small elf.

When she saw this, she grinned and said, "Sera, you should go and help other villagers fight against those nightmare wolves, and I can take this king queen."

Sera turned her head. "Are you sure you don't need my help?" She asked, her voice quiet and anxious.

Laila responded with a hearty and confident laugh, "Hah ha ha ha, do you forget who I am?" She moved confidently toward the nightmare wolf queen.

As Sera notices how boldly Laila is walking, she realizes that she is strong enough to battle nightmares wolf Queen and that she does not need to worry about her, shaking her head as she walks back to the group.

When the nightmare wolf queen saw this, she turned to her own pack of wolves and howled, as if she were commanding them to attack all the women. Her shriek rang out across the darkness, resembling "Aaawwwoooeee..."

In response, a chorus of screams echoed throughout the forest, forming a spine-tingling symphony: "Awoe, awwweoom..."

That pressure mounted as all one hundred wolves surged toward the villagers. Laila remained in place, allowing the wolves to pass by. Her fixated gaze was fixed on the wolf queen, who was also completely focused. They stood apart, a concealed challenge in the air, but did not engage in combat.

Both of them understand that if they start fighting right away, their own people will suffer as a result.

"So do we also think that we should fight a little distance from here" . As she spoke to the nightmare Wolf Queen, Laila let forth an extremely cold voice.

The nightmare wolf queen nodded in accord, having recognized the wisdom in Laila's remarks.

With their agreement in place, they began walking away from the locals.

Meanwhile, as magic and spells were performed, a series of fiery explosions lit up the night, generating a cacophony of "boom... fire ball... Boommm... boom..."

"Fire Elimination... Swoooos..."

"Remember, don't form groups. Divide into teams and take various paths."

"Awoooe... Ahhhhh... Grrrrr... Wind shield..."

Then a sharp scream penetrated the air, followed by a painful "bite... ahhhh..."

The noises of the ongoing conflict and the laments of their people rang in the distance as Laila and the nightmare wolf queen moved away from the battlefield. They could hear the fierceness of the combat and their people's pain, but neither of them stopped or looked back.

They realized that if they participated in the fighting, their overwhelming power would result in even more injuries and possibly casualties among their people.

It is perfect for both of them to fight each other.

5 minutes later, they walk to an open place. "So you are more intelligent than I thought; you look like you are on your way to becoming a gold-rank beast," Laila says, looking over the nightmare wolf queen's body for evidence that she is a gold-rank beast.

Despite her careful examination of the nightmare wolf queen's body, Laila sees no obvious changes.

The nightmare wolf queen body still possesses the mana of a peak-level silver-rank beast.

Seeing that the nightmare wolf queen does not respond, the wolf queen simply stares at her, expressionless.

Laila had wanted to learn from the nightmare wolf queen, to figure out why a silver-rank beast on the verge of becoming a gold-rank beast was attacking the village. The nightmare wolf queen's silence, on the other hand, filled her with more questions than answers.

That type of beast is already intelligent, and they will not fight someone if their life is not in danger.

And, most importantly, because this beast has her own pack, she will never try to endanger herself or her pack.