
In Reverse World With hentai System

In a parallel world where magic thrives, Lucifer finds himself reincarnated with an unconventional power: the "Hentai System." Despite his lack of inherent magical talent, he discovers that this unique system allows him to grow in strength by forming intimate connections with enchanting women. With his newfound abilities, he embarks on a journey to conquer challenges, harness magical prowess, and win the hearts of alluring beauties. As Lucifer navigates this reverse world, his pursuit of power, romance, and adventure intertwines in unexpected and entertaining ways. ( Did you see that synopsis fuck it, do you think if any men are reborn in this type of world he will just sit down no! He will fuck every woman. Don't try to use your imagination, just be kudzu-ma). ( In this world, there will be many different types of living beings, and MC will fuck them all, and this will be kingdom-building.)

immortal_0830 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
58 Chs

Chapter 39 Embarassment

As I looked at my sisters, I noticed that their unique looks and equipment represented their unique personalities and strengths.

My older sister, Ria, has a calm personality and prefers to battle with the wind element, so I guess she is a mage based on what she is wearing.

And Midle Ken's sister is dressed in crimson armor, which perfectly represents her personality; she has the hottest mind. In our family and on her silky hips, Sha has a golden sword, and from her sword, I recall that she has trained or asked my mother to train her with a sword many times, and from what I see, she uses the fire element to battle with a sword.

Both of them look so good, even if they look like fiery women, but their outfits still make them more charming.

But why are they dressed in combat gear and armor, as if we're about to fight someone?

My mother and Sera stopped fighting as they neared, and peace flowed over them. With my attention now focused on my sisters, I couldn't help but be intrigued by their eye-catching clothes.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Curiosity got the best of me, and I inquired.

Ria, the oldest sister, responded with a lovely voice and determined eyes. "We're preparing to venture outside the royal city to hunt monsters," she went on to say.

Upon seeing their determined expressions, my eyes widened with surprise. I couldn't hide the amazement in my voice as I responded, "You're planning to hunt monsters? That sounds so exciting!"

My sisters shared an amused glance, and Ken, the younger one, chimed in, "Yep, it's going to be an adventure, little brother!"

A little bit thinking of this, I see a problem with this idea. With a puzzled expression, I asked my big sisters, "But big sisters, why do you hunt monsters outside of the city? Don't we have a forest, and there are many monsters inside that forest?" I couldn't help but pose this question to them.

When they heard my query, they both looked at me with embarrassed expressions on their faces. "Brother Lucifer, you know that we go to the Royal Academy, and our vacation is coming to an end," my big sister Ria stated gently. We only have three days before we have to return to the academy."

"Yes, I know that." I nodded my head in response to her question. Just like she said, both of my sisters go to study at the Royal Academy, and a month ago they came to enjoy their vacation. And they have to depart for the royal academy in just three days"But what does that have to do with this?".

This tomboy sister opened her mouth, and with an energetic voice, she said, "Before we came home to enjoy our vacation, the Royal Academy had asked each of the students to hunt some of the monsters to level up their rank in the guild."

In response to my question, my sisters flushed slightly, and they lowered their gaze to the ground as if they had made a mistake and were waiting for punishment from their instructor. Then, while gazing down at the earth, big sister Ria spoke up quietly.

"But we both forget about it, and we don't have to hunt a single monster in this month, and only if we hunt outside of the royal city will that be counted, and we will be able to complete our task, and if we don't complete this task, maybe the academy will punish us."

While she was telling me about it, I could see how embarrassed both of them were. Big sister Ria's hand was shaking from it, but she still told me everything about it, even though her face was completely red like Tometos'. Sister Ken, on the other hand, was looking down to the ground the entire time and didn't even lift her head once to answer any of my questions.

Well, it appears that I am blind, which is unfortunate because it would be amusing to see my proud and hot-tempered sisters embarrassed.

"I was just thinking about traveling to the royal city for this a while ago, but Mother just told us that she and you are heading there today, so we simply thought, while you do your things, we can finish our quest."

As I was listening to her adventure story, mother sera said something that made my mother a little uncomfortable: "Ha!Look, your girls are similar to you; just as you frequently forget to accomplish things, your daughter does the same."

When she heard the sarcastic remarks about her daughter, the mother's face became awkward, her eyes narrowing for a brief period. She cleared her throat softly, then gave Sera a side-eye before saying, "You don't have to worry about it, Sera, okay?" They are my daughters, and they are well aware of what they are doing."

Sera and my mother exchanged meaningful glances, their eyes locking for a brief moment. It was as if an unspoken understanding passed between them, creating an electric tension in the air.

"Mnh, do as you please," Sera responded, her tone slightly cooler, but as she turned her attention to me, her eyes softened. With a gentle, almost tender voice and a warm, reassuring smile, she said, "Lucifer, let's go and sit in the cart."

She gently took my hand, her tiny, soft fingers intertwining with mine, leading me towards a rustic wooden cart. The cart's structure bore a striking resemblance to the ones I had only seen in epic adventure movies. It possessed a pair of sturdy wooden wheels on either side, and atop it lay a thick, weathered canvas that served as a shield against the blistering heat.

As you watched Mother Sera's determined but slightly comical struggle to get inside the carriage, you couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. She attempted to gracefully maneuver her petite frame through the carriage door, but her frustrated expression revealed her difficulty.

Seeing her struggle, i decided to assist. I approached her, and with gentle care, i used both of my hands to lift her up and effortlessly carry her into the carriage.