
In Re:Zero from Teyvat As The Shadow Monarch

Cool, overpowered, low-profiled, no harem, but only Rem, What else do you want from an alpha male protagonist

Sung_Jin_Doo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Alan's eyes widened in surprise as he heard Durin's voice in his mind. It was a revelation that the once-mighty Durin, now a shadow soldier under Alan's command, had gained the ability to communicate directly with him. This newfound connection between them signaled a significant development in their bond and spoke of Durin's elevated rank among the shadow soldiers.

Curiosity and intrigue filled Alan's thoughts as he listened attentively to Durin's words. The mention of a weapon capable of shape-shifting into any form based on the user's will stirred a sense of excitement within him. Such a weapon could provide him with unparalleled versatility and adaptability in battle, allowing him to wield various forms of weaponry as the situation demanded.

Eager to learn more, Alan asked Durin about the whereabouts and nature of this extraordinary weapon. Durin's voice resonated within his mind, relaying the tale of an ancient shrine hidden deep within the mystical forests of the Whispering Woods. Legends spoke of a sacred relic known as the "Blade of Eternity," a weapon said to possess the ability to change its form at the behest of its wielder.

Driven by his insatiable thirst for power and the desire to push his limits further, Alan knew that he had to seek out this fabled weapon. He understood that obtaining the Blade of Eternity would not only enhance his combat capabilities but also unlock a new level of mastery over his own abilities. With its shape-shifting nature, the weapon would complement his Anemo powers, granting him an unprecedented arsenal of deadly techniques.

Setting forth on his quest, Alan ventured deep into the Whispering Woods. Guided by Durin's knowledge of the area, he navigated through the dense foliage, evading treacherous traps and warding off hostile creatures that lurked within. The ancient trees whispered ancient secrets as he pressed on, their rustling leaves seemingly guiding him toward his destined prize.

After what felt like an eternity of traversing the mystical forest, Alan stumbled upon a hidden grove, bathed in ethereal light. At its heart stood an ancient shrine, its stone facade weathered by time and enigmatic symbols etched across its surface. This was the resting place of the Blade of Eternity.

With a mixture of anticipation and caution, Alan approached the shrine, his hand resting upon the carved entrance. As he exerted a gentle push, the heavy doors creaked open, revealing a chamber bathed in a soft, otherworldly glow. Suspended in the center of the room, encased in a shimmering aura, was the Blade of Eternity.

As Alan stepped forward, a surge of energy enveloped him, as if the blade itself acknowledged his presence. The moment his fingers touched the hilt, an extraordinary connection formed—a symbiotic bond between warrior and weapon. It was as if the Blade of Eternity could sense the depths of Alan's resolve and determination, and it responded in kind.

With a surge of power coursing through his veins, Alan willed the blade to transform, and it obeyed. The once straight and slender sword shifted and contorted, reshaping itself into a mighty war hammer. Amazement filled Alan as he marveled at the seamless transformation, realizing that the Blade of Eternity could indeed become any weapon he desired.

This newfound weapon held immense potential, enabling Alan to adapt his combat style to any situation. With the Blade of Eternity in hand, he was no longer limited to a single weapon's strengths and weaknesses. He could channel the destructive force of a greatsword, the precision of a rapier, or the speed of a dual-blade with a mere thought.

With the Blade of Eternity at his side, Alan felt an invigorating surge of confidence and power. He knew that he had acquired a weapon of unparalleled versatility, capable of adapting to any battle scenario. The whispers of the forest seemed to affirm his newfound connection with the blade, as if nature itself acknowledged his ascendancy.

Eager to test the weapon's transformative abilities, Alan focused his thoughts on a different form. In an instant, the war hammer morphed into a sleek, curved bow—an embodiment of precision and ranged prowess. The weapon felt weightless in his grasp as he drew back an ethereal arrow and released it into the air. The arrow soared with incredible speed and accuracy, hitting a distant target with pinpoint precision.

Alan's heart raced with exhilaration as he continued to experiment with the Blade of Eternity. He transformed it into a pair of gleaming daggers, swiftly slicing through the air with incredible finesse. Then, with a swift motion, he willed the blades to merge, forming a towering polearm, granting him reach and devastating sweeping attacks.

The possibilities seemed endless, and Alan's mind brimmed with ideas and strategies. He envisioned himself wielding a shield and sword, a pair of axes, or even a staff. The Blade of Eternity seemed to embody his imagination, taking on whatever form he envisioned, adapting to his will with seamless fluidity.

Embracing his newfound weapon, Alan felt a deep sense of gratitude toward Durin. The shadow soldier's guidance and revelation had led him to this incredible artifact, expanding his potential beyond what he had ever imagined. It was a testament to the bond they shared, a testament to the trust and respect that had blossomed between them.

With the Blade of Eternity as his companion, Alan ventured forth into the world, eager to face new challenges and adversaries. Each encounter became an opportunity to explore the weapon's transformative nature, adapting his strategy to exploit his enemies' weaknesses. Whether it was the raw power of a greatsword or the swift strikes of a dual-blade, Alan wielded his weapon with unparalleled skill and precision.

As his journey continued, Alan's reputation as a formidable warrior spread throughout the land. His mastery over the Blade of Eternity became legendary, inspiring awe and fear in equal measure. Many sought to challenge him, to test their skills against the warrior who could shape-shift his weapon at will.

But Alan's true purpose went beyond mere battles and personal glory. He recognized that his abilities and the Blade of Eternity were gifts meant to protect the innocent and uphold justice. He became a guardian, a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness.

With each victory, Alan's resolve grew stronger. He knew that his path was guided by more than just his own ambitions—it was a calling, a destiny intertwined with the fate of the realm. The whispers of the forest and the echoes of his shadow soldiers affirmed his purpose, reinforcing his determination to become the strongest.