
In Overlord as a Humanoid Dragon

Miya Ryuu is dies after a series tragic accidents occur with him believing it was bad luck but he find out it was all because of a god. He gets a chance to reincarnate and chooses to go to the world of Overlord with a few adjustments…… Bad writer, terrible creativity, and maybe bad information about the Overlord universe but I’ll do my best

MeltedChocolate · Fantasi
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Ryuu armor and abilities

Racial abilities:


Effect: Allows one to evolve into a more advanced version of a race

Supreme being

Effect: Dragon- based abilities will be amplified by 50%

Remark: Dragon blood flows within you making you more powerful


Effect: Allows the used of dragon- based spells and unlocks dragon transformation

Remark: Being part dragon make you strong but try not to lose yourself


Effect: Allows the use of partial transformation and human form

Remark: Mix both dragon and human together and you get a disgusting looking human

Job classes

Weapon Master

Effect: Allows use of all weapon and has mastery over weapon

Remarks: You are a master of all weapons and not a Plebeian at them


Effect: Combat effectiveness increased by 50%

Remark:You are a meat shield who can actually fight back

Superior Mage

Effect: Magic related stat increased by 25%

Remark: You have a better understanding of magic than most

Armored Warrior

Effect: increases effects of armor, decreases requirements

Remarks: Years of wearing armor allows you to know the weaknesses of armor

World Champion

Effect: Grants title and the abilities world break, Dimensional gap, and dimensional slash

Remarks: Since you are a monster, it should be world enemy instead


Effect: Disable uses of abilities for short while

Remarks: Similarly to some angry robot abilities but magic


Blessed Apostle

Effect:25% increased XP gain, 50% stat increase

Remarks: You got blessed but you died to a weak enemy

World Champion

Effect: Shows you won and got other abilities

Remark: Your a monster remember that


Dragons rage(Passive)

Effect: Increases stats by 1% per 1% health loss

Remark: Remember getting cornered come with its advantages especially for dragons

Dragon transformation(Active)

Effect: Transform into a Red dragon

Remark: When transforming dragonoids lose themselves to their instinct but if trained you can learn to control yourself

Aspect of the Platinum Dragon(Active)

Effect: Your body expands in size while growing a sheen of platinum scales and mighty claws and teeth. A pair of great wings sprouts from your back. You gain 110 temporary HP

Remark: You gain temporary strength in exchange for your looks which were terrible to begin with

Dragoneye Rune(Active)

Effect: This spell allows you to brand a special arcane mark onto an object or creature, denoting that it is under your watchful eye

Remark: Try not to peek at naked girls not that it's possible….. or is it?

Eyes of the Oracle(Passive)

Effect: Vague, translucent shadows of your body's form move just out of sync with your own motions, a visible sign that you exist in two places in time. You can see into the future, slightly anticipating your opponents' next moves

Remark: What's the point of this, you never dodge


blood seekers armor(old)

Effect: +50 physical def.,+25

Remark: you've forgotten this is still in your inventory

Undying Warlord armor

Effect: reverts player back to healthy state with full MP once HP reaches 0(Limit 4 times)

Remark: I wonder what fool decided this was balance

life-seeker sword

Effect: Kills make it stronger, no kill makes it weak

Remark: You better start killing or else that sword will break

Ring of Concealment

Effect: Conceals you MP, making it unusable, effect last until the ring is taken off

Remark: You surprise or scare someone using this

Necklace of Vigor

Effect:increases health by 25%

Remark: Made just so you don't die embarrassly again

Next chapter will be poster some time after this also This will be updatd more later since there is still some things I haven’t decided on such as names or whether or not to include them For now these are his current abilities for chapter 9

MeltedChocolatecreators' thoughts