
In One Piece with the Ironman Armor

Sengoku: I want various destroyers, battleships, and super soldier potions. Vegapunk : I want the T-Virus Dragon: I want a lot of AK47 rifles, armored vehicles and T72 tanks. Kings of Countries: We want Terminator T800 and T1000 robots as bodyguards. Itami smiled : No problem, as long as you join me.

Shihao777 · Komik
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54 Chs

Chapter 38: New Task

To be honest, there is no need to say more about the task of the system. From the beginning, he had the idea of ruling the world.

After all, after killing Celestial Dragons, the world simply couldn't spare him.

So there is no choice but to rule the world.

Of course, as a traveler who came to this world.

If you don't do something big, wouldn't you be ashamed to call yourself a transmigrator?

"Jarvis, starting today, the cloning center will give its all to grow clones."

"And the production plant is also at 100%, which allows me to build a lot of weapons and vehicles."

"OK sir."

The entire hive base was in full swing right now.

As for Itami, he opened the system mall to buy new genes.

Because he knew very well that he once set out on the path to conquer the world comprehensively.

Marine, the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, Shichibukai and the Four Emperors will be the enemies they will face.

Therefore, ordinary soldiers alone are not enough to deal with some of the powerhouses.

Therefore, he wants to build a powerful superhuman army.

He carefully reviewed and finally chose three genes.

Wolverine, Hulk and Jedi

Troops built with Wolverine's genes will be sent out as pioneers.

Relying on his immortality, I think they can quickly break through various defensive lines that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The troops created by the Jedi Knight genes will be used for battlefield assistance and kills.

With their swordsmanship and Force skills, they are sure to produce unexpected results.

The latest troops created with Hulk genes are pure killer troops.

They go to the battlefield with a single purpose, which is to mercilessly harvest the enemy.

And the commander in chief of these three troops, Itami decided to hand it over to Anakin.

'With these three troops, even if you meet some strong people, it is enough to deal with. '

'However, it's still a bit difficult to deal with admiral level monsters. '

Thinking of this, Itami touched his chin and showed a confident smile.

'It's hard to deal with them, but it's not impossible.'

'Like Fujitora, who hasn't joined Marine yet. '

'As long as he can find it, I can make him join me. '

'After all, Isho's wish is to improve people's lives. '

'And with all kinds of technology, it's not hard to do this kind of thing. '

'I can even tempt Miwak. Once he gave him a sword made of Edman alloy or vibranium. '

'I think the other party will also be willing to owe me a favor. '

'Finally there is the revolutionary army, which is better to deal with. '

'As long as you sell them some discarded junk weapons, you can be grateful to yourself. '

'Sakazuki is annoying to try to reason with him, but Kuzan's words were always muddled due to his own fairness. '

'If you can show the ability to overthrow the world government and build a peaceful world. '

I think he will join me too. '

I have to say that Itami thought about it and found that there are quite a few people who can be won over.

In addition to these higher powers, there are also some lower powers that can be won.

Like the Pirate Empress, Jinbei, etc.

Of course, it is too early to think about this, and the most important thing now is to conquer all of Alabasta.

Perhaps, as you continue to complete the task, the things given by the system will get better and better.

Even then, there is no need to win over these powerhouses for world domination.

Just when Itami was thinking about the future.


In the City of Rain City, Crocodile appeared here.

At this moment, he was looking at the terrifying giant pit in front of him with a shocked expression, and his face was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

"Ancestral Weapon, this must have been caused by the Ancestral Weapon."

He gazed into the depths of the desert, his eyes hot.

"Ancient Weapon, here I come."

As he spoke, he turned into a windy sand, flying like a desert.

For others, trying to find someone in the desert is as futile as reaching for the sky.

But for Crocodile, it wasn't complicated at all.

With his control over the arena, it won't be long before he finds Itami's hideout.

What Crocodile didn't know was that choosing him would be the biggest mistake of his life.








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