
In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

In One Piece as Satoru Gojo

CoffeeLovers · Komik
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29 Chs

Supplies [ Version 2]

"Can you help me find lodging? I need a place to rest and eat," Satoru said quickly.

She looked at him with a puzzled expression. "Are you speaking to me?"

He hesitated, realizing this wasn't the same Mai he knew from the anime. "Of course...I'm your master." He tried to instill this idea in her mind, hoping the brainwashing would work.

Mai seemed to process his words for a moment, then her eyes widened as she stared at Satoru's face, her cheeks tinting pink.

Before he could say more, she vanished in a flash, leaving Satoru agape. "That speed... insane."

Within seconds, he heard noise from a nearby shop and saw the door open, revealing Mai with a bright smile. "I found a place."

Walking into the store, he quickly scanned the items, his stomach growling with hunger. Mai confirmed the place was empty, and he headed to the kitchen, devouring any food he found. She watched him with curiosity, and they shared a light-hearted moment, laughing together.

"I'm going to lie down," he said, drained.

"I'll come with you," she replied with a sly smile.

He hesitated, considering all the potential complications. "Let's sleep in separate beds." He'd be lying if he said he wasn't expecting this at some point. But it still felt a bit too early, given his fatigue. Not to mention her reaction is entirely unpredictable, what if she tried to kill him? After all, she wasn't fully bound as his servant.

She nodded, slightly disappointed but understanding. Laying down, he began to reflect on his former life, what little he still remembered.

He recalled the ups and downs, his frustrations and joys. He remembered losing himself in fictional worlds, seeking solace in stories. And now, he was living one.

Suddenly, he fell asleep.

At the break of day, the pale glow of dawn filtered through the wooden window cracks. Satoru, still groggy, felt the light touch his face. He rubbed his eyes slowly and opened them, noticing the soft warmth filling the room. Standing and stretching, he saw Mai already standing by the bed, her loose kimono revealing more skin than he expected to see so early.

"Good morning," she said with a smile that could light up the sky.

"Good morning," he replied, his voice raspy and quickly averting his eyes. He got up, trying to occupy his mind with other thoughts. The house had been looted recently, and the two needed to check what was left. He wanted to avoid any trouble, and Mai's provocative attire could attract unwanted attention.

He got up and decided to take another look at the household items.

The town was starting to awaken. Market stalls being set up, sailors getting ready to set sail, and the smell of the sea mingled with the sweet aroma of food.

Satoru smiled, relieved to still find some valuable items in the looted shop.

"We'll sell the items and buy some supplies before we leave." Mai nodded. He knew he had to leave Loguetown. The execution of Gold. Roger and his last words started a bloodbath in the coming years. And it all began yesterday, after his execution. For this reason, he aims to go to the safest place in this sea, Fusha village. Mai nodded.

He checked the bags of valuable items one more time before leaving. Mai walked beside him, still a bit upset for being asked to change clothes.

He sighed. He had asked Mai to change her clothes, but she overreacted. He likes to look, but at the moment it causes more trouble than benefits.

They stopped at various shops and stalls, exchanging items for coins. The merchants are sharp; they notice these might be stolen items. They show hesitation at first, but the prospect of profit overcomes their doubts.

After dealing with several merchants, Satoru accumulates a fair amount of money, 50,000 berries.

"The next step is to find a boat, but I'm not sure how to get one. I think we might have to steal one."

Mai, seeing Satoru's hesitation, leans in and whispers, "Leave it to me!" She waves and disappears into the busy streets.

Satoru watches Mai vanish, marveling at her speed.

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. Looking up, he saw a rough-looking sailor with an anchor tattoo on his arm, looking at him with a sardonic smile.

"You new around here?" the sailor asked.

With a cold stare, Satoru retorted: "Why do you ask?"