
In Naruto with Cursed Energy

In the mystical realm of Naruto, an ordinary high schooler named Christopher Nicolas finds himself inexplicably transported. To his astonishment, he awakens not in the familiar confines of Konoha but in the perilous and treacherous village of Kirigakure, also known as the 'Bloody Mist'.

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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Free's hand instinctively traced the ancient runes. His eyes swiftly shifted to the second option, wasting no time to explore further.

[Cursed Techniques: [Cursed Energy Manipulation]]

Yet again, disappointment washed over him as the System provided no specific attribute, only indicating the skill he had just acquired or created.

Ting! Ting!

Resolute, Free slid open the door, revealing a vast and imposing hall. Determination etched onto his features, the platinum-haired boy grasped the combat sword leaning against his apartment wall and descended the steps.

'How am I supposed to manage this, fuck'

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, a breathtaking sight confronted him—numerous battle rings, occupied by children of various ages. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

Ting! Ting!

The resonating bells signaled the commencement of duels, each pair entering the rings armed with their chosen weapons. The sound of metal clashing filled the hall, an orchestral symphony of determination and skill.

Free perspired, but his focus remained unwavering.

"What're you waiting for?" urged an adult standing beside him, giving Free a forceful nudge forward. He stumbled but quickly regained his composure, entering the ring. On the opposite side stood a boy around his age, wielding a graceful Katana.

A self-assured smirk graced the other boy's lips, his eyes locking onto Free's sword.

'What the hell am I gonna do? I have the memories, but I have no real experience!'

Without warning, the boy lunged, and Free's instincts took over, allowing him to evade the strike with a well-timed roll.

The opponent pressed on, unyielding. Reacting purely on instinct, Free deflected a thrust aimed at his chest, creating an opening.

'My chance!'

Seizing the moment, Free swung his blade with exceptional speed towards his opponent's head.


A metallic clang reverberated as the other boy displayed remarkable agility, blocking the attack with precision.

"You're too focused on my sword," the boy taunted with a hint of amusement.

Before Free could react, a swift kick sent him flying backward. He managed to roll with the impact and promptly regained his footing, clenching his sore fist.

The other kid appeared stunned, his confidence slightly shaken.

'Fortunately, this body has some muscle memory. Otherwise, that kick would have hit me head-on...'

The boy brandished his Katana, his brow furrowing in thought.

'He wasn't this fast until now, yet at the last moment, he defended with his palm... Absurd'

Cautiously, he circled Free, meticulously observing every muscle twitch.

'Damn it! Wha-.... Wait, maybe that could work.'

Free's body surged with the raw power of channeled cursed energy, flowing through him like an untamed force of nature. As he directed the energy into his sword, a glint of determination flashed in his eyes.

'They can't sense Cursed Energy... I believe,' he thought to himself, acknowledging the advantage he held in this secretive ability.

He fortified his body, coating it with the potent energy, and focused on enhancing his effector muscles to reach peak reflexes. However, his lack of experience in controlling cursed energy caused it to leak profusely, threatening to drain his reserves.

'At this rate, I'll have an empty tank in no time. Gotta end this fast!' he thought, the urgency urging him on.

He propelled himself forward, catching his opponent by surprise. In that moment, Free allowed his mind to wander, trusting his body's instincts to guide him.

The sound of metal meeting metal reverberated through the training ground as Free executed his moves with deadly precision. Each strike forced his opponent to defend, their feet sliding back from the sheer force of Free's relentless assault.

"Shit," Free cursed under his breath, feeling his reserves deplete rapidly and his muscles beginning to cramp.

But he refused to give in. Instead, he intensified his focus and pushed himself beyond his limits, seeking victory in this ultimate test of skill.

As his relentless attack faltered due to his waning energy, his opponent saw an opportunity to seize victory. However, before the young challenger could claim the triumph, a firm hand grasped his shoulder, rendering him immobile. He turned to see the instructor's stern expression, and the realization dawned on him – he had been pushed out of the battle ring during Free's fierce assault.

"You lose," the instructor's voice resounded with authority, confirming Free's victory.

Gasping for breath, Free's platinum hair clung to his sweat-soaked forehead as he wore a triumphant smirk. The opponent, now in awe of Free's skills, could only clench his fist.