
In My Hero Academia with some abilities from Naruto

This story I will try really hard not to drop because I have a lot of ideas for this. Anyways, the mc dies early and gets 3 wishes and goes to My Hero Academia. This will be going off of the Anime and not the manga just letting you know that now. Anyways enjoy!

William_Mentink · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

A disappearance (part 2)

On the way to the buses, I went to a secluded area so that I wouldn't be seen pulling out my Tanto out of my inventory. After pulling the weapon out, I put it on my back and headed towards the buses. The battle site that I ended up going to was A, I didn't recognize anyone there from the anime, but I didn't look around that much. Once we were all there we all heard All Might say " Now that your all here Begin!" After saying that the giant gate in front of us revealing a big city battle site.

Once I heard that I started to run into the battle site along with everyone else, except that I was way faster then them and left them in the dust. The examinee's were shocked, but they continued doing their own thing shortly after. Once I got in I thought to myself ' I'm just going to go after the three pointers and help anyone who looks like they're going to be in trouble.' After that thought I activated my Joringan and looked around.

With my Joringan I could see through any obstacle so I was looking for the closest 3 pointer, I also noticed that as the farther you go into the city the more 3 pointers their are. The closest 3 pointers I saw were three 3 pointers next to each other around the corner from where I was at. As soon as I saw them I ran straight to them with my tanto pulled out, and added my lightning chakra to it. I discovered I could do this easily during training so I started doing it since then.

When I turned the corner I was at the three pointers noticed me and started to shoot missiles at me along with charging at me. These roots were tank like, and had missiles on them, but I also noticed since I have my joringan on that the missiles were not real ones, they are specially made ones for this exam,also the machines look like they aren't made out of strong metal. I dodged all of the missiles with the help of my Joringan, I could've even made myself intangible, but didn't.

After I dodged them I smirked and charged at them with my tanto and made two shadow clones to deal with the other two while I dealt with one. As I got closer to it I finally got close enough to it, and side stepped to the side so i was running next to it, and while I was running next to it I cut my tanto through the machine while running next to it, like it was butter. After I got past it I sheathe my weapon, and the robot exploded.

My other shadow clones were already done and one of them said " Show off." I just told them " Just go around the town and deal with any three pointers." They nodded and left. After they left I found my next target, and ran up to it. This time I used the fire ball jutsu on it, and just kept on running around using various jutsu's only on the three pointer. If a one or two pointer got in my way I would simply run through them.

Another thing anything I wore on me become intangible with me so it was no problem for me. I have seen some people struggling, and when they were at a disadvantage I would help them out like pulling them away from the enemy, etc. 5 minutes quickly passed and then there was a loud sound like a gate open, along with a big boom. After that there was a giant robot in the middle of the city.

When I saw the robot I said " Dibs" and ran off after it. When I got on the same block of it I saw people running away from the machine. I just thought ' I'll deal with it.' After I said that I asked the system because I was curious 'I can store any non living things right?'

[Now you remember me? Anyways you can]

I just thought ' Good, I always wanted a pet robot.' After saying that I started running towards the robot.The robot noticed me and started to launch missiles at me. I seen that the missiles were big enough to jump on, so I jumped on the missiles and jumped on them one by one until I was right in front of the robot. I smiled and touched the robot with my hand and said to the system ' Store the robot in my inventory.'

[Got it.]

After saying that the robot disappeared. It was all of a sudden quiet, and I was falling from a ten story drop. I reinforced my legs with chakra and said " I got it!" so no one worried and landed on the ground with a loud thud. When I landed on the ground everyone heard All Might say along with a big buzzer sound " The exam is over!" People were still shocked at what they had just seen, they just seen a robot disappeared in front of their eyes. A giant one at that I just though while dispersing my shadow clones 'I'll just pass this along with me being able to use chakra.'

After thinking that everyone tried surrounding me asking me what was that, but I just simply walked up the building that was close to me and roff hopped to the entrance of the battle area. When I got there I amplify my voice with chakra and said " All Might can you come here for a sec!" After I said that All Might jumped up in the air and landed in front of me and said " What is it young William?" I just smiled and said " Here's a present." After saying that I took out the robot from my inventory and just ran away from there.

I found out the weapon I described for the mc was a tanto, so that's what I'll call it from now. Also I didn't say it, but it can handle chakra infusion if you are wondering. So, here's the next chap, I'll also start writing better I feel like I can so don't worry. Anyways enjoy.

William_Mentinkcreators' thoughts