
In My Domain.

Meet Dos as violent trouble in his life escalates when he accidentally beat the shit out of the only heir of a triad boss. Don't worry though he has a sense of humor (First time writing go easy on me) (I'm also open for ratings and criticism)

Voyeur · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


It was a sunny day

Dos and June was bantering against each other again

"And I'm telling you you should totally change your look!"

"Why? i like my hair like this!"

"Haa you short minded fool when we get famous people won't even recognize you cause you look too normal. Oh wait i guess I'm the only one getting famous i guess you're too weakshit to handle that kind of pressure huh?"

"Fine! just you wait!"

Next morning came

A June with a huge pompadour walked into the campus swaggering

As he walked he noticed a lot of students was staring at his direction

'Ahh.. this must be how that bastard Dos feel everytime he walks hehe i could get used to this!" June thought to himself as he heard murmurs

"Waa look at that guy.. must be a weirdo"

"Is he stuck on the 90's or something?"

"Shit don't look at his direction he's totally creepy"

June lowered his head finally feeling the shame

'Shit i knew it would turn out this way i shouldn't listen to the whispers of a demon!'

But that was when he saw Dos with a smile skipping happily at his direction

June was moved..

'Dos.. you understand me.. you're not such a bad friend after all!' June thought to himself

And then their eyes met each other there was a look of camaraderie. Well there was on June's eyes atleast..

Dos quickly approached June and smacked his head and immediately started ranting

"You heathen! Shit how dare you soil the image of Sakuragi in my head! Pwee! pwee!"

"You!! you were the one who told me to change my look!"

That was when 10 third years cornered them holding wooden planks and metal bats

"Time for payback kiddies~" said one of them holding a metal bat

"AAAHH!" They shouted as they rushed Dos and June in all directions

Dos immediately tried for a way to get out there was none..

Dos and June looked at each other and nodded as they put their arms up

They had each other back to back one of the third years ran too fast and pulled away from their formation June immediately took advantage of the situation and tackled him to the ground knocking his wind pipe off and slam his fist on the third years face and immediately grabbed his legs and swung it to the others fighting June was like fighting Hulk..

Dos charged too dodging some of their swings but eventually got hit and a switch was flicked

"That hurt! you're gonna pay~ kuhuhuhu" Dos said with a hint of madness in his eyes

"Karate chop!" He shouted as he chopped the guys throat popping in his Adam's apple back in. His body immediately fell to the ground choking

Poor guy..

Dos immediately rushed at them and did a spinning elbow. The third year pulled his head back making the elbow too short for contact until Dos extended his elbow the back of his hand hit right on the third year's chin combine that with the momentum well.. he was basically fucked

With Dos and June access to weapons the fight quickly came to an end

"Phew let's go home I'm starving"

"Yeah we're pretty banged up too"

They walked away smiling and supporting each other filled with bruises

The next day came

Dos and Junjun walked side by side on campus then they heard whispers

"Waa is that them the one who beat the third years?"

"Look at that red hair.. look at his eyes.. definitely someone evil.."

"Lower your gaze and move aside he might target you!"

Then a group of first year delinquents approached them and bowed!

"Please let us follow you! You two are incredible we watched you fight yesterday!"

June's chest puffed up filled with pride Dos on the other hand.. had an evil expression

"So? you want to do my bidding huh? Yosh you pass!" Dos said with an evil voice

they all gulped they let the devil sunk his fangs on them and he would never let go..

They spent all day treating Dos to anything he wanted whatever it may be..

After the end of the day they finally decided to just stay away..

Another day passed it was

'finally friday then come sweet saturday! wait..i have to go to the dojo.. shit i have to bring June so i won't have to suffer alone yes! he must suffer too Fufufu~' Dos thought to himself and continued plotting his plan

When Kenji interrupted him

Kenji is the leader of the first years who wanted to follow Dos and June and he was also the only one who stayed..

"Dos-Aniki June-Aniki there are some girls looking for you they said they were from a nearby all girls high school They're waiting at the gate right now.."

"Uoohhh Kenji! thanks for delivering news of grave importance!" Dos immediately got up from his seat there was refound vigor on his feet

"Let's go June! Forward!"

Dos and June walked to the gates in their best manners then they saw a girl waiting there was nothing wrong with here but she looked.. mediocre or too normal

"Are you Dos and June we heard you were pretty strong umm.. we need your help a friend of ours was kidnapped by delinquents.. and we have no one to turn to please help us!"

"Huh? I'm sorry miss but we're not running a charity here" Dos said while scowling disappointed by the chicks

That was when the girl pulled out their secret weapon a cute girl appeared she was also tall standing at about 175cm she had brown hair brown eyes and a flowery scent she grabbed June's attention the moment he laid his eyes on her

"My name is May head of Flower institute all-girls highschool please help us with this problem"

"You can rely on me" June said acting cool and reserved

Dos smacked him

"Tsk.. acting cool after seeing the cute girl pervert.." Dos murmured obviously upset about missing his chance to act cool

"Thank you i'll lead the way it's in an old abandoned factory!" Said May after bowing showing her gratitude

On the way to the factory

"Uuu my stomach hurts i have to go you can do it June! you're my right hand anyway so it's my credit" Said Dos running to a nearby bathroom stall

"Umm should we wait for him?"

"No I'll go even if it means going alone" Said June with confidence

June and May entered the factory there were four of them inside

"Where's the girl?" said June his eyes glaring

"Our business is not with you i suggest you turn your back kid and we will overlook this matter" Said one of the delinquents while approaching June and waving his bat slowly

June socked his face with all his strength and he flew and slammed to the wall

'Strong!' May thought to herself

"Don't make me repeat myself" June scowled

"I don't think you understand who has the upper hand here stay still or we will hurt her!" He grabbed the hair of the girl and dragged her

This only infuriated June further

"I don't even know her!" June shouted and punch another one

"Then why the fuck did you ask for her!" said the delinquent holding the girl

"But i bet you know this one!" Said the fourth delinquent while swinging a bat at May

June immediately ran over and shielded her with his head. June's head bled but he didn't back down

"Mister!" shouted May

They immediately tied down May and put a tape on her mouth

"That's right if you don't want her injured you better stay still" he said while punching June

"Your punch hurt like hell you better get yourself ready.." said the delinquent that June punched first

And so they swung their fist swung their bats but June didn't fall he kept standing tall

"Mmmmph mmmmphh!" May struggled in the ropes she close her eyes because she couldn't watch anymore this Mister that she barely knew getting hurt for her sake when she doesn't even know his name. She closed her eyes but the sounds we're still there her tears fell

"Huff huff is that all you got?" June said bruised and bloodied

The delinquents looked at each other in disbelief "I-is this guy serious? i didn't pull my punches at all.."

That was when the window broke and a fishing net fell trapping them. The four of them not able to resist at all Dos beat them up using their bats

"Prince Dos has arrived!" Dos shouted happy with his intro but when he saw June his face frowned

"Wow a weakling.." said Dos at June with a disgusted look at his face

Dos thought May liked strong guys so he intentionally came late. June will weaken the enemy and he saves the day hehe genius right?

"Shut up!" June shouted at Dos with an irritated look on him

The girls finished untying May and she immediately ran at Dos' direction

'I already have Althea but one hug won't do any harm right? hehe'

So Dos ran to her too his arm spread trying to go for a hug May dodged and headed to June

"Mister! are you okay? I'm sorry you had to get hurt for my sake I'm sorry for involving you in my problems im sorry.." She said while lowering her head

"It's no problem lift your head May" June said with soft voice and and a soft smile

"By the way my name is June just like the month May and June i think we should also be together" June said with a smile not feeling any shame by the words he spouted

May only blushed

And Dos was still facing the wall sulking