
In My Domain.

Meet Dos as violent trouble in his life escalates when he accidentally beat the shit out of the only heir of a triad boss. Don't worry though he has a sense of humor (First time writing go easy on me) (I'm also open for ratings and criticism)

Voyeur · Seni bela diri
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10 Chs


Their training started all they did was get thrown on the ground though Ryano was teaching them how to take falls currently

"Ora! use the techniques i taught you! if not you're going to break an arm!"

"But you just taught it to us a minute ago!"

"More importantly! you're throwing as on concrete ground please stop!"

"Hahahaha this is what you entered kids no going back now!"

And so their hellish training ended when it was time for lunch

"Oh Dad you're back are you going to teach them next?"

"Nope but you are" said Robert smirking

"But I'm still not good enough to teach.."

"Hahahaha don't sweat it! they just need the basics anyway come on I'll observe"

They walked to an empty practice hall

"Thea does Aikido,Boxing,Wrestling,Judo and Karate or to put it simply she knows Krav Maga"

"Uohh? are we gonna learn it too?" said Dos and June in unison

"Yeah! the hard way that is"

'There it is again! that smirk.. i have a bad feeling about this'

"Both of you take your stance you're gonna learn through your body! Thea don't worry if you make a mistake a strike or two ain't gonna kill em"

And so June and Dos reluctantly took their stance. Thea was still just standing there not a care in the world she suddenly spoke



Althea immediately dashed on their direction

'She's fast she closed the distance in such a short amount of time!'

Then she swung her fist straight at Dos' throat Dos pulled back his body but Althea's foot was already behind his foot causing him to lose balance but Althea as if everything was going according to plan didn't miss a beat grabbed Dos' face and slammed it on the ground

Dos lost all the air in him as his body slammed on the ground Althea immediately mounted him striked at his vitals and stop at the last moment Kidney, Airway, Throat, Nose but at the last moment Althea remembered something unpleasant and was not able to stop his strike at Dos' temple

Dos didn't flinch as the strike hit him their eyes met there was a hint of remorse on Althea's eyes but on Dos' eyes were still staring at her she couldn't read what he was thinking then Dos suddenly spoke

"June can you let me fight her alone?"


"What about you Althea is this fine with you?"


Dos took his stance it was different from his usual boxing stance it was a wrestling stance

"Yosh take your stance! don't worry I'll step in when things get too dangerous so fight to your hearts content!" Robert said


Althea rushed at Dos again

Dos' eyes was filled with concentration then he rushed at Althea too his body was positioned low making it seem he was going for a tackle but it was a feint it was a punch!

Althea was surprised not expecting such a move from an amateur without any martial art experience but she still dodged the blow sidestepping to the side but Dos turned his fist into a grab

'What? but if i hadn't dodged the fist it still wouldn't have connected yet..Damn was that a feint too? he made two feints and i completely fell for it? just how far can he see..'

Dos grabbed her clothes and pulled him to his knee but Althea grabbed that knee before it connected to her stomach and pushed at it making her go up to the air

"Oh i forgot to say this but Thea also does gymnastics so she has ridiculous aerodynamics" Robert said.

Dos was surprised by her actions because in the air you can't move freely

Dos had ridiculous striking speed but when he striked at Althea mid air there was hesitation so it wasn't as quick Althea didn't catch it but it didn't slip from Robert's eyes

When Dos' fist was about to hit Althea's position changed mid air

A kick was heading at Dos combine that with the momentum she gained mid air the force was bound to be terrifying but Dos not willing to find out how strong extended his arm and swiped her kick aside

With that Althea lost balance and fell ass first on Dos' face Ah.. a man's dream

Althea's face was blushing meanwhile Dos' had a dumb looking face his nose was bleeding and said

"Don't worry im fine!~ hehe..hehe" said Dos his nose bleeding and a perverted look on his face

This finally blew Althea's fuse and so the strangling begun

"Yosh so are you satisfied with the outcome of the fight?" said Robert

"More than satisfied father~ hehe..hehe"

This also ticked Robert off and so he joined the strangling

The Weekends quickly passed

June went on that date while Dos' plan to sabotage it was foiled by Robert

And so Dos trained in melancholy the whole day

It was Monday once again Dos' custom tailored uniform was finally here his black blazer reached to his knees making it look like a trench coat

As he headed to school he caught a lot of attention

"Waa look at his uniform so cool~"

"Dumbass that's not even allowed and red hair isn't that the new delinquent on our school.. Don't look at his direction!"

"I heard he was a cheapshot doing everything so he can win.. he's definitely evil"

Dos walked faster not bothering to hear more murmurs

As he walked at the main gate a teacher spoke

"Hey you! what's wrong with your uniform!"

"Ah my tailor mixed up my measurements.. he wouldn't take no for an answer saying he would go bankrupt i felt sorry for him so i just let it go"

"I see.. well if you say so.."

"Thanks teach!"

Dos walked happily to his classroom June was already there

They started their usual bickering again then the bell rang

"Okay class we have a new transfer student she transferred due to some unavoidable circumstances. Please introduce yourself Miss"

"My name is Althea Chae please take care of me"

"Waaa she's so beautiful"

"Should i confess to her? maybe she'll go out with me hehe"

Dos was in shock slapping himself to check if this was real Dos spoke finally ready to face the truth

"Why? why are you here?!"

Hearing this all the guys in the classroom shrunk in despair thinking

'Dos knows her.. but she might go out with me.. but in the end Dos knows her..the world is unfair! dammit!'

Althea made no response to Dos

"Okay settle down now Dos Althea just pick any empty seat"

But the only empty seat was next to Dos because everyone was too afraid to sit next to him

Althea walked to it but a courageous soul stood up and said

"Miss you can take this seat if you don't want to sit there.."

Althea's mind worked full throttle

'I don't want to sit next to him but if i don't they will look down on me thinking that I'm scared of him' Althea thought to herself

"I would love to but it's fine I'm not afraid of him" Althea said

They boys thought she totally liked him

The girls thought she was really cool

Lunchbreak came the girls crowded Althea while the boys crowded Dos just kidding only Kenji was brave enough to approach him questions came like rainfall

"Dos-Aniki you're amazing how do you know her?!"

While the girls questions was more sinister

"Althea..is he blackmailing you?"

"Yeah i think he totally is how do you know him anyway?"

Althea laughed

"Haha he doesn't have the guts for that and he's not really as horrible as you think"

School ended Althea was searching for Dos to bring him to the dojo

"Geez where did he go? argh I'm just gonna leave him alone!"

Althea was walking home when he saw Dos beating up three guys from their school one of them was the boy who asked her to take his seat

Althea's imagination then kicked in and approached Dos

She slapped him

"You scumbag! i see so you came to our dojo to do this kind of things! people like you who bully the weak are trash!"

Dos just looked at her and said as he walked away

"Fine.. be lovey dovey with him all you like tsk"

Althea glared at him until he was out of sight