
War of the best (7)

Kong didn't reply to him, he just stand silently.

Seeing this Majin looked at Sengoku and asked "tell me Sengoku, how did you feel when your son died?"

Sengoku got angry when Majin asked him about his dead son, about how he felt when he died. Of course, he felt worst.

Majin continued and said, "did you ever think, what he ever did wrong, that he had to suffer for your sin."

Sengoku looks sad. He thought that many times about this. Why, why he had to die. Then he looked at the Majin.

Majin again said "if that's so, then tell me what was ace sin? Was it that he is rogers son, or was it that he joined the whitebeard crew?"

No one replied to him. He continued "why does a son have to suffer for his father sin?"

Everyone keeps silent. Even then those that we're watching the broadcast.

"All the scum of pirates should die." replied akinu in his still kneeling positions.

"Is that so, then tell me how many islands are safe because of marine and how many islands is are because of whitebeard." asked main back. "We are protecting the everyday island of in the world. We work for justice."

"Ha, yes, absolute Justice, how can I forget it. Then tell me why do marines destroy an Island just because they want to learn new things," asked Majin.

Robin who was looking live broadcast looked sad. As she continued to listen.

Majin continued "why do marine has to go after a young last survivor of the island? Just because she knows how to read ancient language."

He then continued "why do Marine don't catch any slave traders even though it was banned?" "why Marine terrorises an Island with their authority for money."

Majin said again "not only that, why don't you tell news about when pirates help an Island." "let me show you some of your Marine Justice." said main as he start playing some recorded video.

as the video started, everyone saw a show that many confused as an act of a pirate. There they saw how marines use their authority to take money from villagers. How some marine just rapes some civilian and stop their mouth with their authority power. Some of the marine bases even have women's tied to the wall completely naked with many torcher instruments near them. Some even cover with male fluid.

When everyone saw this all the marines look down in shame. They can not continue to watch all this. Whitebeard and his crew have senard at this marines. Of he knew that this Marine are worse than a Pirate.

All the civilian population that was watching the broadcast turned pale after seeing this. They start to lose their faith in Marines.

Then Majin showed the video of the crocodile and straw hat where they helped the kingdom but Marine took the credit. All the crew members of Whitebeard start to laugh at marine shamelessness.

Tsuru just shook her head. As this was also the read she never wanted to be an Admiral.

After the video end Majin then asked kong "isn't marine just a dog of world govt, what can you expect from a dog of a scum." then he play the videos of the Celestial dragon and all of their actions.

"Even though everyone knows this know one voice it out. Why? Because they have a good dog who will listen to their every command." Majin said to himself. But everyone heard him.

Then he looked at every marine each of them then said "justice, Justice my foot. Before throwing mud on others, clear yourself first. Fucking don't."

After saying this he looked at Sengoku and asked again "what was aces sin for his execution? Did he kill any civilian, did he rape or loot any civilian, or did he do any unforgivable crime?"

Sengoku couldn't reply. He just looks down. He doesn't even know what to say now.

"Hmm, nothing then I will take ace with me," Majin said. Long wanted to say something but he couldn't find any word.

Then Majin looked at everyone and said "all the crew of whitebeard stand behind me." then he use telekinesis and pull ace, Luffy and his crew. No one objects to him. Then everyone moves and stand behind him even whitebeard and Rayleigh.

The hellhound that was beside him howled again. This time some of the Marine soldiers peed in their pants.

After that Majin fired 17 food beams in 17 different directions. He also increases its speed with more ability power. No even gas a chance to react. They saw that all the CP agents turned into candy and Majin collect it.

After everyone comes behind him main throw ace to Luffy. Then he look at the Marine and said "if you follow justice, then clean you're own Marine first. I give you a month. After that either there will be no scum inside marine or there will be no Marine in the world."

Then he looked at akinu and use his ope fruit ability and take something from him. He doesn't want to kill him now. He will feel the pain first and he will kill him slowly.

Then he uses his assimilation fruit power and uses all the ships of whitebeard and Marine to make a new ship. It is now the second-largest (the first one is Noah in fisherman island) ship in the world.

Then he use his telekinesis and pick everyone and put them on the ship. After that, he said "the war has ended. But your count down start from now tick-tock, tick-tock."

And start the ship as Marine saw Majin and Whitebeard crew left marineford with a lost face.