
In Multiverse with WHEEL of Random things and Abilities{Dropped}.

A soul that died a dog's death with a life filled with betrayal, sorrow, grief, and anger is given another chance in life with an unreliable ability/item. let's see if he can live a happy fulfilling life with this random ability. *************************************** It's my first time so please go easy on me. I own nothing but mc.

_Timeskip_000 · Komik
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47 Chs


Both Sasaki and Poseidon didn't move from their place as Poseidon was looking at the ground while Sasaki was thinking about all possible ways to attack Poseidon and how will he react to his attacks.

While devising his move all Sasaki could see was his death and after thinking for a but he decided to slowly approach Poseidon as the dude was not even looking at him after he reached him he dashed at him while swinging his katana but Poseidon easily dodged it as he attacked with his trident but Sasaki also dodges it and jumps back.

This time Poseidon decided to attack as he walks towards Sasaki and does continuous thrust and swings at him which was already predicted by Sasaki as he dodges almost every strike but he can't dodge all of them as one of them slashed below his ribs.

"Arghh" Sasaki grunted but kept his gaze at Poseidon...

Poseidon kept attacking him fully committed to killing Sasaki.

{ Sasaki has been wounded!! Can he keep going in his injured state or this round will go to God's! } said Heimdal...

Sasaki suddenly moves while dodgy Poseidon's attack and does a vertical slash attack but moved slightly and avoided it but Sasaki showed an impressive control I er his muscles and stops his weird mid-way showing no respect towards inertia.

Sasaki changed his grip on his katana and slashed upwards as Poseidon moves backward while some of his hair got cut by Sasaki's katana.

He finally looked at Sasaki as his whole aura changed, he thrust his trident at Sasaki making cuts all over him.

" Medusa alope Demeter!!" Poseidon launches his deadly attack as his speed increase so much as his afterimages created a dome of attacks. And as one of Poseidon's attacks was about to Peirce Sasaki he blocked it with his katana but his katana couldn't handle that blow and broke into two pieces.

"Kojiro!! Don't lose!!"

" Yes! Show him the might of a swordsman, who has honed his skills for his entire life!!"

Shouted a black-haired buff man with a big cross-shaped scar on his forehead, his name was Miyamoto Musashi.

As another swordsman in the crowd began cheering for Sasaki, ...

Hearing the voice of his people from whom he has learned most of his sportsmanship, Sasaki smiled as he gripped his now broken katana and also picked the broken blade, as green light shone and now Sasaki can be seen with two swords.

He closed his eyes and opened it as now he has made a breakthrough resulting in him seeing through all of Poseidon's attacks as he dashed at Poseidon while dodging all his attacks and then swings his katana completely slicing apart Poseidon's hand.

Poseidon catches his trident with his other hand as Sasaki again sliced it making Poseidon hold the trident in his mouth.

Sasaki finally does a cross slash with both his blades at Poseidon's stomach...

Poseidon's eyes were wide as he looked at Sasaki and said his last word...

" you... Loser..."

Said Poseidon before his body got split in two...

[ God's have received yet another defeat!! And just like this Greek mythology has lost another one of his major gods!! Seeing how things are transpired till now instead of humans, gods should be more worried about their own extinction!! Won't is so sad as Poseidon did defeat Sasaki in his last moment although it is more of a verbal defeat~ Anyway, this round's winner is Kojiro Sasaki!!!]

Human mobs morale was at an all-time high at this moment, as they have won 3 fights.

I can tell that some humans were even considering waging war on gods as they thought that God's we're not that powerful they thought them to be.

[ ladies and gentlemen let's move forward to our next match!! And let's see if gods can Win this match!! The outcome of ragnarok is in humanity's favor till now and if everything goes like it has been going than humans will get to live another 1000 years!]


Do you want to end this world quickly? Or you want every fight? This world only has fights and nothing more, so only fight can be written.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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