
In MHA With a Dimensional Trading Quirk

In a new life a few years before the crisis, a young man finds himself with nothing to face it but a trading system.

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85 Chs

Chapter 67

After the day of the villain attack and the sudden investigation, I was announced innocent of all charges. Thanks to my contacts, I could get away from the blackmail of the Hero Commission.

On my way, I asked Rin to launch the product and start cooperation with the police and the military with a limited supply of 100 shots. The price of each shot would be 3 million dollars. Quite a cheap price for the boost it can provide. With the power it provided of being able to lift 3 tons, enhanced speed and power, trained policemen and military could take the toll from most of the heroes. The only exception was when there was a strong villain that needed someone as big as Mt Lady to deal with. I then told her to open negotiations with other countries for international business and open branches.

'I can provide up to 1000 shots a month. The stocks, which I own most of, would skyrocket.' I thought as I entered my villa, hands in my pocket, smugly smirking. I just realized how desperate the Public Safety must have been to try to corner me for doing my job.

As soon as I got to the door, I found Mineta running toward me for a hug. I pushed him away by activating my aura, not letting him hug me.

He fell on his butt, but he stared at me with tears. "I thought that you would go to jail after you saved us," he sobbed.

"Stop being a wimp," I replied, "If you want to be a hero, you need to deal with these troubles with a smile."

"I can second that," said a familiar voice.

When I turned my head, I found All Might staring at me, giving me a thumbs up.

Next to him was Nezu, drinking tea.

I then turned to Mineta, "Go to your room and bother us."

He did as he was told without further questioning. 

I then sat opposite All Might and Nezu, who was the first to open his mouth to speak. 

"We've guaranteed that the Hero Commission won't bother you again," said Nezu. "And they won't get in your way to get your hero license. I can guarantee that."

"Don't worry. They just wanted to pressure me for some stuff," I assued. 

"I figured that out," Nezu sighed sadly. "But you have to understand, not everyone is optimistic about the changes you could make. Some are fearful, like those people back then fearing that AI would steal their jobs."

That was understandable. But still, I wouldn't tolerate the rude attitude they had shown me.

"I guess you have a point," I sighed, "if that's true, then I guess you're good for now."

"Haha, don't mention it. Besides, All Might had directly gone to the police and testified for you," Nezu said. "He even wanted to see you coming home."

Nezu, who was a very smart person, must have powerful contacts on their own.

I looked at Yagi, and I said, "there was no need for that. I have already dealt with it. But thanks."

"I was quite shocked when they said you faced those charges," All Might smiled, "I shouted that Kenshiro Shonen would never do something like that out of spite and that he was defending the heroes. Besides, we have obtained the information that the guys you fought were Nomus." He looked at Nezu and said, "Is it okay if we tell him now?"

"Yes. Kenshiro San should know," Nezu nodded, and then he looked at me. "What you have faced were creatures with multiple quirks. You may not know it since we surpassed any information regarding that. But there's only one person who can give people quirks, and he's All for One. We believe that he's active again, and he was after All Might and your quirk…."

I raised my eyebrow, feigning shock. Then I sighed and asked, "Who is he?"

They then started telling me the story that I knew from my previous life about All For One and th.

"I see, that makes sense. Since the Nomus had super regeneration plus an ability," I fretted, "So they were given their ability. I hope they are artificially made since I didn't mean to kill them, but found no other way."

"I know you're a smart guy. Given the fact that you got rid of the latter Nomu through manipulating your and Shigaraki's shapes," All Might smiled, laughing. "But it's a serious matter. We'd like to suggest that you move within UA."

"I'd like to skip that," I waved my hand.


"I'm more than capable of protecting myself," I assured. Even if I were attacked by a stronger Nomu and was unable to defeat them, I was more capable of escaping. And I had plenty of tricks up my sleeve.

"I know that," Nezu interrupted, "in that case, would you wish to apply for an early hero license?"

I stared at the rat-bear man with a narrowed eyebrow. He seemed like a genuinely good person. But to offer me a hero license early. It was like a free permission to kill the Nomus if I were to encounter them again.

I nodded.

"By the way, Kenshiro. I have to ask; how did you know that they are attacking UA?" asked Nezu, smiling.

He seemed to have a small suspicion of me, which he was entitled to have.

"How about I show you. But I hope you keep this ability of mine a secret." I then activated my Sharingan, casting a Genjutsu on him. In the genjutsu, I showed him the battle, and I modified it a bit. I explained how my eyes gave me the power to cast illusion and see memories of people, and even hypnotize them.

"If you are mentally weakened, I can access your memories. So, I can't simply look at someone and see their life. Being attacked randomly made me wonder why. By accessing the villain's memories, I found out that they would be attacking UA at the same time."

"I see."

"Huh." Confused, All Might looked at Nezu. Nezu briefly explained what my ability was.

"By the way, I have to ask, how's Eri doing?" I asked. I had left that girl with a shadow clone to save her. But I hadn't been able to check up on her.

"She's fine. She had been a bit shocked, but since she's a child, she'll be quick to forget," said Nezu. "I asked Aizawa not to bring her to classes anymore. I'd let her stay around me for a while."

I thought of something. That girl would be in constant danger with the villain league targeting UA.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to have her living with me once she learns how to control her quirk," I said, pointing out, "As you can see, I don't lack security or something."

Maybe I could teach her how to cultivate to protect herself. But again, that may make her too overpowered, given the nature of quirks. Quirks get stronger and evolve. Cultivating one's physique also includes the quirk cells, making them more powerful. And I didn't want a kid to become overpowered at 5 years old. They may end up thinking that the world was at the back of their hands and grow up with that mentality, which could be harmful.

'A couple of levels wouldn't do any harm, I guess.'

I planned to do something to guarantee the security around my house. Yanagi, AKA All Might, and Nezu, looked at each other. Nezu opened his mouth to speak.

"Actually, that's what I have suggested. She seemed to have taken a liking to you, and I didn't like the fact that a child was playing around UA," Nezu sighed, "But there are two problems with that?"

I could have a vague idea about what he's saying.

"I could rent Aizawa a floor if he wanted to train her," I said. "It's not a big deal. But what's the second problem?"

"The Hero Commission," he said, "they regard Eri's quirk as dangerous as it could get out of control at any given moment. And that they place large hopes on her and her power."

"These bastards. Aren't they the real villains?" I asked.

Nezu shook his head. "They are doing what's necessary so everyone can have the lifestyle they're enjoying. If you think about it, if the public image of the heroes fell, then the security system would fall. Heroes are just humans, and when their morale is down, they simply will give up. You're from this country, so you know something about our ancestors' moral code. Without honor, the samurai plants his blade in his abdomen. Villains would arise, and chaos would ensue. You're a smart guy. I believe you know that."

"I understand. Being good doesn't mean being nice," I sighed, then I chuckled. "But you should have seen their faces when they realized I have contacts."

Nezu chuckled. "You have a nice talent for politics."

"Putting that aside for now, what will we do about Eri?" I said.

"For 5 days a week, she'd be at your house. And for the weekends, she will be with us to train," Nezu said.

"Understandable," I replied. I didn't think mom would mind taking care of her. With Rin being nearby, I could tell when something bad could happen.

"By the way, Kenshiro. About that Superman shot," asked Nezu, "does it work on humans with quirks?"

"We haven't tested it on them yet. But the rats with quirks showed improvement," I said nonchalantly. Somehow, seeing Nezu's mice-like appearance, I added, "No offense to you."

"None taken," Nezu replied. "And besides, I'm not a rat."

"Then what are you?" I asked curiously.

He smirked, "that would be left for you to figure out."

I turned my head to All Might, who lowered his head and faked a few coughs. Even the behemoth of a guy didn't know about the real race of the principal. Well, it wasn't very important for now.

"Anyway, if you're interested, there is a nearby hero test, held on the weekend," said All Might. "I'll accompany you there personally."

"You have enough faith in me," I said.

"Seeing your quirk and knowing that man, I'm certain he'll come after you," All Might grimaced. "And we need to at least give you enough freedom to protect yourself." All Might then got his head closer to mine and smiled widely. "And according to your teacher, your strength has increased exponentially after our last fight."

I jerked back. "Yeah, I think so as well."

Talking about power, I wondered how Orochimaru was doing.