
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

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chapter 61 Expo

It was finally the day for the Stark Expo and Jack was going with his school, apparently mid town science high was arranging a field trip.

Jack was othinking about everything that happened in the time being, For one, Stark was surrounded by SHIELD and Coulson so Jack didn't visit him the whole time. And another thing was him finally going for that magic training to Kamar-Taj

It was a really good experience for Jack. He was being personally trained by The Ancient One, this led to him talking with Jean Grey more and more. Jean was really surprised to see Jack, Jack decided to go as himself.

He didn't go as any of his characters but his real identity. Jean lept at him the moment she saw him, there were even some tears in her eyes when she saw him. It wasn't like his forms will be able to use spells.

Jack asked her what happened for her to be crying like that, he had expected her to be shocked and happy after seeing him, her crying like that was unexpected, Jack knew something was wrong at that moment but she wouldn't tell him

Just saying that she was too happy to see him, Jack on the other hand looked at the ancient One who shrugged, basically claiming she knew nothing about what was going on,

Jack was able to learn how to form the basic constructs, unlike the others who spent weeks before they were successful on their first spell, Jack was able to do so in his sixth try,

He still remembered how the Ancient One praised him to be one of the most skilled Mystic arts users she ever met. She told him, that he would go a long way.

Unlike the others he didn't want to have a connection or contract with any of the other dimensions, he didn't want there to be any side effects.

In a week he had learned how to cast a shield, make ropes and weapons as well as how to access the mirror universe.

Jean was also a little jealous of Jack, not because she couldn't learn magic, but because she wasn't ready to yet, The Ancient One advised her not to learn any of the mystic arts and try talking with the angry bird that resided in her mind.

Jean told Jack how she was able to talk to the Phoenix force and that it looked majestic. The communication between the two was really good and Jean believed she had it under control.

Jack was about to set out for the school, he had to be there on time to be a part of the trip, but was stopped by Jean who came running at him

"Hey!" yelled Jean

"Sigh! Jean, I told you, the Ancient One doesn't want you going out for a while, she said you can't go out until you learn to master the Phoenix force" said Jack for the umpteenth time

"Ahhhhhhh, I really wanna go out, please please please" Jean kept shaking Jack like he was a doll, Jack felt like he was being held by Iron pincers, Jean had gotten physically stronger ever since she started talking with the Phoenix force

"Come on Jean, be reasonable" begged Jack

"But I really wanna go out, it's been a long time, I haven't gone out for so long, I feel like I am gonna lose control one of these days" begged Jean as she kept pulling Jack, trying to stop him as he was trying to pass through the portal

After being relentlessly shaken for a long time, he was finally fed up and decided to take her with him, not before using the patrons and having it deliver a message to the Ancient One

His Patronus was an Eagle the size of a car, though he could make it smaller if he wanted

Jack and Jean landed in their house since Jean was here, he decided to go to the Expo at his own expense, this way he could keep Jean Company and act if Jean gets rattled, besides, from what he knew, The Expo will become a battlefield today.

He let Peter know his plans by calling him. After changing his clothes and getting Jeans clothes from the sanctuary, they both set off for the Expo

Jean kept looking around the place like a small child, Jack didn't expect the impact of being solitude was so big on Jean, he needed to talk with The Ancient One

Jean still didn't tell him that she was a mutant, maybe because of the teachings of Charles we're so well established that she didn't feel the need to tell him or she was scared he might back away from her.

Jean only told him that she was the host of a magical force of nature. Jack didn't mind, he believed if he gave her enough time, she would come out to him.

In an hour, they were finally inside the Expo, the place was beautiful, Jean kept going from stall to stall and eating anything she wanted, of course, Jack was the one paying for it since she was cut off from the world for a while now.

She even bought some for later and kept it in her purse, Jack was happy to see that she hadn't gotten rid of his gift yet. though it would be a bad idea to do so as this purse was one of a kind.

Finally they made their way to the main Auditorium and met up with Gwen and Peter ,they had saved two seats for them since Jack told them that he had company.

Jack introduced Jean to his friends, Jean was also happy to see that he had made friends as she would often be worried about him...until she heard the news from Charles.

'Dammit Charles!' Cursed Jean as she remembered some thing she didn't want to


A/N: Hey! hope you like my novel

you can get advanced chapters on patreoon,NOVACORP is profile name

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