
In Marvel with Insane Craft!

Sawada Masa gets stuck up in a situation where he is now in Marvel. But he's been blessed with maybe one of the best systems yet. Read on as Masa rises and gains control over the entire multiverse.

Shzoinks_ · Komik
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Loot Bags

Aha! I know what to do! If I can get a mob spawner, I could turn them into loot bags!"

Masa decides to dig down next to his particle accelerator. He digs down a couple of blocks and finds a mineshaft.

"When there's a mineshaft, there's a mob spawner!"

Masa walks around in the mineshaft before finding an spider spawner. He breaks all of the webs out of the way and stone. He adds torches around the spawner block to prevent it from spawning any more spiders. Using his crafting table, he builds iron spikes which really took a big chunk of his resources. He sets up all of the mob grinder along with the chests and removes the torches from the spider spawner.

"*Yawns* time to sleep. Let's see how many loot bags I get tomorrow"

Masa goes back up to his house and sleeps in his minecraft bed.






"Huh *yawns* it's already morning. I feel like I only slept for 4 hours. Let's check the loot bags!"

Masa dashes down to his Loot Bag spawner and finds all of the chests he set up was full and loot bags were spurting out.

"Jesus! So much!"

Masa checks a rare loot bag on the ground and finds an engraved thunder inside with a few obsidian blocks. Masa grabs out the engraved thunder from the bag and decides to test it out. Leaving his loot bag spawner, he goes outside and decides to test the contraption on a iron golem. He charges up the engraved thunder and shoots the iron golem, killing it with one hit.

"Jesus that's powerful, it's too bad I have no use for it thanks to the flash's powers"

He goes back to the loot bag spawner and checks another rare bag, finding an ender book and a enchanted scroll of fire protection.

"This ender book will come useful"

(sorry for the short chapter, I had no motivation today)